Stephen Greif
Nacimiento : 1944-08-26, Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, England, UK
Muerte : 2022-12-23
Actor known for his roles as Travis in Blake's 7 and gangster Harry Fenning in Citizen Smith.
Behind his brother Edward in line to the throne, George V was shy, scared of public speaking, poorly educated and lacking refinement and could come across as cold and detached. But when Edward died from flu he not only inherited the crown, but married his brother's fiancee Mary, who shaped not only his future but that of the monarchy. This profile examines a king who reigned from 1910 to 1936 and took Britain into the First World War, changed the name and destiny of the royal family and challenged the establishment.
To celebrate its 40th Anniversary, this is the definitive set of interviews with six of the team of actors who brought Blake’s 7 to life … plus a bonus interview with SFX creator Mat Irvine! These seven documentaries are the best in-depth interviews with Gareth Thomas (Blake), Jan Chappell (Cally), Michael Keating (Vila), Jacqueline Pearce (Servalan), Stephen Greif (Travis), Peter Tuddenham (Zen, Orac & Slave) and Mat Irvine (SFX) ever undertaken. Presented by “voice of the Daleks” Nicholas Briggs.
Hilda faces twilight years of loneliness and isolation, spending periods normally devoted to happiness and reconciliation in solitude. Whilst cleaning out her deceased husband’s belonging’s she unearths a buried secret, leading to a confrontation with her past and an opportunity to escape solitude and live a life she denied herself.
En Jerusalén, un joven centurión romano recibe, por parte de Poncio Pilato, prefecto de Judea, la misión de investigar la misteriosa desaparición del cuerpo de un predicador nazareno crucificado hace tres días, y los crecientes rumores sobre su resurrección.
Spanish Advisor
Lo que realmente sucedió durante Shakespeare 'años perdidos'? Sin esperanza laudista Bill Shakespeare sale de su casa para seguir su sueño.
Basada en una historia real. Maria Altmann, una mujer judía que huyó de Viena durante la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), regresa sesenta años para reclamar las propiedades que los nazis confiscaron a su familia, entre las que se encuentra el célebre 'Retrato de Adele Bloch-Bauer I', de Gustav Klimt . El joven abogado Randy Schoenberg le ayudará en esta lucha ante el gobierno austriaco y la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos. Al mismo tiempo, Maria deberá enfrentarse a las terribles verdades de su pasado.
Bob's Lawyer
Londres y el arte internacional son el telón de fondo de esta comedia costumbrista que analiza los apetitos insaciables y la dudosa moralidad de ciertos personajes: marchantes, coleccionistas, artistas; gente que compite ferozmente en un mundo donde la frontera que separa el éxito del fracaso es muy sutil.
Tariq Ali, a Muslim police officer of Scotland Yard, is asked to hunt-down suspected suicide-bombers against the backdrop of July 7 bombings in London. Tariq's task gets complicated as an innocent Muslim is killed by the commando shooters of Scotland Yard. On the other hand, Tariq - a British citizen is himself a suspect in the eyes of his boss, despite his long service in the Scotland Yard
Hans Lipmann
Adolf Eichmann se convirtió en figura clave del holocausto nazi al ser el encargado de coordinar el transporte de los judíos a los campos de concentración. Al caer el régimen, este criminal de guerra huyó a Argentina donde llevó una vida normal en el anonimato, durante 15 años, hasta el momento de su detención. La película narra las confesiones finales que Eichmann realizó al Capitan Avner Less, durante el largo juicio al que fue sometido antes de su ejecución en Israel.
Gurney (voice)
In this animated adventure The Doctor and Martha Jones trek through space and time in a race against the galaxy's greatest despot, Balthazar, to follow a complex trail of clues to discover the location of the legendary lost spaceship, the Infinite, which, according to myth, can grant anybody their heart's desire.
Uncle Henry
A boy's Bar Mitzvah looks set to be a disaster when it coincides with the 1966 World Cup Final.
Casanova, el seductor más famoso del mundo, el maestro del disfraz y del arte de la seducción, al que ninguna mujer se le resiste, conoce a Francesca, una bella veneciana, que lo rechaza sin contemplaciones. Por medio de una serie de estratagemas y cambios de identidad, consigue finalmente que Francesca se interese por él. Pero, en esta ocasión, no sólo está en juego su vida y su reputación, sino también su única oportunidad de alcanzar el amor.
Emily's Doctor
La vida de Terry Wolfmeyer (Joan Allen) sufre un vuelco radical cuando su marido desaparece repentinamente. Para colmo, su relación con sus cuatro hijas se hace tan tensa que acaba recurriendo al alcohol para evadirse de sus problemas. En estas circunstancias, la amistad de un vecino (Kevin Costner) que fue jugador de béisbol representa para ella una gran ayuda.
Business Man
Robert Scott (Val Kilmer), un marine que trabaja para el servicio secreto, es un hombre muy respetado en el mundo del espionaje. Cuando le encargan la misión de encontrar a Laura Newton (Kristen Bell), la hija de un alto miembro del gobierno, le asignan como compañero a un novato (Derek Luke), que se convierte en su protegido.
Leon Geller es un joven judío que descubre que vino al mundo gracias a la inseminación artificial y que su verdadero padre no es un judío ortodoxo comerciante de Londres sino un criador de cerdos de Yorkshire. Leon se traslada a la granja de su padre biológico e intenta moldearse a una nueva forma de vida. Un día, por error consigue crear el primer cruce entre cerdo y oveja del mundo, o sea, el primer cerdo que podrá ser consumido por los judíos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Grant Ross
An American paleontologist and a British miner get in a conflict over who has the rights to dig on a site in Kenya.
Beautiful wealthy American businesswoman meets eccentric Irishman on an Italian train, who sets out to woo her. What ensues is something neither imagined happening.
Clifford Richardson
Lying on his deathbed, an elderly man who has spent most of his life in prison for the murder of the woman he loved is granted a supernatural chance to go back to that fateful weekend and attempt to discover what really happened...
1999: Examination of family life and political ideals in a war-ravaged future Europe, compared and contrasted with ’60s equivalents.
A group of fervent right wing French nationalists plan to finance a government coup and smash communists by pulling off a daring bank robbery.
A waiter hurrying from table to table in a crowded Italian restaurant picks up titbits of conversation from the varied clientele.
Joe Marks
Boxing's lost its soul. The noble art is now big business, and Harry's a has-been manager. But his dream remains-to find a champion, a new Louis, a new Marciano.
TV play by Bernard Kops. Moss is a miser who only love is his grandson. Then tragedy strikes and Moss is "reborn".
An opera singer finds out her late husband isn't actually dead when he shows up at her apartment. In the heat of the moment, she kills him but his body mysteriously disappears.
Ben Kroom
When his brother vanishes without a trace, American Robert Stone goes to his last known location: a remote English village. Robert's investigation leads him to the mansion of Jonathon Lanceford, a man obsessed with the Gothic works of Edgar Allen Poe, and his beautiful and enigmatic niece Dominie...
Colonel Hiller
En una lujosa casa de citas de Madame Grenier, en el París ocupado por las tropas alemanas, el mayor Robinson, miembro del servicio secreto británico y ex cliente de la casa, se dedica a liquidar a los oficiales del estado mayor alemán cuando van sin uniforme, lo cual tiene como consecuencia que Grenier y sus chicas ingresen en la resistencia.
A porn-store owner orders some new stuff from his supplier, but the delivery address gets mixed with the address of the local Barclays Bank. Here, David (the bank's assistant manager) and his new wife are shocked when photos, then films and finally two girls are sent to them in their bank-supplied flat. They and the banks' head cashier then hatch a plan to get rid of the porn—without letting their boss, the local police and David's mother in on what is happening.
Earl of Pembroke
The reign of Edward II, King of England, is troubled from the start when he brings his male lover, hated by the nobles, out of exile.
Thomas Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk / Welsh Captain
The Tragedy of King Richard II, by William Shakespeare. The actions and repercussions of a proud King, whose vanity and selfishness lead to his downfall.