Raymond Gauguier


Sophie's Ways
Céline is a free-spirited woman is married to a dull, middle manager Philippe. Her husband's co-worker pegged her as a household ornament because of the union. She befriends a woman who shows her how to juggle the couple's living expenses to get what she wants. As she asserts her independence and gradually frees herself from her husband's claustrophobic world, she turns to painting and writing about the inequity between genders.
The Servant
18-year-old small town Aline arrives in Paris and is employed as house servant in Robert and Ulla Marbois' home. Robert takes a fancy towards Aline and they begin an affair.
The Saint Lies in Wait
Oscar Chartier plays a dangerous double game by selling secret plans to the German and American secret services, to ensure a comfortable future for his daughter, Sophie. But the plans are fake and Chartier decides to get help from his good friend Simon Templar.
Armas para el caribe
Sound Engineer
El señor Hendrix contrata a Jacques Cournot, un experto en barcos, para que lo asesore en la compra de un yate para su empresa. Tras una cuidadosa revisión de la nave, "El Dragoon", Cournot le da el visto bueno, y Hendrix inicia las negociaciones con la señora Osborne, la dueña del barco. Un par de días después, Cournot es interrogado por la policía sobre la verdadera naturaleza del negocio. Tanto el yate como Hendrix desaparecen y la señora Osborne parece no saber nada al respecto. Mientras tanto, en las playas de Santo Domingo aparecen cadáveres que presentan indudables signos de violencia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Lucky Jo
Lucky Jo and his three friends are little criminals, who try to live from small burglaries. But they never have luck - ever so often something inpredictable happens to Jo and gets one of them arrested. While Jo is in prison once again, they decide they'd better do without him in future. He decides to help them secretly...and unfortunately.
Léonard Monestier owns a large fortune, alas his wife Cynthia made a bad investment in a worthless oil concession. Far from letting this get him down, Léonard decides to find a sucker to buy this concession from him. Right on cue appears Antoine Brévin, a befuddled billionaire who is very interested in Léonard's beautiful daughter Patricia and would do anything to win her hand...
Mathias Sandorf
Sound Engineer
Cansados del abuso de poder del gobierno y de la absoluta negación de las libertades básicas, el Conde Mathias Sandorf prepara una conspiración que permita derrocar el poder establecido. Sin embargo, mientras la revolución va cogiendo forma surge un pequeño problema, Isabel, la única hija de Sandorf, planea casarse con el Conde Federico de Rotemburg, el gobernador general de la región. Todo se complica aún más cuando Sandorf es traicionado por uno de sus amigos y es enviado a prisión.
Dans l'eau... qui fait des bulles!...
Sound Recordist
Paul Ernzer, enólogo en quiebra, descubre el cadáver del hombre que le ha arruinado y que era el blanco de varias personas; la viuda del "ahogado", la mujer de Ernzer, algunos traficantes... (FILMAFFINITY)
Ascensor para el cadalso
Sound Engineer
Julien Tavernier, héroe de la guerra de Indochina, trabaja para el industrial Simon Carala, y es el amante de su esposa, Florence. Para poder vivir juntos, los amantes deciden matar al marido de modo que parezca un suicidio, pero ocurre algo que no estaba previsto.
There's Always a Price Tag
Un pintor pobre, Robert Mabillon, rescata una tarde al millonario Eric Fréminger, cuando intentaba lanzarse debajo de las ruedas de un coche. Tras haberse emborrachado, Mabillon propone renovar su lujosa residencia en Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, en la riviera francesa. No obstante, Fréminger lo convence para que se convierta en su chófer. Esa misma noche, Mabillon es testigo de una violenta disputa entre su anfitrión y su seductora esposa, Hélène. Poco tiempo después, recibe la vista de esta última, con el pretexto de marcharse a sus respectivos hogares.
The Beautiful Otero
An Italo-French biopic about one of the most famous women of Belle Époque, Spanish-born dancer and actress, star of Folies-Bèrgere: Carolina Otero.
La condesa de Castiglione
La condesa de Castiglione fue considerada la mujer más bella del mundo. Una de las más célebres amantes de Napoleón III. Llegó a París con 19 años, pues su primo Cavour, primer ministro del rey Víctor Manuel II de Cerdeña y Piamonte, la induce para conquistar a Luis Napoleón III, con el propósito de conseguir el apoyo del soberano francés a la causa piamontesa.
Gregory Iefommovich Raspoutine is a monk with healing powers and a liking for debauchery who manages to insinuate himself into the court of the Romanoffs thanks to Princess Dikvona. Being the only person able to heal he son of Czar Nicolas II and Czarina Alexandra from his hemophilia, he becomes a very powerful man, which infuriates many.A group of nobles, determined to save the monarchy, start conspiring to murder him.
The Rebels of Lomanach
A young woman has a perilous affair with a General from the opposing side during the Revolutionary war.
Boom on Paris
In the early 1950s, the popular radio show "La Kermesse aux Étoiles", hosted by the famous Jean Nohain, mixing lottery games and performances of various artists, will be disrupted by the adventures of a man and his fiancée seeking to recover a dangerous bottle of perfume (explosive) which was unfortunately mixed with the prizes to be won ...
Captain Slipper
A bank clerk is bored to death with his nine-to-five work under his boss ' watchful eye. His missus is a pain in the neck and his in-laws are not better.