Lieutenant John Quaid
Narra la historia del paramédico William H. Pitsenbarger, que salvó él solo a más de 60 personas en la guerra del Vietnam, y de la investigación de un miembro del Pentágono, Scott Huffman (Sebastian Stan), que trabajó contra viento y marea superando todos los obstáculos para que se honrara al médico con la medalla al valor.
Narra la historia del paramédico William H. Pitsenbarger, que salvó él solo a más de 60 personas en la guerra del Vietnam, y de la investigación de un miembro del Pentágono, Scott Huffman (Sebastian Stan), que trabajó contra viento y marea superando todos los obstáculos para que se honrara al médico con la medalla al valor.
Mientras la tensión entre las grandes superpotencias crece, los Estados Unidos realizan maniobras submarinas en el Pacífico. De la tripulación forma parte el capitán Dmitri Zubov, un experto marino que vive atormentado por su pasado. La misión consiste en averiguar cuál es el objetivo del submarino soviético B756. Cuando el B756 deja de emitir un informe de posición, el comando Fleet da al buque por desaparecido. Mientras tanto, en las profundidades del Pacífico, el capitán Zubov y la tripulación del B-756 descubrirán un complot que podría destruir a la humanidad.
Mientras la tensión entre las grandes superpotencias crece, los Estados Unidos realizan maniobras submarinas en el Pacífico. De la tripulación forma parte el capitán Dmitri Zubov, un experto marino que vive atormentado por su pasado. La misión consiste en averiguar cuál es el objetivo del submarino soviético B756. Cuando el B756 deja de emitir un informe de posición, el comando Fleet da al buque por desaparecido. Mientras tanto, en las profundidades del Pacífico, el capitán Zubov y la tripulación del B-756 descubrirán un complot que podría destruir a la humanidad.
Amid the bitter divisiveness of the Civil War, Confederate Capt. Robert Adams (Julian Adams) feels the rift within his soul. Steadfastly loyal to the South, Adams also holds an unshakable love for his Northerner wife, Eveline McCord (Gwendolyn Edwards). Based on the true story of Robert Adams and produced by his descendents, this stirring historical drama -- a film festival favorite -- delves into the themes of honor, patriotism and love.
Robert Adams
Amid the bitter divisiveness of the Civil War, Confederate Capt. Robert Adams (Julian Adams) feels the rift within his soul. Steadfastly loyal to the South, Adams also holds an unshakable love for his Northerner wife, Eveline McCord (Gwendolyn Edwards). Based on the true story of Robert Adams and produced by his descendents, this stirring historical drama -- a film festival favorite -- delves into the themes of honor, patriotism and love.
Amid the bitter divisiveness of the Civil War, Confederate Capt. Robert Adams (Julian Adams) feels the rift within his soul. Steadfastly loyal to the South, Adams also holds an unshakable love for his Northerner wife, Eveline McCord (Gwendolyn Edwards). Based on the true story of Robert Adams and produced by his descendents, this stirring historical drama -- a film festival favorite -- delves into the themes of honor, patriotism and love.
Amid the bitter divisiveness of the Civil War, Confederate Capt. Robert Adams (Julian Adams) feels the rift within his soul. Steadfastly loyal to the South, Adams also holds an unshakable love for his Northerner wife, Eveline McCord (Gwendolyn Edwards). Based on the true story of Robert Adams and produced by his descendents, this stirring historical drama -- a film festival favorite -- delves into the themes of honor, patriotism and love.
Attorney Philby Harding
Due to the tragic loss of his wife Karen, who died of cancer while 6 months pregnant, Dr. Simon Hamilton has dedicated his life to finding a cure for cancer, with the help of his scientists partner Dr. Paul Wilson. After many years of research, they are on the brink of a medical miracle that could change the world forever, but they are being hunted by the Pentagon and the medical industry who want control of the technology at any cost.