Liselotte Pulver

Liselotte Pulver

Nacimiento : 1929-10-11, Bern, Switzerland


Liselotte Pulver (11 October 1929), sometimes credited as Lilo Pulver, is a Swiss actress. Pulver was one of the stars of German cinema in the 1950s and 1960s, where she often was cast as a tomboy. She is well known for her hearty and joyful laughter.


Liselotte Pulver
Liselotte Pulver
Liselotte Pulver


Lilos Lachen - Das erstaunliche Leben der Liselotte Pulver
Die Gentlemen baten zur Kasse
Frances Reynolds
René Deltgen – Der sanfte Rebell
sie selbst
Die Zürcher Verlobung – Drehbuch zur Liebe
Ein Leben wie im Flug
The celebration of Joachim 'Blacky' Fuchsberger's 80th birthday. A biographical documentary.
The Superwife
Alma Winkel
Kleiner Mann ganz groß
Documentary feature about German actor Heinz Rühmann made shortly before his death in 1994.
Weihnachtsfest mit Hindernissen
Frau Schwarzkopf
Herbst in Lugano
Jessica Mehring
Humor ist eine ernste Sache - Der Filmregisseur Kurt Hoffmann
Boeing Boeing
Jeden Mittwoch
Noch 'ne Oper
Woman on ship
A musical comedy written by Heinz Erhardt and his son Gero Erhardt.
Bread and Stones
Lisbeth Widimattbauern
A small farmer's struggle for survival against the odds.
Treffpunkt Herz
Monika und die Sechzehnjährigen
German sex comedy
Orpheus in der Unterwelt
Öffentliche Meinung
Five Leaf Clover
A middle-aged couple moves into an old villa populated by eccentric characters.
Hoopers letzte Jagd
Jenny Richardson
After Chief Superintendent James Hooper was able to arrest the legendary Gentlemen mail robbery gang, he is only missing the head of the gang. But the extremely shrewd Michael Richy Richardson plays a cat-and-mouse game with the man from Scotland Yard, who has been chasing the gentleman gangster across the globe for years now. Richy changes identities like he changes suits, slipping Hooper through the net again and again. He is slowly running out of time, as his retirement is imminent. In well-deserved retirement, Hooper's final hunt begins anew, as the dogged ex-chief inspector is unwilling to let the super gangster escape.
Eine Nervensäge gegen alle
Hannelore Schmidt
Glorious Times in the Spessart
The countess is married, and the ghosts are still in the Spessart. Her husband becomes an astronaut and the story involved time travelling and space travelling starts.
El falsificador de Argenteuil
Tulipe es un anciano jubilado que vive solo en un antiguo vagón, y que tiene como afición cultivar tranquilamente su jardín y la pintura al óleo, pero también tiene una fuente secreta de ingresos. Su ahijado, Noel, descubre que Tulipe es en realidad un maestro falsificador, que produce copias perfectas de billetes de 10 francos. La novia de Noel ve en esto esto una oportunidad de volverse ricos, pero deben convencer a Tulipe de falsificar billetes de 500 francos.
Der Regenmacher
Lizzie Curry
La religiosa
Mme de Chelles
En el siglo XVIII Suzanne Simonin -Anna Karina- es obligada por su familia a entrar en el convento de Longchamp, donde la superiora De Moni -Micheline Presle- la convence para que tome los hábitos, pero a la muerte de ésta debe soportar la férrea disciplina de la Madre Sainte-Christine -Francine Bergé- y su afirmación de que está endemoniada.
Agda Kjerulf
Kurt Hoffmann's remake of his own 1953 movie based on the play by Curt Goetz.
El hombre de Cocody
Las peripecias de un diplomático, quien de pronto se ve envuelto en un espinoso asunto de tráfico de diamantes y tiene que enfrentarse a los miembros de una secta secreta.
Dr. med. Hiob Prätorius
Elisabeth Bernadac
Désespéré par la mort de sa femme, le banquier René Duchesne se promène le long de la Seine. Seule la rencontre de Suzanne, son ancienne femme de chambre lui révélant les infidélités de Madame, le sauve du suicide. Monsieur décide alors d'aider sa protégée à sortir de la prostitution, et d'empêcher ses beaux-parents de faire main basse sur l'héritage.
Un biberón en la ONU
Un diplomático encuentra a un bebé abandonado en el edificio de las Naciones Unidas. Como nadie sabe qué país tendría que ocuparse de él, decide encargarse él mismo de cuidar al recién nacido.
Una chica casi formal
Lili Steiner
El director de una empresa alemana que viaja a España acompañado de una secretaria que domina el castellano, intentará seducir a la joven.
Breakfast in Bed
Liane Clausen
Kohlhiesel's Daughters
Liesel and Susi Kohlhiesel
Landlord Kohlhiesl has two twin daughters that nevertheless couldn't be more different: Liesel is beautiful, feminine, sophisticated, educated and in love with a fellow, Toni, from back home. The other daughter, Susi, is clumsy, masculine, never left home and wants nothing to do with men. Liesel would dearly love to marry Tony, but her father refuses to allow the wedding until her sister Susi has found a husband first...
Where the Truth Lies
Catherine Rauchelle
A young veterinarian falls in love with a strange woman, a former explorer who might be a Voodoo priestess, after he comes to help her ailing cheetah. She begs him to return to Africa with her, but he doesn’t want to leave his wife. Soon his wife finds herself plagued by a series of bizarre accidents.
Marie Antoinette
Uno, dos, tres
Fräulein Ingeborg
C.R. MacNamara, un alto directivo destinado en Berlín Occidental, recibe el encargo de cuidar de la hija de su jefe durante una de sus visitas. Cuando MacNamara se entera de que la chica se ha escapado y ha contraído matrimonio con un exaltado joven comunista, y de que su jefe estará de vuelta en tan solo veinticuatro horas, no le queda más remedio que transformar al reacio revolucionario en un yerno digno; de lo contrario, ya puede despedirse de su ascenso. Pero en menos de lo que se tarda en decir "un, dos, tres", sus planes se le escapan de las manos y provocan un incidente internacional capaz de enfadar a los rusos, a los alemanes y, lo que es peor, a su propia esposa, que ya está con la mosca detrás de la oreja.
Gustav Adolfs Page
Gustl Leubelfing
Gustl Leubelfing, daughter of the mayor of Nuremberg adores the king of the Swedes. So she happily substitutes her brother as Gustav Adolf's page instead of marrying her fiancée Roland. Of course she has to hide that she's a woman, especially when they go into war against Wallenstein.
The Haunted Castle
The ghosts of thieves help a beautiful young countess save her inherited castle from modern developers in this comic horror/musical.
A Glass of Water
Queen Anne
Intrigue and scheming at the court of Queen Anne of England between liberal Lord Bolingbroke and Lady Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough. German comedy after the play of Eugène Scribe.
Buddenbrooks - 2. Teil
Tony Buddenbrook
Second part of two of the saga of the troubled Buddenbrook family and their business in 19th century Germany.
Antonie Buddenbrook
First part of two of the saga of the troubled Buddenbrook family and their business in mid 19th century Germany.
Beautiful Adventure
Dorothee Durand
The teacher Dorothee Durand, young and single, travels from England to the picturesque south of France to find the remaining remnants of her family. Her search takes her to Nimes, where she meets the likewise single Marius, a hotelier, who immediately falls in love with the beautiful woman. And so it turns out that after traveling through half of France, Dorothy not only finds her relatives, but also ...
Arms and the Man
Raina Petkoff
1865: Swiss captain Bluntschli fights as mercenary in the war between Bulgaria and Serbia. When his group's attacked by a few Bulgarian troopers, he learns that he's got the wrong ammunition for his cannon and has to flee. His flight leads him right into the bedroom of his enemy's fiancée.
The Gambler
Pauline Zagorianski
In 1866, a young Muscovite named Alexei Ivanovitch arrives in Baden Baden, then the gambling capital of Austria, and is soon engaged by General Zagorianski to look after his children. Alexei discovers that his employer is a compulsive gambler who has been almost ruined by his addiction. The only money the General has is provided by the Marquis de Grieux, an adventurer who intends to marry Zagorianski’s sister, Pauline. In doing so, de Grieux hopes to profit from the vast inheritance that will come the General’s way from his Aunt Antonina, who is presently very ill. Alexei is appalled by this society which lives only for money. He loves Pauline and wants to take her to a healthier place, but when she refuses to marry him, he begins to gamble at the casino…
Tiempo de amar, tiempo de morir
Elizabeth Kruse Graeber
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un soldado alemán que combate en el frente ruso obtiene un permiso para volver a Alemania. Tras comprobar que su casa ha sido bombardeada, emprende la búsqueda de sus padres desaparecidos; al mismo tiempo, conoce a la hija de un preso político y se enamora de ella.
The Spessart Inn
Countess Franziska "is kidnapped" by a band of robbers. However, her father is not willing to pay the ransom so Franziska changes sides.
Confessions of Felix Krull
Thomas Mann's witty and intimate story of a irresistible scoundrel.
Compromiso en Zúrich
Juliane Thomas
Juliane Thomas es una joven escritora ambiciosa pero desempleada. Después de romper con su amante, trabaja en un amigo dentista para llegar a fin de mes. Un día, instantáneamente se enamora de uno de los pacientes (Jean Berner) y rápidamente escribe un guión de película sobre el encuentro en el que proyecta sus propias fantasías sobre cómo resultarán las cosas eventualmente. Por coincidencia este guión de película es recogido por un director de cine que resulta ser el mejor amigo de Berner y a partir de ahí las cosas se complican mucho...
Las aventuras de Arsenio Lupin
Baroness Mina von Kraft
Arsenio Lupin es un célebre ladrón francés de guante blanco, que se esconde con la identidad del Duque de Charmerace. El káiser Guillermo de Alemania, incentivado por una de sus aristócratas, decide secuestrarlo para ver si es capaz de descubrir un escondite secreto de su castillo en el que guarda una importante joya.
Jeanne oder Die Lerche
Jeanne d'Arc
Heute heiratet mein Mann
Thesi Petersen
Smaragden - Geschichte
Jennifer Lindsey
I Often Think of Piroschka
Andreas, a young German student comes to Hungary on an exchange programme. In the Hungarian village he falls in love with the stationmaster's daughter Piroschka and spends much of his time with her. They have an enchanting summer until Andreas gets an invitation to join another young woman at a nearby resort. Piroschka is jealous and follows him there, causing trouble. It takes a long time for Andreas and Piroschka to even talk to each other again. When Andreas has to leave Hungary at the end of his holiday, he is determined to return some day.
Uli the Tenant
Uli has been the tenant of the "Glunggen-farm" for two years. His wife Vreneli gave him two children and the couple is happy. But this year, the harvest looks bad and his landlord calls in the rent, as the old man urgently needs money to satisfy the demands of his son and stepson. Desperate to make ends meet, Uli fraudulently sells a cow knowing that she does not produce any milk. He is pursued in court but is acquitted. But then, the buyer curses him... and disaster promptly strikes.
Hilde Graf
In Germany during World War II, a well-known psychic decides to collaborate with the Nazis.
Reaching for the Stars
Unsere kleine Stadt
Emily Webb
This is a German version of Thornton Wilder's play, Our Town.
Der letzte Sommer
Jessika Tolemainen
Uli der Knecht
The film traces Uli's progress from his humble peasant surroundings to the homes of the wealthy and prominent. The characterizations are convincing, and the comic interludes surprisingly subtle and believable for a Swiss film. The no-star cast doomed Uli Der Knecht from the start so far as American distribution was concerned. It was another matter in Switzerland, where the film was one of the year's top moneymakers. Uli der Knecht was based on a novel by Jeremias Gottbelf.
Schule für Eheglück
A lighthearted comedy about a couple that tries to keep their struggling marriage together.
Männer im gefährlichen Alter
Anna, sein Mündel
Ich und Du
Das Nachtgespenst
Von Liebe reden wir später
Bianca Merz
Have Sunshine in Your Heart
Miss Helm
On a mountain lake, in the picturesque Alps in the Salzburg region, the old, rich grumble has retired to his country house and actually only wants to live in peace and seclusion. Soon the longed-for peace will be over, because in the immediate vicinity a home for little-wealthy holiday children will be opened in an empty house, which will be headed by the cheerful and optimistic teacher Miss Helm.
Fritz und Friederike
Corry Bell
Heidelberger Romanze
Susanne Edwards
The rich and jung American Susanne falls in love with the Student Hans-Joachim. Set in the romantic Heidelberg.
Swiss Tour
Flirt eines G.I.
A sailor on leave meets a beautiful girl on the ski slopes of Switzerland.