Female Anchor
Cuando el eminente astrofísco Premio Nobel, el Dr. Austin Shepard (Peter Fonda) descubre que unas manchas solares son las precursoras del fin del mundo, decide abandonar el observatorio y huir a un sitio desconocido. Su huida levantará las sospechas de sus jefes -que mandarán a su mejor hombre, Christopher Richardson (Luke Perry) a investigar-, de la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional y de una intrépida periodista.
Nat drives on the interstate with his two young daughters in the back seats, when a car drives by and an unknown guy shoots one of his daughters dead for no reason. Nat's life is shattered. He becomes obsessed with finding the killers, assaults two men, kills one, goes to jail, is left by his wife, grows old estranged from his other daughter. We see the action first through Nat's eyes, then via Brautigan, the cop in charge of the investigation, and finally from the perspective of the remaining daughter Margo. The deconstructed narrative echoes the chaos within Nat and emphasizes the fact that the characters are out of tune with one another, which is the meaning of the original title.