Christine Angot

Christine Angot

Nacimiento : 1959-02-07, Châteauroux, Indre, France


Christine Angot


A Family
Award-winning French writer Christine Angot goes on a business trip to Strasbourg where her father lived before dying several years ago. It is the city where she met him for the first time at the age of 13, and where he sexually abused her over the following years. His wife and children still live there. Angot takes a camera and knocks on the doors of her family to push them to clarify their attitudes to her father’s crime that stretched over so many years. A cinematographic journey that challenges social norms and family perspectives in dealing with incest.
A Family
Award-winning French writer Christine Angot goes on a business trip to Strasbourg where her father lived before dying several years ago. It is the city where she met him for the first time at the age of 13, and where he sexually abused her over the following years. His wife and children still live there. Angot takes a camera and knocks on the doors of her family to push them to clarify their attitudes to her father’s crime that stretched over so many years. A cinematographic journey that challenges social norms and family perspectives in dealing with incest.
A Family
Award-winning French writer Christine Angot goes on a business trip to Strasbourg where her father lived before dying several years ago. It is the city where she met him for the first time at the age of 13, and where he sexually abused her over the following years. His wife and children still live there. Angot takes a camera and knocks on the doors of her family to push them to clarify their attitudes to her father’s crime that stretched over so many years. A cinematographic journey that challenges social norms and family perspectives in dealing with incest.
Cuando se conocieron, Sara vivía con François, el mejor amigo de Jean. Ahora, Jean y Sara se quieren y viven juntos hace 10 años. Un día, Sara ve a François por la calle. Él no se da cuenta, pero a ella le invade la sensación de que su vida podría cambiar repentinamente. Al mismo tiempo, François retoma el contacto con Jean por primera vez en años y le propone volver a trabajar juntos. A partir de aquí, todos perderán el control.
Cuando se conocieron, Sara vivía con François, el mejor amigo de Jean. Ahora, Jean y Sara se quieren y viven juntos hace 10 años. Un día, Sara ve a François por la calle. Él no se da cuenta, pero a ella le invade la sensación de que su vida podría cambiar repentinamente. Al mismo tiempo, François retoma el contacto con Jean por primera vez en años y le propone volver a trabajar juntos. A partir de aquí, todos perderán el control.
Un amor imposible
Al final de los años 50, en Châteauroux, Rachel, modesta oficinista, conoce a Philippe, brillante joven proveniente de una familia burguesa. De esta relación breve pero pasional nacerá una niña, Chantal. Philippe se niega a casarse fuera de su clase social. Rachel deberá criar a su hija ella sola. Poco importa, porque para ella Chantal es su mayor alegría, y es por ella que lucha por conseguir que, a falta de ser un padre presente, Philippe le de, al menos, a su hija su apellido. Una batalla que durará más de diez años y que acabará por quebrar las vidas de Rachel y de Chantal.
Un sol interior
Isabelle, madre soltera, artista divorciada con un hijo, busca el amor verdadero, pero sólo va encontrando decepciones... Adaptación de la novela de Roland Barthès "Fragmentos de un discurso amoroso".
Voilà l'enchaînement
With two actors and no sets, master filmmaker Claire Denis traces the arc of a strained relationship, with a focus on race and language. In this fraught arena, words omitted can be as potentially devastating as words used, and what is not seen can have greater political consequences than what is.
Why (Not) Brazil?
A film director, whose career is going downhill, reluctantly decides to adapt an inadaptable best selling novel. Will she succeed or will the book adapt her in the process?
Why (Not) Brazil?
A film director, whose career is going downhill, reluctantly decides to adapt an inadaptable best selling novel. Will she succeed or will the book adapt her in the process?