King Shih-Chieh

King Shih-Chieh

Nacimiento : 1951-12-29, Pingtung, Taiwan


King Shih-Chieh


Can You Hear Me?
Zhong Ji Li
Jhong wakes up and finds himself dead. He watches his remaining family members dealing with his death while they speak their thoughts over breakfast. Although his wife can't hear what he has to say, she comprehends what's on his mind.
New Turn
Cycling's Father
Looking for her long-lost twin sister, a woman from Hong Kong bikes around Taiwan, joined by three complete strangers, one from Hong Kong, one from Taiwan, one from China, each biking around the island for his/her own reasons.
A Leg
“Leg” follows the journey of a wife who battles to keep her husband’s body intact after he dies of a leg amputation.
Love The Way You Are
Opposites clash when spunky girl next door Lin Lin meets eccentric nerd Yuke. Despite being neighbors and schoolmates since childhood, Lin Lin and Yuke barely know each other. When the pair are both admitted into the same university, Lin Lin discovers that Yuke harbors a secret crush for campus beauty, Ruting. Ever the busybody, Lin Lin decides to matchmake Yuke and Ruting, only to find herself gradually falling for Yuke.
Bad Boy Symphony
The movie "Bad Boys Symphony" describes a group of young prisoners learned to play music...
Super Me
Pancake Stand Man
SANG Yu está tan agotado por tratar de mantenerse despierto. Cada vez que cierra los ojos, un demonio lo persigue y lo mata en sus sueños. Una noche, SANG se da cuenta de que tiene un poder especial: puede hacer realidad los tesoros de sus sueños. Casi de la noche a la mañana, se convierte en un hombre rico. Pero su riqueza también atrae la atención de un gángster despiadado.
The human comedy
Penniless and desperate for money, a married couple and a fuerdai cook up a fake kidnap for ransom scheme among themselves. Married couple Pu Tong and Mi La are as ordinary as can be. When their employers default on their compensation, they are unable to pay rent. Yang Xiao Wei is a fuerdai "second-generation rich" who is unloved by his own father. Xiao Wei owes Ba Ye a substantial sum of money that he has no way of paying off.
The Way of the Bug
Uncle Da
A young man from a rural village travels a long way to meet his long-lost grandfather on his deathbed, only to find himself taking over the large triad enterprise his grandfather left behind, with hilarious results.
Brotherhood of Blades II: The Infernal Battlefield
Wei Zhongxian
En la dinastía Ming de China, Shen Lian (Chang Chen), un policía secreto que trabaja para un gobierno corrupto, se ve atrapado por una conspiración. Para demostrar su inocencia buscará la verdad con una mujer llamada Bei Zhai (Yang Mi).
Un guerrero llega hasta un extraño pueblo en busca de su príncipe. Allí descubre que ese poblado está controlado por un falso Dios y sus guardianes, a los que tendrá que enfrentarse.
Tras lograr con éxito enviar tejidos vivos 110 minutos atrás en el tiempo, sus años de trabajo están a punto de dar sus frutos, pero todo se tuerce cuando su hijo es secuestrado y le piden como rescate toda su investigación. Pero su hijo será asesinado y Xia se enviará atrás en el tiempo con su propio prototipo en un intento desesperado de salvar su vida, y descubrirá múltiples versiones de su yo futuro. Ahora, todas las Xia Tians deberán unirse para salvar a su hijo.
Once Upon a Time in the Northeast
Jiang Dong
Once Upon a Time in the Northeast tells a story of a few young Northeast youth with totally different personalities, who fell into trap of a few Hong Kong villains. They outwitted Hong Kong villains using different plans. This comedy story is extremely funny and reflected how popular Northeast China Culture is.
Le chef de la police
When a son attempts to reconcile with his father, a series of fateful events allow him to experience the father’s life in the past.
Super Taboo
In Taiwan pornography is still a socially unacceptable taboo. Firmly and ironically, Su Hui-yu indulges in a visually powerful long shot enhanced by unexpected pop art colours. A classic hardcore esthetic is represented in a gallery of a tableaux vivants that demand their freedom, alternating movement and immobility, the denial of pleasure and the pursuit of it.
The Insanity
Big Fish & Begonia
Ling Po (voice)
En un universo más allá del nuestro, Chun celebra su decimosexto aniversario cumpliendo una tradición milenaria y transformándose en un delfín rojo para explorar el mundo humano.
Detective Chinatown
Mr. Yan
Un joven viaja hasta Bangkok, donde su tío trabaja como detective. Su afición por los relatos de misterio será de gran ayuda para lograr resolver un difícil caso.
The Final Master
Zheng Shan'ao
Un luchador de Wing Chun tiene como objetivo cumplir el último deseo de su maestro, la apertura de una escuela de artes marciales en Tianjin, epicentro de la lucha china en ese momento. Para lograr su misión, el luchador deberá derrotar a ocho escuelas de artes marciales, lo que le llevará a convertirse en un peón del poder. De esta manera, deberá elegir entre lo correcto y el cumplimiento de los deseos de su amo.
The Rocking Sky
To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of WWII, this documentary film describes the eight years of dauntless air-force fighting of the republic of China during the Anti-Japanese War, with only 300 combat-capable aircraft from China while Japan had over 2000.
The Last Women Standing
For the thirtysomething Sheng Ruxi, whose surname unmistakably echoes the slang term "sheng nu" (leftover women), the wait for a perfect partner is growing more despairing by the day. With an ultra-anxious mother who would rather die than see her daughter stay single, Ruxi is further annoyed by the doctor she’s fixed up with. Could her new colleague, the dashing 25-year-old Ma Sai, offer last-minute salvation?
Double Date
Hermandad de Espadas
Wei Zhong Xian
En los últimos años de la dinastía Ming, un joven emperador asciende al trono y decide poner punto y final al reinado del poderoso Wei Zhongxian. Tres humildes guerreros son reclutados con instrucciones de localizar y matar a Wei.
The Love Flu
Four love-sick patients seek help at a clinic for individuals with emotional problems and learn that sometimes other people are the best medicine.
The Grandmaster
Gong Clan Elder
Un relato sobre las artes marciales y el alma de la civilización china. Dos maestros de kung fu, Ip Man (Tony Leung), el hombre que entrenó al mítico Bruce Lee, y la bella Gong Er (Zhang Ziyi) se reúnen en la ciudad natal de Ip Man en vísperas de la invasión japonesa de 1936. El padre de Gong Er, un gran maestro de renombre, también viaja a esa ciudad para la ceremonia de su jubilación, que tendrá lugar en el legendario burdel El pabellón de oro. Historia de traición, honor y amor que se desarrolla en la tumultuosa época que siguió a la caída de la última dinastía china, un tiempo de caos y guerra, pero también una época de oro de las artes marciales en China.
Xue di zi (The Guillotines)
Wan Jiang
Película de época que se centra en escuadrón secreto de asesinos del emperador chino. Remake de un clásico de la Shawn Brothers.
17th Entrance
Chao Hsueh-ping – 49–79 Years Old
Lao Rongmin Zhao Xueping and high school night school student A Hong both visit Taipei and spent a strange day. These two people, from time to time lives intersect, until the sun sets, they finally meet in the corner of the city, stirring up the spark of suspense, and then more than half a century of hidden beautiful love.
The Fourth Portrait
Ten year-old Xiang faces a lonely future after his father dies. Just when he thinks he's going to spend his life in the orphanage, his estranged mother shows up. And his life changes forever... A loveless mother, a hateful stepfather, a chilly home. Where's Xiang heading to? He finds comfort in drawing and his work reveals his longing for care and affection. Life is full of hope again when he meets the old school janitor who doesn't show his kindness easily and a portly man who has crazy ideas and is haunted with nightmares of his brother. A scary truth is about to be unmasked. Will Xiang be able to depict his own image in the fourth portrait?
The Bund
My Spectacular Theater
A young man selling illegal DVDS finds refuge in a Beijing movie theatre after fleeing from the police. He quickly discovers that all of the theatre's patrons are blind and, as he gets to know them, encounters love, acceptance and heartbreak.
Reign of Assassins
Doctor Li
Cuando una mujer encuentra los restos de un místico hindú, deja la banda de asesinos a la que pertenece, para poder llevarlos a su legítima tumba. Pero, antes de cumplir con su cometido, se somete a una drástica operación de cirugía facial, cambia de nombre y de vida e incluso se casa.
Zoom Hunting
Yang Ruyi (32), a fashion magazine photographer, lives with her elder sister Yang Ruxing (33), a rational, introverted detective fiction author. Ruyi has inadvertently photographed a couple making madly passionately love. Few days later in a shopping center not far from her home, she finds the woman already married, leading a child and is with a different man. Ruyi shares her secret with Ruxing who is suffering from writer's block. The two sisters begin to observe the couple; gradually Ruxing even writes some of her observations into her novel, without letting Ruyi knows it. Late one night, Ruyi views two people are arguing, but as she picks up her camera to photograph she can only see two vague, dark outlines wrestling one another; Ruyi calls the police but upon arriving, nothing seems out of order. Ruyi is convinced she has mistaken nothing; she enlarges the photo and discovers a third outline looks pretty much like her older sister...
Snowfall in Taipei
May, a woman singer from the mainland of China, suddenly loses her voice and has conflicts with Ah Lei, her producer and secret lover. In anger she goes to Old Town of Jingtong where she meets Xiao Mo, a warmhearted man. Xia Mo helps May find a place to stay, and finds her work at local restaurant. May finds happiness and consolation in the old streets of the small town, and her voice gets better and better.
Empire of Silver
Manager Liu
In 1899, Lord Kang must decide which of his three sons will take over his family's Chinese banking empire. When circumstances dictate that he appoint his unreliable youngest son, family bonds are pushed to the limit as father and son clash in a climate of political turmoil. Winner of the Special Jury Award at the 2009 Shanghai International Film Festival.
On Mother's Day in Taipei, Chen Mo makes a date for dinner with his wife, hoping to bring their estranged relationship back together. While buying a cake on his way home, a car unexpectedly double parks next to his car, preventing his exit.
Born to Be King
Triad member Chicken is designated by Taiwan's San Luen Gang to marry Nanako, the daughter of the fifth generation leader of the Yamada Gang in Japan. Later, the leader of the triad group gets murdered. Actually, all the San Luen Gang members suspect Chicken attacked their leader Liu, in order to make a chance for him to rule the Gang and thus have adopted an extremely hostile attitude towards him...
Four Chefs and a Feast
Four Chefs and a Feast is a drama starring Jordan Chan
The lives of two young thieves, a mob hitman and a film producer are entangled when the two thieves steal a car that had already been previously stolen to been used as a getaway car.
The Personals
Yu Wen
An attractive and successful doctor places a personal ad in a newspaper to try to meet (and eventually marry) Mr. Right. A succession of blind dates ensues, featuring men who are lonely, desperate, dangerous and perverted.
Hak gam (Island of Greed)
Fai's Supervisor
Chou, un despiadado criminal se presenta a las elecciones taiwanesas. Pero el policía Lau y su grupo investigan la campaña del candidato para descubrir si está limpia hasta la toma de poder.
Heaven and Earth
Shantung Cat
Cheung Ye Pang (Andy Lau) is a Cantonese detective out to combat opium sellers. Encountering high-level corruption along with close friends being murdered, Pang sets out to stop the dealers.
The Peach Blossom Land
Two drama companies happened to share one auditorium for rehearsal. Friction was inevitable. One of them played 'Peach Blossom', a comedy in medieval costume. Another played 'Secret Love', a sad story with contemporary setting. Though unreconciled in all aspects, they find themselves telling the same story: the story of Chinese people forced to leave home.
King of Chess
Lanky Ngai
Two independent stories involving chess wizards are interwoven to satirize the politics of the Chinese Cultural Revolution as well as Taiwan's capitalist boom of the 1970's.
Un día de verano
Ming's 7th Uncle
Taiwan, años '60. Los jóvenes taiwaneses, aunque dominados por China, se sienten deslumbrados por los Estados Unidos y organizan bandas para afirmar su identidad. La versión original duraba 237 minutos, pero por motivos comerciales Yang la recortó para su exhibición hasta los 188 minutos.
Ciudad doliente
Mr. Huang
Las tribulaciones de una familia en Taiwán -el padre y sus cuatro hijos-, tras la violenta represión china acontecida en febrero de 1947. Primera parte de la trilogía de la historia de Taiwan realizada por Hsiao-hsien Hou. Las siguientes entregas serían "The Puppetmaster" (1993) y "Good Men, Good Women" (1995).
Poder amarillo
Night Brother
Lily y Chen son una amable y trabajadora pareja de chinos que sueñan con hacer fortuna en el extranjero. Cuando se les presenta la oportunidad de abandonar Hong Kong para abrir un pequeño restaurante en Londres, no se lo piensan dos veces, y se enfrentan a su futuro con decisión. Una vez allí, se disponen enseguida a trabajar para ganarse la vida honradamente, pero sin remedio se toparán con la temible mafia china. Su duro trabajo es pisoteado por la violencia y la extorsión, y su única salida será enfrentarse directamente a los mafiosos.
Chen Weibin
Los destinos de varios personajes se cruzan fortuitamente: una joven eurasiática que logra huir de una emboscada de la policía; un fotógrafo que capta el momento en el que su pareja es detenida; una escritora que recibe una llamada fortuita en la que una mujer le comunica que espera un hijo de su marido; y éste, que ve como el mundo se le derrumba.
What to Do about Those Broken Stairs?
KING Shih-chieh plays A, who has no clue how to count the stairs of the old broken staircase. Should you count the landing? B, played by LI Ang, tells A, “I can’t possibly tell you what I don’t know, but the stairs can lead you to where you want to go. Isn’t that enough?” B is aware that she can’t fathom A’s rules. To A, the question already exists. If he can’t figure it out, it will keep haunting him like a wandering ghost.
Seven Magnificent Kung Fu Kids
The kung-fu kids return to stop an evil dictator.