Aage Winther-Jørgensen

Aage Winther-Jørgensen


Aage Winther-Jørgensen
Aage Winther-Jørgensen


The Singing Forest
A tragic tale of two lovers from the holocaust. Fate tore them apart, destiny brought them together.
Don Olsen kommer til byen
En mand
I en lille provinsby residerer bankdirektør L.W. Jacobsen. Han er ikke særlig interesseret i sin kone, Elsebeth, men derimod i lærerinde og byrådsmedlem frk.Mortensen. Thorsen, byens manufakturhandler er medlem af samme byrådsgruppe som Jacobsen. Så kommer Don Olsen til byen. Olsen er ikke interesseret i det pænere borgerskab, men derimod i mennesker. Ved et tilfælde mødes Thorsen og Olsen og snart drikker de dus. Thorsen slæber ud på natten mælkemandens hest med hjem i lejligheden. Skandalen er en realitet. Thorsen vil flygte, men med Olsens hjælp bejler han i stedet til byens borgere og frk.Mortensen under mottoet "Gør gode tider bedre"
The protagonist is a jovial bus driver, well beloved by his passengers, essentially the whole community around him. The bus, however, is old, and needs to be replaced. The bus driver himself is also needed as a handyman for all the people around him, assisting with stray cattle, household machines, children's homework, errands of all kinds, and at one occasion, assisting birth. Progress is however leaving him behind, and the local county council plots on a solution, involving a new bus and driver. The community revolts, and the local midwife (married to the mayor) intervenes with all the locals to keep the bus driver, who ends up keeping his job in a new bus.
A sort of forerunner to Hollywood's Boogie Nights (1997), this Danish melodrama is set in the world of strip clubs. A medical student (Frits Helmuth) earns money for tuition working in a burlesque joint. He falls for one of the girls (Malene Schwarz), but she is also involved with a movie director (John Price). The director and Helmuth get into a philosophical debate about love and Darwinism, and the film ends with a duel (the film's title). Duellen was met with mostly incomprehension when it premiered and is no more lucid when viewed today. The striptease scene featuring full-frontal nudity is tame by modern standards.
Harry and the Butler
A gentle comedy offering the promise of easy social consensus. Harry (Helmuth) is a simple old-time shop porter offered a chance at self-realisation when he's bequeathed a sum by an unknown relative (via several levels of fiscal blood suckers). He decides to engage a butler to take good care of him for a time. This is a man of distinguished upper class service, but a generous nature which happily integrates with Harry's small but colourful world of drinking buddies and crackpot neighbourhood kids.
Skibet er ladet med
"The ship is loaded with" four angry young men, an original skipper, a fashion model, a radio station, a pirate flag and various musical instruments. And the ship is at anchor in international waters and can not sail forward or backward. On the other hand it can emit radio advertising, and it does.
Onkel Bill fra New York
Mariannes bryllup
Mig og min familie
Jens Peter
Der var engang en gade
Tante Tut fra Paris
Sørensen - vognmand
Ild og jord
Kongeligt besøg
Kriminalsagen Tove Andersen
En sortbørshaj
Min kone er uskyldig
For frihed og ret
Utilfreds dansker
To som elsker hinanden
Drama på slottet
Jeg mødte en morder
A young woman of good family is driven into one of thieves and prostitutes and ends in suicide.
Sørensen og Rasmussen
Mogens - Jæger
The Golden Smile
Skaf en sensation
Editor Halling is always looking for sensations in his newspaper. He believes in the principle that readers must have what they like,and he therefore notes with satisfaction that there has been a new large jewel theft, the fifth in the last 14 days. It is apparently an unusually cunning gang and the police are powerless. Between the numerous newspaper delivery is the little newspaper girl Suzanne, called Sus, and she manage a small newsstand in Adelgade.
The Vicar of Vejlby
A tale of murder and marriage in 1625 Denmark.