Julie Marboeuf

Julie Marboeuf


Julie Marboeuf


My See-Through Heart
Does one ever know who they’re living with? Lancelot’s life is thrown upside-down when he learns of the death of his wife. As he’s trying to cope with grief, he will have to confront the revelations made about his wife’s past.
Julie Borgne
The Return
In December 1953, Coco Chanel began her incredible return to center stage. The designer reopens her Haute Couture house after fifteen years of absence. The collection is welcomed by the French press with an icy silence. Only the American media supports the looks that define the rebirth of Chanel's style.
Nunca digas nunca
París, 1830. Valentin es un joven mujeriego especialmente interesado en el juego. No cree en la vida y, menos aún, en el amor. Su tío Van Buck sólo venera el dinero y los negocios. Nada tienen en común hasta el día en que Van Buck para darse importancia se empeña en casar a Valentin con una joven baronesa venida a menos. Pero Valentin piensa en todo menos en casarse.
Le p'tit curieux
Clement, nine, curious about everything, wants to understand life. Camera in hand, he walks the streets of his small provincial town, following and studying "grown-ups".
La fortuna de vivir
Garris y Riton viven en las marismas, a orillas del río Loira, en la Francia de los años 30. Ambos trabajan juntos, y comparten su vida con sus otros amigos: Tane, conductor de tren, y Amedée, un soñador y devorador de clásicos literarios. Los cuatro conocerán a Pépé, un anciano millonario que proviene también de las marismas, pero que no reniega de su humilde pasado. Garris se enamorará secretamente de Marie, y Riton desatará las iras de Jo Sardi, un boxeador que acabará en la cárcel, lugar donde urdirá una venganza que trastocará la tranquila existencia del grupo de amigos
Heavy Weather
Agate Benoît
Over the course of five seasons, this film chronicles a young woman's rise to power within a tempestuous all-female office. Employing elements of fantasy, realism, drama and satire, much of the story takes place in the confines of an oppressive looking steel and glass skyscraper owned by a powerful insurance company. Though the office is populated only by women, the place seethes with tension due to office politics and the personal turmoil suffered by the employees, something that the beautiful and outwardly ruthless office supervisor Carabosse does her best to ignore. When the ever business-like Carabosse finally gets promoted, she appoints Agate (the story's true protagonist) as her successor. Power corrupts and it does not take long for the compassionate Agate to transform into a copy of Carabosse.
During second world war,Philippe Pétain gets absolute powers.The war ends with the arrival of allied forces by Petainism has not been put on trial.
The Country Years
An adolescent comes of age during a summer in the Rhône valley with his maternal grandparents. Jules seems a little too close to his mother and distant from his father, who wants Jules out of their Parisian house. It's to be a summer of transition, perhaps to a boarding school, and during these weeks in the country, Jules fishes with his grandfather; proves himself to the local youths, a group led by the bullying Red; takes on some tough guys; feels rejected by his mother; and, meets and pursues Evelyne, the village beauty. She's responsive, and Jules doesn't exactly know what to do next. Then, something happens that propels Jules into decisiveness and maturity.
París. Betty (Marie Trintignant) se refugia en la bebida tras ser abandonada por su marido. Después de una tarde de borrachera acude a un restaurante para refugiarse de la lluvia, y allí conoce a una burguesa llamada Laure (Stéphane Audran). Betty, debido a su embriaguez pierde el conocimiento, y su nueva amiga la lleva a su hotel donde las dos hablan de sus desafortunadas vidas.