La malvada reina Gedren arrasa la aldea de Hablac, llevándose con ella un talismán que le ofrece gran poder. Sonja es la hermana de la guardiana del talismán, asesinada durante el asalto. En busca de venganza, inicia un viaje para recuperar el talismán y asesinar a Gedren. Kalidor la sigue para cuidar de ella, pese a que ello entraña un gran riesgo, debido a la atracción que existe entre ambos, y a que los poderes de Sonja tienen una debilidad: desaparecerán si pierde su virginidad.
Un arqueólogo y su ayudante, una bella joven, encuentran después de una intensa búsqueda, la tumba de la faraona Kara. Cuando la abren, la esposa del arqueólogo, que siente celos de la ayudante de su marido y se encuentra embarazada, da a luz prematuramente una niña, por lo que se teme que la maldición de la faraona caiga sobre la recién nacida.
Like NIGHT OF THE DEMON, this adaptation is based only very loosely on the original ghost story by M.R. James. However, it does feature eerie scenic views and is directed by Lawrence 'Ghost Story for Christmas' Gordon Clark.
A young couple move into a remote country house in the middle of a stone circle. They employ workmen who disturb an ancient menhir, unleashing a supernatural force.
An adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's 1966 short story of the same title, broadcast as part of the BBC's "BBC2 Playhouse".
Comedy legend Frankie Howerd stars as the victim of sinister shenanigans in this hilarious spoof of British horror films of the early ‘70s. Starring Hugh Burden and Oscar winner Ray Milland, and written by Terry Nation. Foster Twelvetrees, a struggling tragedian who scrapes a living by giving hammy performances from the classics, can hardly believe his luck when he’s invited to give a dramatic reading at the country home of a well-off family. Joy soon turns to outraged horror when he discovers dead bodies, foul intentions, lots of snakes and a madwoman in the attic. Can he uncover the hidden family secret before he comes to a sticky end..?
Comedy legend Frankie Howerd stars as the victim of sinister shenanigans in this hilarious spoof of British horror films of the early ‘70s. Starring Hugh Burden and Oscar winner Ray Milland, and written by Terry Nation. Foster Twelvetrees, a struggling tragedian who scrapes a living by giving hammy performances from the classics, can hardly believe his luck when he’s invited to give a dramatic reading at the country home of a well-off family. Joy soon turns to outraged horror when he discovers dead bodies, foul intentions, lots of snakes and a madwoman in the attic. Can he uncover the hidden family secret before he comes to a sticky end..?
When an undergraduate commits suicide, his best friend is sent down from university because he did nothing to prevent the death, which he felt was a choice his friend had a right to make.
Los habitantes de una isla británica son víctimas de un escape radiactivo de un vertido ilegal en el mar. Por ello casi todos reproducen una extraña enfermedad que un científico intentará curar, aunque se tenga que enfrentar con todos sus habitantes.
After a suicide attempt, John Rainbird is in a coma. Whilst in this state his mind experiences fantasies involving nightmare creatures and his relatives.
En el Londres de la posguerra una joven pareja y su bebé encuentran un hogar en el número 10 de Rillington Place, una preciosa vivienda cuyo inquilino del piso inferior, John Reginald Christie, resulta de lo más inquietante. Lo que desconocen ambos es su violento historial de asesinatos en serie de mujeres mediante gas y sus posteriores actos necrófilos, impulsos criminales que Beryl acabará reavivando en su mente.
Sloane, a handsome, sexy and completely amoral young man, joins Kath's household as a lodger and proceeds to manipulate her and her brother, Ed. He is recognized by Kemp (Dadda) as the murderer of Kemp's former employer, whereupon Sloane murders Kemp. Sloane's "just desserts" are not what one would expect.
Retrato de la atormentada vida de la bailarina Isadora Duncan, una mujer precursora, a quien la danza y el ballet moderno le deben su razón de ser actual. Durante los años 20, transformó con su baile el panorama artístico mundial. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Hilliards are a middle class family whose lives are put in danger when escaped convict Glenn Griffin invades their home. Griffin is crazed, tormenting the Hilliards with his meek brother Hank and sadistic Robish.
A monologue of a woman talking on the phone with her longterm lover who is about to marry another girl.
Italian comedy film made of three segments directed by Michelangelo Antonioni, Mauro Bolognini and Franco Indovina. First segment: Il Provino; second segment: Gli amanti celebri; third segment: Latin Lover.
A Harley Street doctor is charged following the death of a patient. The court case exposes a series of bizarre operations.
Danny es un psicópata de la clase trabajadora que se muda con una viuda rica para redecorar su casa, mientras tanto, "juega" con la hija y la criada mientras la viuda duerme.
Set in contemporary Bethnal Green in east London, A Place to Go charts the dramatic changes that were happening in the lives of the British working-class at the time.