Vsevolod Shilovsky

Vsevolod Shilovsky

Nacimiento : 1938-06-03, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR [now Russia]


Vsevolod Shilovsky


Midshipmen 1787. Peace
Crimea, 1787. Despite the Manifesto of the Russian Empress Catherine and the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi peace treaty, which forever united Crimea with Russia, Europe continues to weave intrigues, trying to break this sacred union. In the undercover struggle, all methods were used - from shameless gossip, dark rumors and false articles in newspapers to dirty manipulations with the illegitimate son of the empress sent to Europe for training - Alexei Bobrinsky, a passionate gambler and brawler. This weakness was cleverly exploited by international intriguers. Catherine instructs her faithful friends, the midshipmen, to cut the knot of the conspiracy ... Together with the fathers, their grown-up children, Shurka and Alexandra, go into battle.
Love and Sax
Важный господин
A story about a life of two musicians.
Song of Songs
1905. A Jewish Shtetl. Shimek and Buzya are two 10 year olds. Of course, she is a princess and he is a prince. They live in the same yard, in neighboring palaces. What Buzya really means to him, Shimek begins to understand only years later when, far away from home, when he receives the news that Buzya is about to be married off.
Once there was a woman
A chronicle of the life of an illiterate Russian peasant woman between 1909 and 1921, focusing on her private life and major historic events in the country.
Second wind
Главный герой картины – молодой прожигатель жизни Павел Макаров. Проснувшись после очередной вечеринки, он обнаруживает рядом с собой незнакомую девушку, которая всерьез предлагает жениться на ней, но получает отказ. Дочь местного авторитета, она не привыкла слышать слово «нет». И теперь Макарову грозят серьезные неприятности: ему приходится срочно покинуть родной город. Тогда он соглашается на то, от чего давно отказывался, – служить в армии по контракту...
Жизнь врасплох
El traductor
Ira es rusa. Ivan Tashkov, también. Ella tiene 23 años, vive en Ginebra con su madre y sabe muy poco sobre su patria. Tashkov es un supuesto capo de la mafia rusa que está en la cárcel a la espera de ser juzgado. Como intérprete del abogado defensor de Tashkov, Ira, que está buscando sus raíces y su propio camino en la vida, en seguida cae bajo el hechizo de este hombre, poderoso, culto y manipulador.
Money Day
A criminal comedy about the adventure of three friends: Zmey, Parfen and Pisatel, who accidentally found $33.000 which belong to criminal boss
Pop World
18-year old girl, called Slavka, born in a small northern town, comes to Moscow - to become a singer or a real pop-star. She got no cash, but just the business card of one of the most famous music producer, called Larisa. But Slavka appears to be quite pushy, and gets herself on board Larisa. And suddenly psycho shock happens - 48-year old Larisa recognizes herself and her own youth in a teen age Slavka, who has the same fighter's nature...
The Byzantine Cat
Sent to Cyprus to find her next story, young journalist Jane Spencer is intrigued by the discovery of a cat's monastery where the cats are blessed with miraculous gifts.
Игра в любовь
All the Things We Dreamt of for So Long
A young man is forced to become a criminal...
Barkhanov and His Bodyguard
Actor Barkhanov is hired as a bodyguard for a very rich person in this criminal comedy from mid-nineties.
In one of the American States committed a major Bank robbery, which killed two guards. Jim Conley, a Bank employee, is charged with the murder. With irrefutable evidence, attorney General Ted Talbot is seeking a death sentence for Conley. A day later, one of the witnesses confesses to the murder, a little later they find his corpse. Bolbat's career comes to an end. His friend and assistant, Leo Harman, knowing that Talbot cleverly framed, begins a full investigation into unthinkable intrigue.
In one of the American States committed a major Bank robbery, which killed two guards. Jim Conley, a Bank employee, is charged with the murder. With irrefutable evidence, attorney General Ted Talbot is seeking a death sentence for Conley. A day later, one of the witnesses confesses to the murder, a little later they find his corpse. Bolbat's career comes to an end. His friend and assistant, Leo Harman, knowing that Talbot cleverly framed, begins a full investigation into unthinkable intrigue.
The Codex of Disgrace
Wandering Stars
A drama based on classical novel by Sholom Aleichem.
High Class
A young girl gets involved with the criminal group providing "working girls" abroad.
Death Line
A factory worker leads a double life. In that other reality, he's a "killer" doing his dirty work. Receiving the order, he is as close to his "client", penetrating into his life before it is cut off. In parallel, it turns out that the "client" holds in the hands of three respectable women who are connected with each other by one craft - prostitution. Trying to cash in on their secret "killer" gets a feminine charms and falls victim to his greed
Death Line
талантливый стеклодув-киллер Никольский Сергей Сергеевич
A factory worker leads a double life. In that other reality, he's a "killer" doing his dirty work. Receiving the order, he is as close to his "client", penetrating into his life before it is cut off. In parallel, it turns out that the "client" holds in the hands of three respectable women who are connected with each other by one craft - prostitution. Trying to cash in on their secret "killer" gets a feminine charms and falls victim to his greed
The Deserter
«Маруся» / Сидор Поликарпович
Это мы, Господи!..
Генерал-майор Переверзев
Smirennoye kladbishche
Gennadi Nosenko
The main character Vorobei is a professional grave digger and alcohol addict, who runs away from hospital to dig graves instead of treating his head broken by his brother. He comes to cemetery and keeps on working, instead of his friends' advice to stay in the hospital. The world of death turns out to be surrounded by corruption, satanic money-making, cemetery mafia and lots of vodka.
Полет птицы
Nikolai Platonovich
The action takes place in Leningrad n the time of "perestroika" during the 1980's. Tatyana is a beautiful Russian nurse who is underpaid at her hospital job, so she becomes a prostitute catering to international tourists. She becomes well paid in dollars, and helps her ailing mother survive. Tatyana's international clients tell her about the life in other countries, so she accepts a marriage in order to escape from the grim Soviet reality. Even though she is married to a decent man abroad, she still suffers being labeled an ex-Soviet prostitute, and her new life is full of new troubles.
The Prisoner of If Castle
Gaspar Cadrousse
A Russian version of the classic Alexandre Dumas novel. Edmond Dantes is falsely accused by those jealous of his good fortune, and is sentenced to spend the rest of his life in the notorious island prison, Chateau d'If. While imprisoned, he meets the Abbe Faria, a fellow prisoner whom everyone believes to be mad. The Abbe tells Edmond of a fantastic treasure hidden away on a tiny island, that only he knows the location of. After many years in prison, the old Abbe dies, and Edmond escapes disguised as the dead body. Now free, Edmond must find the treasure the Abbe told him of, so he can use the new-found wealth to exact revenge on those who have wronged him
Избранник судьбы
Избранник судьбы
Избранник судьбы
At a meeting of the bureau, under pressure from the first secretary of the district committee of the party, the agronomist of the collective farm Boris Kholmovoy was dismissed and expelled from the party for allegedly arbitrary actions. Disagreeing with the decision of the district committee, Kholmovoy files an appeal. The secretary of the regional party committee Plotnikov, wanting to understand this complicated matter, goes to the collective farm.
Exceptions Without Rules
начальник главка (новелла: Голос)
With No Expiration Date
Leaving the seaside town at the end of the Great Patriotic War, the SS men hid lists of secret agents. A few years later, Sam Page, a former fascist mercenary Semyon Paygin, and two other agents come to the USSR in order to search for the archive. After all, the crimes of SS agents have no statute of limitations.
Как стать счастливым
Подвиг Одессы
Две версии одного столкновения
A Million in a Wedding Basket
In the densely populated slums live large but poor family of charming and talented signor Leonido Popogatto. Under the guise of an important person he enters the secular parties and steals drinks and food from the tables.
A Million in a Wedding Basket
In the densely populated slums live large but poor family of charming and talented signor Leonido Popogatto. Under the guise of an important person he enters the secular parties and steals drinks and food from the tables.
Счастливая, Женька!
Среди тысячи дорог
Выигрыш одинокого коммерсанта
Гори-гори ясно
Torpedo bombers
película basada en historias cortas del escritor ruso Yuri German. En el año de 1944. Un regimiento de Fuerzas Aéreas es destinado a un pequeño campo de aviación. Allí ellos viven con sus familias, llevando una vida aparentemente normal. Pero, sin embargo, para estos pilotos, alguna de esas misiónes a las que son enviados, puede ser la última de su vida. La película incorpora los documentales únicos de guerra, que fueron filmados, de primera mano, por los Británicos, y de otra parte, por los camaras alemanes. Este trabajo fue hecho a la vez cuando los bombarderos alemanes atacaron la caravana británica de barcos de carga Murmansk. Sobre la parte británica, la filmación fue hecha por un cameraman que va en barco a bordo de uno de los barcos atacados. ¿Sobre la parte alemana, allí volaba un operador de cámara con el piloto de uno de los bombarderos?.
Investigator by Profession
A locker room janitor at the train station notices that a suitcase was put in a locker by a man, but pulled out by another man. This suitcase appeared to be stuffed with money. This incident allows a police detective to uncover a huge criminal organization responsible for theft, smuggling and murder.
The Voice
Cinematographer Kolchuzhnikov
An actress needs to dub her voice after the production of her movie has wrapped. At the same time, she is facing a life crisis that alters her plans: just released from the hospital, she realizes that her illness is more than she can emotionally handle. Overwhelmed, she has to look at the simple task of dubbing from a completely new perspective. This film had an attendance of 2.3 million in the Soviet Union when it was released.
Love by Request
Kolya (as V. Shilovskiy)
Two people: Igor, an ex-athlete living aimlessly and chasing rubles to get drunk and Vera, a dowdy librarian, try to find their luck by planning to fall in love with each other based on "psychological conditioning".
Portrait of the Artist's Wife
The events of several days spent by the married couple - artist Pavel Alekseevich and his wife Nina - in a small country boarding house. For him, this is an opportunity to collect his thoughts and finally, after many years, write a new picture. The usual life of vacationers is mushroom hikes, boat trips, a costume ball, if not for Nina’s attraction for another man...
The Mechanic Gavrilov's Beloved Woman
Story of 38-years-old Rita whose fiance didn't show up at their wedding.
Niccolo Paganini
Biopic sobre Niccolo Paganini. Recibe formación de su padre en la primera infancia. Los mejores maestros de Parma son incapaces de darle más, por lo que Paganini recurre a 15 horas diarias de riguroso autoformación. Realiza sensacionales giras de conciertos en Viena, París, Londres y muchas otras ciudades de Europa. Siempre está jugando de memoria, vestido de negro, y su apariencia en el escenario respalda los rumores de sus habilidades sobrenaturales. Es un hombre rico, pero el juego y los gastos imprudentes lo obligan a empeñar su violín. Un rico oyente le regala un violín Guarneri para que lo conserve. Posteriormente regala este violín a la ciudad de Génova. Leonid Kogan toca el violín de Paganini en esta película.
Poor Masha
Young nurse Masha tries to check her boyfriend Kolya by telling him that she's pregnant.
Innokenti Stepanovich Mechetkin - an accountant
A drama about an affair between 18 years old dinning-room waitress and much older police investigator.
Noche de cumpleaños
Narrator (voice)
Zelma emplea marionetas/figuras para recrear la historia de Tima, un niño que tiene miedo a la oscuridad y de como lo perdió.
Шелковая кисточка
Дома вдовца
The end of the civil war. A sailor Alexey Zvorykin is appointed Director of the automobile plant. After training in America at Ford he finishes release of the first Soviet lorry and personally takes part in the international motor rally in Sands of Kara-Kuma which is won by our car.
Случай из следственной практики
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Our House
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