Darren Sean Enright

Darren Sean Enright

Nacimiento : 1970-02-23, Kent, England


Born in Kent, Darren began acting at an early age at 11 years old he was spotted by Dorren English a early founder of children's theatrical agents. Darren soon went onto work with the BBC in productions also TVS Television south west amongst others. He has continued to work in film and television since then building a long list of theatrical work.


Darren Sean Enright
Darren Sean Enright


Cannibals and Carpet Fitters
A group of carpet fitters are sent on a job to an old Country house in the middle of nowhere. However they soon discover it's a trap set up by the savage, cannibalistic family, The Hannings. The carpet fitters are forced to fight for their lives or risk ending up being the evenings dinner. Unfortunately they are not quite your typical heroes!
I Know What I'm Doing
Stanley Claxton
June Bennett va a Yorkshire para casarse con uno de los hombres más ricos de Gran Bretaña. A pesar de tener el doble de su edad, ella sabe lo que está haciendo.
Strawberry Fields
Transient Worker
Strawberry Fields is the story of two sisters who both like the same man but in different ways and is a bold and inventive melodrama that offers a distinctively refreshing spin on a complex story of lust, rivalry and liberation. A seemingly carefree woman is seen cycling through narrow lanes before reaching a strawberry farm where she takes on a job, living in a shabby caravan, starting to develop friendships with her co-workers and in particular one rugged farmhand, Kev. Although aloof and mysterious its not until a dazzling woman appears in the strawberry fields that we discover who she was running away from her sister, Emily. Emily is eccentric to the point of dangerous and its not long before the two sisters form a battle of wills with Kev caught in the crossfire (http://forum.movie-list.com).
Broadmoor Patient #2
Peter: A Study for a Portrait of a Serial Killer is a feature film that delivers uncompromising performances and rare, shocking archive to reveal for the first time ever the astonishing true story of The Yorkshire Ripper. Exploring his childhood, the sadistic murders of 13 women and his ongoing psychological treatment, the audience journey into the dark and twisted mind of Britain s most notorious serial killer. Psychiatrists say he is a dangerous paranoid schizophrenic, many think he is simply evil; this film challenges the audience to make up their own mind.
Layer Cake (Crimen organizado)
Elegante y cortés, nuestro anónimo héroe (Daniel Craig) es un traficante respetado, todo un profesional. Trabajando con la cocaína y con el éxtasis con la mayor naturalidad, como si de cualquier otro material se tratase, ha conseguido hacerse con una buena fortuna. Habiendo tomado la decisión de retirarse, su objetivo es salir del mundo del crimen, la droga y la violencia, y llevar una vida sencilla. Pero antes de que esto suceda, el jefe del crimen Jimmy Price (Kenneth Cranham) quiere que le haga dos favores. El primero es que debe encontrar a la hija desaparecida de un poderoso criminal, Eddie Temple (Michael Gambon). En segundo lugar, debe negociar la venta de un importante envío de éxtasis con Duke (Jamie Foreman). Lo que debería ser simple rutina acaba complicándose y nada sale según el plan. En vez de eso, la mentira y las alianzas ocultas se convierten en el orden del día.
Going Green
Amber and Nigel, seventeen-year-old daughter Liberty, and Amber?s father Michael, live in London. With Amber and Nigel both made redundant, they are no longer able to pay their mortgage. Facing repossession of their house, they decide to give everything up and go north to Scotland on a camping trip to contemplate their future. Liberty and Michael elect to stay behind and make alternative living arrangements.