Vivian Cox
Nacimiento : 1915-07-21, Bangalore, India
Muerte : 2009-04-27
Corin Redgrave presents a portrait of his father, Michael Redgrave, exploring his personality, nature and what he was like as a father. He uses family photographs and letters and his father's diaries and autobiography, and produces a picture of a complicated and troubled man who was bisexual, a heavy drinker and emotionally distant and cold as a father. Includes contributions from Vanessa and Lynn Redgrave and Rachel Kempson, as well as Harold Pinter and Diana Menuhin. Also contains clips from several of Michael Redgrave's films.
Beckett es un tullido emocional que va de trabajo en trabajo, de mujer en mujer, incapaz incluso de amar a su madre. Por él se interesa Dyce, quien desea desembarazarse de su tía y piensa que él es el hombre adecuado para el trabajo...
The film follows Jack Hopkins (played by Michael Craig), an aircraft designer with a passion for traction engines. His boss (played by Cecil Parker) is eager to sell a new supersonic jet plane that Jack has designed to American millionaire Paul Fisher (Alan Hale, Jr.). The first encounter between Fisher and Jack goes badly, and tensions only heighten after Fisher's daughter Kathy (Anne Helm) damages Jack's prize traction engine "The Iron Maiden", rendering it impossible to drive solo. Jack is desperate to enter the annual Woburn Abbey steam rally with the machine, but his fireman is injured and unable to participate. When all seems lost the millionaire himself is won over by Jack's plight and joins him in driving the engine; the two soon become firm friends.
Tracey Lawrence is assautled in her home and is so affected by the traumatic event she now finds all men totally repulsive, including her husband. Her attitude does not change with time, and to make matters worse her husband has got romantically involved with his secretary. Also, the police still have not tracked down Tracey's attacker and there is no guarantee that she is safe.
La prisión de Huntleigh es un auténtico paraíso para los reclusos, sobre todo para tres de ellos que incluso planean cometer un valioso robo de diamantes, sin que nadie llegue a sospechar de ellos.
When the details of a secret torpedo are destroyed by an incompetent seaman, the crew of the ship rally round, when the Admiral needs the plans to show to a visiting scientist.
A young airline pilot wrongly accused of murdering his unfaithful wife searches for the real killer.
A young airline pilot wrongly accused of murdering his unfaithful wife searches for the real killer.
A German scholar has girl troubles while studying at Cambridge.
U.S. Embassy employee Lee Cochrane and his wife, Sue, receive a shock when they discover that their 18-month-old son, Simon, has disappeared in London. He was last seen with their nanny, and the couple seemingly have no leads that might help police Detective Craig in his investigation. The media sensationalizes the incident, causing an unnecessary distraction as the couple prepares to confront the culprit face-to-face.
Después de la Segunda Guerra mundial (1939-1945), un cardenal (Alec Guinness) es acusado de haber traicionado a su patria. Es un hombre de carácter y voluntad férrea. Su interrogador (Jack Hawkins), un hombre benevolente en apariencia, recurre primero a la amabilidad para hacerlo hablar, pero acaba sirviéndose de pruebas falsas, trucos sucios y diversas formas de crueldad para conseguir su objetivo. Sin embargo, parece que nada consigue doblegar al prelado.
Associate Producer
Adaptación del relato de Chesterton "La cruz azul" (incluido en "El candor del Padre Brown"). El padre Brown (Alec Guinness), un sagaz y excéntrico párroco muy aficionado a desentrañar casos detectivescos, pierde una preciada cruz medieval que debía llevar de Londres a Roma. El autor del robo es el conocido ladrón de obras de arte Gustave Flambeau (Peter Finch), un experto en disfraces al que el perspicaz sacerdote intenta atrapar no sólo para recuperar la cruz, sino también para salvar su alma.
Story of a chorus girl who is "discovered" and finds romance during the unraveling of a mystery in a once derelict theatre.