Cheng Ka-Sang

Cheng Ka-Sang

Nacimiento : 1956-05-04,


Cheng Ka-Sang


The Old Days Of Shanghai
Period Comedy
July 7 Come Again
Wu Yen
General Tien
Lost in the woods, the Emperor Qi (Anita Mui) stumbles across local chief Wu Yen, his predestined bride, only to accidentally free a promiscuous fox fairy who promptly falls in love with both of them, changing between man and woman to clumsily woo each, setting the scene for a constantly shifting triangle with the emperor torn between both the fox fairy and Wu Yen and the fox fairy after whichever one will agree to marry her/him first.
Supercop 2
Una mujer policía (Michelle Yeoh) intenta acabar con la vida de un grupo criminal de Hong Kong encabezado por un ex amante.
The Mad Monk
God of Health
El dios Dragon Fighter Lohan acepta el desafío por parte de los otros dioses para cambiar el destino de un mendigo, una prostituta y un villano en tres días. Para conseguirlo renace en la Tierra como un simple mortal y lucha contra un malvado demonio para evitar el Infierno en la Tierra.
The Bare-Footed Kid
Pu's Bodyguard
Tras la muerte de su padre, un joven campesino, cuya inocencia rivaliza con su destreza en las artes marciales, busca la ayuda de un viejo amigo de la familia, encuentra trabajo en una fábrica textil y recibe el afecto de una profesora de escuela. Cuando todo parece irle bien, un desdichado incidente le pondrá en contra de su benefactores.
Justice, My Foot!
Assassin in Drag
El abogado Sung Shih-Chieh es admirado por el pueblo como un gran hombre. Pero su mujer le hace presentarse para un puesto en el estado, y un asesinato le pone en contra de todo el mundo...
Fantasy Romance
Scar Hung's thug
Fans of Hong Kong pinup queen Joey Wang are likely to appreciate this ghost-themed seriocomic fantasy about a comic book artist named Shing (Tony Leung) who finds himself haunted by the ghostly Ching-ching (Wang).
Ghost Busting
Zombie with Axe
Salesmen Bangladesh and Robert once worked in countryside and came across a female ghost and a sissy ghost, but their driver was killed by the ghosts unfortunately. Bangladesh and Robert were rescued by a Taoist Master, Cheung. They were so scared that they had to find a new job. The boss of the new company, Mr. Kan, authorized his daughter to be the manageress. His son, Tin Wai, was jealous and requested various ghosts to make a mess of the company in order to usurp power. So, the staff receive special training on exorcising ghosts.
Wild Search
While conducting a raid of an illegal arms deal, detective Mew Mew discovers the body of a dead woman and her daughter who witnessed the murder. Believing that the girl may be in danger, Mew Mew seeks out her aunt Cher, and the three develop a bond, but Cher's ex-husband and a vengeful gunrunner soon show up to disrupt their short-lived peace.
Blood Child
A ruthless thug and deadly boxer attempts to overrun a fearful town by employing his powerful gang of henchmen to shake down the defenseless citizens, but when they go too far and kill an elderly boxer, the rage with which one man strikes back channels the power of an entire community.
La saga de Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee esta muerto y las primeras personas en saberlo es el servicio secreto británico, el profesor Lencor es el único hombre capaz de extraer células vivas del cerebro de Bruce, se dirige al hospital para extraerlas y crear 3 clónicos de Bruce en acuerdo con los servicios secretos británicos, los clónicos son creados y aprenden rápidamente artes marciales, de inmediato se les manda a diferentes misiones para combatir el mal, una vez terminadas sus misiones el profesor Lencor decide una lucha fraticida y ordena que los 3 clones luchen entre si para que sobreviva solo uno de ellos.
By Hook or By Crook
Skinny's hired thug
'FLOWER KID' was a 'Robin Hood' type of hero who robs the rich and gives the poor. He was adored by many people especially a kid named 'FATSO', who considered himself as 'FLOWER KID jr.' Madam Bee, a woman of guts and evil hated 'FLOWER KID' because he once refused to kill her husband. She then married a rich 'Big Shot' and used his money and power to hire a bounty hunter called 'SKINNY'. Skinny caught the imitating hero 'Fatso'. They fought, understood, became good friends and went on look for 'Flower Kid'...