Joel Bender


The True Adventures of Raoul Walsh
This is the first feature-length documentary on legendary director Raoul Walsh. In this 'memoir,' Walsh 'recounts' his career from the silent film era to the tumultuous 1960s. The documentary makes stunning use of rare, personal and production photos and footage, revealing Walsh's extraordinary, adventurous life on and off the set. From his apprenticeship with D.W. Griffith to his discovery of John Wayne and Rock Hudson, from the innovative 'The Thief of Bagdad' (1924) to the widescreen 'The Big Trail' (1930), from his classic work with Cagney, Bogart and Flynn to his mastery of every genre (musicals, comedies, Westerns, gangster, war), Walsh made Hollywood history. His life is nothing less than the story of Hollywood itself. Here's a full-bodied account of one of Hollywood's greatest legends.
Oscuro deseo
Shane es un joven universitario que comparte habitación con otro compañero. Un día le invita a comer a casa de sus padres. El cariño que le manifiestan a su único hijo le resulta tan envidiable como su elevado status social. Cuando Shane mantiene una disputa con su compañero, no duda en soltar su mano y dejarle caer desde un precipício. Para sus padres no hay duda de que Shane hizo lo que pudo por salvar su vida, y de esta manera, poco a poco irá ocupando el lugar de la víctima en su familia. Pero también despertará el deseo de la madre, un oscuro deseo. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Cursed
A supernatural thriller set in a cozy Tennessee town where Sheriff Jimmy Muldoon and younger brother, Deputy Lloyd Muldoon, have a firm grasp of law and order until a stranger, Denny White, comes to town and horrible things begin to happen.
Basada en hechos reales, cuenta la historia de Paul Bernardo y su mujer Karla Homolka, y de cómo a comienzos de los años noventa raptaron, abusaron sexualmente y asesinaron a tres chicas jóvenes.
Basada en hechos reales, cuenta la historia de Paul Bernardo y su mujer Karla Homolka, y de cómo a comienzos de los años noventa raptaron, abusaron sexualmente y asesinaron a tres chicas jóvenes.
Basada en hechos reales, cuenta la historia de Paul Bernardo y su mujer Karla Homolka, y de cómo a comienzos de los años noventa raptaron, abusaron sexualmente y asesinaron a tres chicas jóvenes.
Immortal Combat
Two police officers discover an island laboratory where a madwoman is turning martial artists into superkillers.
El beso de medianoche
Un vampiro moderno está matando gente y chupando sangre en la ciudad. La policía no puede detenerlo debido a su fuerza e ingenio. Una noche, luchando contra una agente de la ley, el vampiro le muerde, pero en lugar de convertirse en una de sus nuevas amantes-vampiro, se transforma en una súper policía-vampiro
El beso de medianoche
Un vampiro moderno está matando gente y chupando sangre en la ciudad. La policía no puede detenerlo debido a su fuerza e ingenio. Una noche, luchando contra una agente de la ley, el vampiro le muerde, pero en lugar de convertirse en una de sus nuevas amantes-vampiro, se transforma en una súper policía-vampiro
Rich Girl
A rich Beverly Hills girl gets a job as a waitress, and falls in love with a rock singer.
Shock Cinema: Volume Two
Hour long documentary features interviews with filmmakers, actors and others who work low budget movies.
La clínica del terror
El doctor Divine, un científico sin escrúpulos, ha conseguido desarrollar una innovadora técnica de trasplante de cerebros. Su maníaco plan para hacerse de oro comienza enviando a sus monstruosas creaciones a secuestrar a brillantes y atractivos estudiantes para trasplantar sus cerebros en los cuerpos de viejos millonarios que buscan la juventud eterna. Su plan parece imparable hasta que uno de los jóvenes consigue huir.
La clínica del terror
El doctor Divine, un científico sin escrúpulos, ha conseguido desarrollar una innovadora técnica de trasplante de cerebros. Su maníaco plan para hacerse de oro comienza enviando a sus monstruosas creaciones a secuestrar a brillantes y atractivos estudiantes para trasplantar sus cerebros en los cuerpos de viejos millonarios que buscan la juventud eterna. Su plan parece imparable hasta que uno de los jóvenes consigue huir.
The Runnin' Kind
As next in line to take over his father's law firm, Ohio rich kid Joey's life is all planned out. But a chance encounter with a gorgeous, free-spirited female rock drummer inspires Joey to chuck his plans and move to Los Angeles, where he hooks up with an all-girl rock band and learns the ins and outs of the L.A. music underground.
Warrior Queen
In ancient Pompeii, slaves are bought and sold for household chores and sex. A mysterious queen moves among the elite, meantime secretly helping the slaves to escape. Eventually her life is also in jeopardy, and as the volcano erupts she and the slaves attempt to escape while being chased by the military
Juegos de supervivencia
En la zona sur de este conflictivo distrito Neoyorquino una peligrosa banda ocupa un edificio haciendo la vida imposible a sus vecinos, estos hartos de ver sus correrías de salvajismo y droga avisan a la policía. Este hecho no hará mas que empeorar la situación, pues el mismo día son puestos en libertad auspiciados por los vacíos legales que parecen proteger al delincuente y que impide que la policía pueda retenerlos. Llenos de odio y narcóticos volverán al edificio del que intentaron echarles, emprendiendo una brutal venganza contra sus ocupantes que se verán acorralados y sin escapatoria a merced de su furia homicida.
A group of people who were the inspiration of an author's fact-based, best-selling book are invited to a party at a mansion in the Hollywood hills to celebrate the making of the book into a movie which a series of situations, and bed-hopping begins between all persons involved.
The Returning
Two different men are possessed by spirits of Native Americans after they separately wander into a sacred burial ground. When John and Sybil come home with their son after a trip to the Mojave Desert, they bring an unusual stone back as a memento of the trip. The stone seems to cause strange noises and other horrible inexplicable phenomena.
Gas Pump Girls
June and her friends take over a service station formerly run by her uncle. They perform every trick in the book to attract the customers.
Gas Pump Girls
June and her friends take over a service station formerly run by her uncle. They perform every trick in the book to attract the customers.
Associate Producer
Two Vietnam vets, Tom and Nordi, live sad lives in a crumbling New Jersey city. Sharing a one room apartment, they talk about their inability to hold down real work, struggle to get noticed at the VA and fail to connect with women. This changes for Tom when he meets Marcella and they begin a relationship. However, he can't escape his past with Nordi and the toxic bond soon takes a gruesome turn.
A Girl's Best Friend
The story involves a hectic and hilarious chase as Mrs. Leautrec (Juliet Anderson) and her dashing son Paul (Ron Jeremy) stalk three incredibly beautiful diamonds through the ballrooms and bedrooms of Europe, using love and lust as tools of their trade. Hot on the trail of the third and finest diamond, our notorious heroes find themselves at an elegant New York disco where Mrs. Leautrec meets the diamond's owner, Mr. Greenfield, while Paul strikes an unusual sexual bargain with "The Lady in Red" (Samantha Fox). Mr. Greenfield, a multi-millionaire, invites Paul and his mother to his annual masquerade and orgy. As hundreds of masked party-goers publicly pursue their favorite perversions, Paul and his mother are caught in a devious trap, causing them to lose the diamond to another thief (Veronica Hart).