Neil Young


Cane Toads: The Conquest
Police Constable Neil Bartlett
Cane Toads: The Conquest is a comic yet provocative account of Australia’s most notorious environmental blunder from filmmaker Mark Lewis.Shot against the harsh and beautiful landscape of northern Australia, Cane Toads: The Conquest tracks the unstoppable journey of the toad across the continent. Director Mark Lewis (Cane Toads: An Unnatural History, The Natural History of the Chicken) injects his trademark irreverence and humor into the story as he follows a trail of human conflict, bizarre culture and extraordinary close encounters.Filmed with high-resolution 3D technology, Cane Toads is the first Australian digital 3D feature film.  Custom designed equipment allows viewers to get up close and personal with these curious creatures like never before. The unique viewing experience is like being immersed in the world of the toad.
A Concert for Hurricane Relief
A Hurricane Katrina relief concert. After Louisiana was destroyed by Katrina, famous stars all came together and put on this concert, which aired on over 20 television stations, including NBC, TV Guide Channel, ABC, CBS, PAX, FOX, Cinemax, TBS, and USA.
La isla del Dr. Moreau
Boar Man
Tras sobrevivir a un accidente de avión en el mar, el negociador de la ONU Edward Douglas (David Thewlis) es recogido en medio del mar y llevado a una misteriosa isla habitada por unos seres extraños y deformes que están a las órdenes de un siniestro médico, el Dr. Moreau (Marlon Brando).