Thomas Blanchard

Thomas Blanchard


Thomas Blanchard


Hugo: 6:30
During a casting session, Hugo, a young actor, is invited to be the narrator, actor, and director of a story he has to improvise. He embarks on a story about sex, illness, and emancipation.
Gendarme 2
Dos amigos ingenuos descubren una mosca gigante en el maletero de un automóvil y deciden domesticarla para ganar dinero con ella.
La chaqueta de piel de ciervo
The Guy in the Jacket
Georges tiene 44 años, y su chaqueta es de piel de ciervo. Es más, su cazadora le habla. Y Georges está dispuesto a hacer lo que sea por esta preciada pieza de ropa.
Air comprimé
Vincent, who lacks control over his pupils, his a maths teacher in a high school. One day, he and his wife Hélène, who is five months pregnant, are the target of a hidden paintball shooter. Although not injured, they are traumatized. While Hélène decides to forget the attack, Vincent becomes convinced that the shooter is one of his young students.
The Elephant and the Butterfly
When her babysitter doesn’t show, a single mother is forced to leave her precocious five-year-old daughter with the girl’s estranged father for a long weekend.
Viaje a Groenlandia
Thomas y Thomas están pasando por una mala racha: ambos son actores de treinta y tantos años y viven en París. Un día, deciden irse de la ciudad y volar a Kullorsuaq, uno de los pueblos más remotos de Groenlandia, donde vive Nathan el padre de uno de ellos. En la comunidad Inuit van a descubrir el encanto de las costumbres locales y pondrán a prueba su amistad.
At a small seaside resort that is at risk of being submerged by the ocean, the inhabitants have been ordered to leave. Among those resigned to their fate are a reality TV candidate, a porn movie actress and a gay couple roaming the pine forest in search of themselves.
At a small seaside resort that is at risk of being submerged by the ocean, the inhabitants have been ordered to leave. Among those resigned to their fate are a reality TV candidate, a porn movie actress and a gay couple roaming the pine forest in search of themselves.
Durante una comida familiar, Cedric, de treinta años, que aún vive en casa de sus padres, se entera de que su hermana está embarazada. Aunque todo el mundo se alegra con la noticia, ésta provoca en él un resentimiento que se convertirá en furia. Intenta, entonces, hablar de los prejuicios de los que se siente víctima desde siempre.
Un chico normal comienza una relación con una actriz más bella de lo que nunca pudo imaginarse. Pero en ese momento aparece una chica muy molesta que convierte su vida en un infierno. La hasta entonces perfecta relación comienza a fallar cuando su novia empieza a sospechar que se puede traer algo con esa tal "Caprice".
La terre penche
A tiny seaside resort, out of season. Thomas returns after being away for quite some time. Adèle is an estate agent, who has a tendency to fall asleep. The tide turns towards the beach and the dunes, scooping up jellyfish, sheep and ghosts in its ebb and flow. The tide turns, just like Thomas towards Adèle and Adèle towards Thomas.
Le film que nous tournerons au Groenland
Sébastien Betbeder and his actors Thomas Blanchard and Thomas Scimeca gather to imagine the script for the the film they will shoot in a year's time at Kullorsuaq in Groenland - a sequel to Inupiluk.
Tonight, as often during the week, Thomas goes to meet Thomas in their usual café. But Thomas is miles away, on the other side of the world, on the snowy plains of Greenland where his father lives.
Madeleine and the Two Apaches
A short film by French director Christelle Lheureux.
2 otoños, 3 inviernos
A los 33 años, Arman decide cambiar su vida. Para comenzar, empieza a correr.¡Es un buen comienzo! Amélie sigue su vida y también corre. Su primer encuentro será un shock. El segundo será un navajazo en pleno corazón. (FILMAFFINITY)
Queen of Montreuil
Le jeune homme en robe
It's early summer and Agathe is back in France, at home in Montreuil. She has to get over her husband's death and return to her work as a film director. The unexpected arrival at her house of a couple of Icelanders, a sea lion and a neighbour that she has always desired yet never vanquished will give Agathe the strength to get her life back on track...
A young woman inherits her family's historic home on the coast of Brittany, a house she has not been to since her father died there when she was age 12.
What We'll Leave Behind
Le type au bar
The tragic story of two brothers grappling with the death of their father. One was loved and the other unfairly neglected by a father who left him nothing. The entire inheritance goes to the favorite son, who needs it less and cares little about money.
The Hounds
Friends Franck, Hugo and Philippe attend a housewarming party in a Parisian apartment. At the door, two uninvited men try talking their way inside. The tension escalates.
Memory Lane
August in Paris' suburbs, seven friends are gathered to spend a week in the city where they grew up. The city is empty and the days pass by under a deep blue sky. Each of them has a reason to be there: some still live there, some come back to see their family, some are searching their childhood, some want to escape boredom or eventually searching for love. They are all bearing the fact that these moments they are sharing are maybe the last ones.
Poison Friends
Edouard Franchon
A group of college students are duped by a charming pathological liar.
Grey Souls
le Soldat Yann Le Floc
In 1917, the old rivalry between a prosecutor and a judge resurfaces during a police investigation into the murder of a child.
No Rest for the Brave
A strange man is involved in a village massacre and drug dealing.
The Pornographer
Jacques es un director de cine pornográfico que recapacita sobre su vida cuando se da cuenta que el mundo de lo "erótico" ha cambiado completamente y que él no es capaz de capturar la pasión en la pantalla como lo hizo en el pasado. Un polémico film por sus fuertes escenas de sexo explícito.
Great Idea
In this comedy, five French students in their early twenties decide it's time they saw a bit more of the world, so Clementine, Caroline, Lionel, Bruno, and Brigitte buy cut-price rail passes and set out to visit 15 of the great cities of Europe. But it doesn't take long for their great plans to unravel, as the group's desire to see the important sights gets sidetracked by their fondness for partying and the opposite sex, and as they roll through Amsterdam, Berlin, Athens, and Bologna, they stumble into a wide variety of misadventures and meet all manner of unlikely people, from a former teacher who has come rather dramatically out of the closet to a washed-up dance-pop star.
Little Girls
Marion's Brother
Inès, Stella, Marion and Emilie are four young women who become friends and never leave each other. They band together during their teenage years. This film discusses their first meeting and what happens afterward.