Kelly Yuan-Ling Yang


Zoom Hunting
Yang Ruyi (32), a fashion magazine photographer, lives with her elder sister Yang Ruxing (33), a rational, introverted detective fiction author. Ruyi has inadvertently photographed a couple making madly passionately love. Few days later in a shopping center not far from her home, she finds the woman already married, leading a child and is with a different man. Ruyi shares her secret with Ruxing who is suffering from writer's block. The two sisters begin to observe the couple; gradually Ruxing even writes some of her observations into her novel, without letting Ruyi knows it. Late one night, Ruyi views two people are arguing, but as she picks up her camera to photograph she can only see two vague, dark outlines wrestling one another; Ruyi calls the police but upon arriving, nothing seems out of order. Ruyi is convinced she has mistaken nothing; she enlarges the photo and discovers a third outline looks pretty much like her older sister...
One Day
Una joven se encuentra con un soldado que asegura ser su “futuro amante”. Ella no toma en serio lo que parece ser una ridícula historia, pero una serie de misteriosos incidentes le hacen pensar en que eventualmente el soldado estaba diciendo la verdad.
Fishing Luck
Una joven muchacha llamada Zing llega desde la capital a la Isla de las Orquídeas, un lugar en el que los habitantes viven tranquilos y dedicados a la pesca, enviada por su empresa para comprobar la cobertura de los teléfonos móviles. Allí conocerá a un joven llamado Behong a través del cual se familiarizará con el modo de vida de las gentes de la isla, y se dará cuenta de que cada vez hay más cosas que la alejan de su novio, al que ha dejado en Taipei.
Taiwan Black Movies
Between 1979 and 1983, 117 violent and gritty social realist pictures were produced in Taiwan. Many of these found their way around the world courtesy of Hong Kong's IFD films.