Ingebjørg Torgersen

Ingebjørg Torgersen


Ingebjørg Torgersen


False Belief
The love story of a couple caught up in the gentrification of a neighborhood that is wiping out a seminal African-American cultural legacy and displacing its original residents. In 2008 Norwegian artist and filmmaker Lene Berg moved in with her partner, a Black New York publisher, who will be referred to as D. After giving a statement to the police about being harassed by his neighbor in Harlem, D. was arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned. But for what exactly? His arrest initiated a journey over the course of which D.’s faith in the American justice system put everything he cherished in life at risk.
Gompen og andre beretninger om overvåking i Norge 1948-1989
Assistant Director
Gomp: Tales of surveillance in Norway 1948-1989 is a film from a staged hearing focusing on the surveillance of dissidents during the Cold War. Through its unique set of characters, the film depicts a complex image of Post War Norway as well as various aspects and consequences of being surveilled. Produced as a live event, it is simultaneously a documentary, a work of fiction and a piece of political theater.
The hospital clowns are a group of professional performing artists who specialize in working with children in hospitals. The clowns contribute to positive experiences for children and young people in an otherwise demanding life situation.
The hospital clowns are a group of professional performing artists who specialize in working with children in hospitals. The clowns contribute to positive experiences for children and young people in an otherwise demanding life situation.
Most People Live in China
Mucha gente vive en China. Pero,¿quiénes en realidad viven en Noruega, a primera vista, un país perfecto? Una posible respuesta se perfila entre las líneas de esta sorprendente película, que cuenta ocho historias inspiradas por ocho partidos políticos, escritos por seis guionistas y dirigida por nueve directores. La película se desarrolla durante las 24 horas anteriores a las elecciones en Noruega, en la estación de gasolina de Lasse, un lugar que representa un microcosmos de dicha sociedad. En una zona poco poblada, de gran extensión, cada votante debe parar aquí para cargar gasolina. Lasse se gana la vida vendiéndola, pero su verdadero sueño es ser piloto. Estas 24 particulares horas terminan siendo fantásticas para él ... Una comedia poco convencional sobre cosas pequeñas y grandes consecuencias.