Andrej Štritof


In the Gardens of Carthage, a district of Tunis initiated by the former Regime where construction stopped at the beginning of the Revolution, two cops, Fatma and Batal, find a burnt body in one of the lots. As construction slowly resumes, they start looking into this mysterious case. When the event repeats itself, the investigation takes a puzzling turn.
Convenience Store
Mukhabbat, an Uzbek immigrant, works at a conveniece store on the outskirts of Moscow. Just like the rest of the immigrants at the store, she is forced to work without getting paid and endure mental and physical abuse, until the day she overcomes her fear and takes her fate into her won hands.
Tras una pandemia global, todos pierden de repente la memoria. Aris, un hombre de mediana edad, se incorpora a un programa para crearse una nueva identidad... Ópera prima del ayudante de dirección de "Canino".
March 2020. As the Covid-19 epidemic is declared, movement restrictions are put in place and social life is disrupted. Inseparable tells the story of a group of friends who still find a way to connect and share their thoughts with each other.
Juliette & Alfa Romeo
Tilen (18), an attractive high school student, swears to be faithful forever in the hope that his girlfriend will let him sleep with her. Suddenly, a sequence of tragic events turns his world upside down. He starts to believe he is under a spell which could put his life in jeopardy, which prevents him from having a relationship with Sara (18), his one true love. He finally succeeds to get his life back on the right track with the help of his best friend Zeljko, a mysterious fortune-teller, and the power of love.
Dvojina (Dual)
Receptionist 2
Un problema técnico en el avión hace que un vuelo procedente de Dinamarca y con destino a Grecia tenga que aterrizar en un aeropuerto de Eslovenia. Todos los pasajeros son alojados en un hotel de Ljubljana. Entre ellos, se encuentran Iben, una joven danesa muy tranquila de veinticinco años. Iben conoce a Tina, otra chica de la misma edad que trabaja durante el verano como conductora de una lanzadera. Iben le pregunta a Tina si quiere dar un paseo para conocer la ciudad de noche y, de esta manera, llegan a intimar, a pesar de encontrarse en circunstancias tan diferentes en ese momento: mientras una esconde un secreto importante, la otra simplemente está tratando de encontrar su lugar en el mundo.
Labour Equals Freedom
Peter is in his early forties and until recently he worked in a factory, but after Slovenia's integration into the European Union, the factory closed down and Peter and his colleagues have been made redundant. Slowly but surely, he is losing self-confidence and self-esteem.
A mockumentary about fictional eccentric man from Maribor, Slovenia who wants to become a presidential candidate in order to put his main goals into action: more love, friendship and understanding between people.
An Ode to the Poet
Miha, a poet whom no one takes seriously, earns his living by writing cheap advertising slogans. This outsider poet of the new age gets commissioned to write an ode to the famous Slovene poet Preseren, for the occasion of the national celebration, due to the 200th anniversary of Preseren's birth. Who was Preseren, what did he drink and what sort of woman did he like? A comedy can begin.
Adrian visits the seaside with his mother. Adrian becomes jealous when a man is interested in his mother.