Michael Budd

Michael Budd


Michael Budd


Ruby’s Choice
After Ruby, who has undiagnosed dementia, accidentally burns her house down, she is forced to shift into her daughter Sharon's crowded home, and share her granddaughter Tash's bedroom. Tash goes from hating Ruby to loving her as she learns more about some family secrets and she becomes Ruby’s fiercest advocate when Sharon thinks it’s time for a Nursing Home. Unable to access services required to keep Ruby safe Sharon is faced with the ultimate dilemma to go against Ruby’s wishes or do what she thinks is best for her mother.
Life of the Party
A touching comedy drama about 3 friends edging towards their mid thirties who, in an attempt to hang on to their carefree youth,embark on an attempt to write themselves into the history books by trying to host the world's longest house party.
Life of the Party
A touching comedy drama about 3 friends edging towards their mid thirties who, in an attempt to hang on to their carefree youth,embark on an attempt to write themselves into the history books by trying to host the world's longest house party.
Love of My Life
A young man is held captive by a deranged surgeon and faced with the choice which can alter his life and the life of his loved ones forever.
Love of My Life
A young man is held captive by a deranged surgeon and faced with the choice which can alter his life and the life of his loved ones forever.
La fría luz del día
“La fría luz del día” nos cuenta la historia de Will Shaw, un joven norteamericano cuya familia es secuestrada cuando se encuentran en plenas vacaciones por España. Shaw dispone de pocas horas para encontrarlos, poner al descubierto una conspiración del gobierno y además encontrar la conexión existente entre la desaparición de su familia y los secretos de su padre.
Matrix Reloaded
Zion Controller
Las máquinas avanzan imparables hacia Zion en su afán por destruir a toda la humanidad y todas las naves se preparan para la dura batalla. Neo junto con Morfeo y Trinity buscan el camino del elegido dentro de Matrix para vencer a las máquinas y se encuentran con dificultades inesperadas: el agente Smith ha vuelto y no sólo eso, otros programas dentro de Matrix intentarán acabar con su misión. Mientras tanto Neo se tendrá que adaptar a la vida real y a la fama de ser el elegido.