Dalia Shimko


If I Met a Magician
Released from military reserve duty to attend his uncle's memorial service, Omri finds himself wandering the streets of Tel Aviv during National Memorial Day, the day when Israel commemorates its fallen soldiers.
No Longer 17
A Kibutz in Israel is heavily in debt. In a last effort to produce a viable financial restructuring, the old, "unproductive" members are asked to leave the kibutz, to make room for younger, more productive new members. Among those destined to leave is Shraga. His marriage to Clara is loveless while he desperately loves Bracha, his late brother's widow. Clara dreams of starting afresh with her husband in an old age home, in the far north of the country. Bracha on the other hand refuses to remain a mere no. 2. Shraga is asked to make a decision. Other family members are forced into joining this unresolvable conflict.
Scar holds a special place in the development and oeuvre of Ronit Elkabetz: it’s her first work as a co-screenwriter, and her sole work for someone other than herself or her brother, Shlomi.
One of Us
A few Palestinian guerilla's break into an Israeli camp in the occupied territories. They kill a few Israeli soldiers before they are killed, apart from one who dies in the camp after being captured alive. The Israeli military dispatch an investigator to the camp to see if there was cold blooded murder (people at the camp had claimed he was shot while trying to escape). It turns out that the investigator dispatched is a friend of the camp commander - the rest of the plot is basically about the position of both of these characters as regards being honest or faithful to ones friends. There is unbearable tension, increased by the fact that they are both very strongly attracted to one of the female soldiers on the camp.
Magash Hakesef
Growing Pains
A coming-of-age story combined with a love interest between a boy and girl from different social stratum told during the years of teenage turmoil after high school the barriers of upbringing and taboos disintegrate. Each finds true love just before the party breaks up and will eventually learn to resolve the inner conflicts of values, proportion, and priorities.