En un mundo donde la tecnología digital ha invadido nuestras vidas, algunos de nosotros terminamos agrietados. Adicto o tecnófobo, con la familia o en la escuela, en el trabajo o en el amor, Smiley cuenta los destinos cómicos y salvajes del Homo Numericus al borde de una crisis nerviosa.
En el ministerio de Defensa, la capitana Eve Catraz dirige el grupo de intervención de los fenómenos psicológicos. En el Vaticano, Monseñor Frank De Kern se encarga de estudiar los milagros y otras manifestaciones paranormales que entorpecen gravemente los intereses de la Iglesia. Ambos acaban formando un curioso dúo de investigadores encargados de desmitificar lo inexplicable.
A treasure buried on an island of the Antilles. A pirate without a straight leg, without a boat, treacherous and bloodthirsty and without the treasure map. A baroness flamboyant, unscrupulous, praying mantis, penniless, but with a boat. A young man without fear and without brains, but with the treasure map engraved somewhere in his failing memory. A doctor without drinking, providential specialist of failing memories and other atypical amnesia ... It is this dream team that sails anchor one morning in the year of grace a thousand and seven hundred and a few, towards the treasure island and its coves of pink sand.
Judith Ralitzer, mujer fatal y escritora de éxito busca los personajes para su próximo best-seller. Un asesino en serie se escapa del psiquiátrico. A Huguette, una ingenua peluquera parisina, la abandona su novio en una estación de servicio. Algunos encuentros son más decisivos que otros...
Francis, who is in his forties, manages the French subsidiary of an American high-tech company. But the shareholders suddenly decide to close it. Depressed by the idea of being unemployed and the prospect of losing his second wife, Francis decides to consult a fortune-teller. The experience is a real eye-opener for him and the start of a new career: He pretends to be a fortune teller himself and turns into Madame Irma. How to explain that to his wife Clotilde?
Esther is a want-to-be author, trying to get her first novel published . She is about to get married to David, a young doctor. She feels quite unconfortable between her mom harassing her with the wedding preparation, her sister urging her to think twice before, her fiancé who falls for her best friend and a clairvoyant who tells her she will meet another man pretty soon. When she runs into Adam, a childhood friend, something clicks in her. She decides to reinvent her life. It is now time for her to make a real choice