Pierre Forest

Pierre Forest


Pierre Forest


Adiós, señor Haffmann
Le médecin
París, 1942. François Mercier es un hombre corriente que solo aspira a formar una familia con la mujer que ama, Blanche. También es el empleado de un talentoso joyero, el señor Haffmann. Pero ante la ocupación alemana, los dos hombres no tendrán más remedio que concluir un acuerdo cuyas consecuencias, a lo largo de los meses, alterarán el destino de nuestros tres personajes.
La Belle Époque
The hotel receptionist
Víctor, un sexagenario desilusionado, ve su vida trastornada el día en que Antoine, un brillante empresario, le ofrece un nuevo tipo de atracción: mezclando artificios teatrales y reconstrucción histórica, la empresa de Antoine ofrece a sus clientes la oportunidad de sumergirse de nuevo en una era de su elección. Victor decide entonces revivir la semana más memorable de su vida: aquella en la que, 40 años antes, conoció a su gran amor.
El oficial y el espía
Colonel Maurel
En 1894, el capitán francés Alfred Dreyfus, un joven oficial judío, es acusado de traición por espiar para Alemania y condenado a cadena perpetua en la Isla del Diablo, en la Guayana Francesa. Entre los testigos que hicieron posible esta humillación se encuentra el coronel Georges Picquart, encargado de liderar la unidad de contrainteligencia que descubrió al espía. Pero cuando Picquart se entera de que se siguen pasando secretos militares a los alemanes, se adentrará en un peligroso laberinto de mentiras y corrupción, poniendo en peligro su honor y su vida.
Misterio Del Palacio Del Eliseo
París, 1895. Madeleinie Gassart, una madre trabajadora de una fábrica de seda, está orgullosa de su hijo, Victor, que trabaja en el Palacio del Elíseo, como asesor gubernamental. Ambos son testigos de un asesinato, pero sabe que su hijo se comporta de una manera extraña, ocultando algo. Cree que su hijo participa en un complot. Ella se enfrenta a una elección imposible: defender al gobierno o los lazos de la sangre.
Little Tickles
Officier commissariat
Odette is a 8-yr-old girl who loves to dance and draw. Once she has become an adult, Odette realizes she was abused, and immerses herself body and soul in her career as a dancer while trying to deal with her past.
Friday Night
While visiting her daughter who is studying abroad in France, Claire is thrown into the midst of a city-wide attack. In a place where she doesn't speak the language or know her way around, she's forced to navigate this French metropolis in the dark of night in a desperate search to find her daughter and ensure her safety.
Les aventures de petit ours brun
Papa Ours
Villa mon rêve
Because they could no longer stand the xenophobic comments and behavior of their neighbors, Véronique and Sylvain Marchand, parents of a little girl and members of the Stop Racism organization, went into exile in a quiet suburban town, where they bought a house, the villa "Mon rêve". Soon after, the Dialo family, friendly Africans, moved into the adjoining house. At first, the two families get along perfectly. The only problem was that the Dialos organized many parties, which often ended late at night. The patience and understanding of the Marchands only delay the inevitable conflict.
Night Wind
le réceptionniste
A housewife's affair with a younger man goes nowhere.
CRS Captain
Cuando un equipo internacional de ex-agentes de inteligencia y ex-guerreros de la guerra fría se reunen en una bodega, su aventura de amor, amistad y traición apenas comienza. Al igual que el honorable e independiente samurai de hace cientos de años, estos ronin modernos se embarcan en su más peligrosa misión secreta: recobrar una misteriosa maleta y entregársela a su desconocido jefe y a la vez conservar sus vidas. Un criminal que se vende al mejor postor lidera un grupo de profesionales del crimen que busca un misterioso maletín, cuyo contenido es desconocido incluso para el espectador.
The Kiss Under the Bell
José / Father
1962. Joseph, 13 years old, a choirboy and a true "light" of religion, set out to become Pope. Not less. Of Spanish origin, Angela and José, her parents, fled their country and misery to settle in a small village around Perpignan. Angela, sensual and beautiful to damn a saint, is an attentive and possessive mother. Joseph, this only son, she feels that she has received him as a gift from heaven. So she puts all her energy and maternal love overflowing to encourage the vocation of her son, unlike José who wishes for him a "normal" life, a life of man, simply.
Douce France
In this French comedy, the young adult children of working-class Arab immigrants living in the projects of suburban Paris endeavor to find a suitable cultural identity. The story centers on four young men in their 20s: Farida, who tries to live according to family traditions; his rebellious sister Souad, who wants to be as Westernized as possible and works at a fast-food outlet; her ex-boyfriend, Jean Luc, who wants to be an immigrant lawyer; and his friend Moussa. The film is comprised of brief incidents from their lives.
Cyrano de Bergerac
Cyrano de Bergerac is in love with his young cousin, Roxane, but does not dare to confess his love to her. It must be said that Cyrano's prominent nasal appendage attracts him constant mockery, which often forces him to defend his honor with weapons. When Roxane reveals to him that she loves the handsome Christian, a cadet of Gascony like Cyrano, the latter undertakes to take him under his protection. But the young man is cruelly lacking in spirit. It is therefore Cyrano who writes love letters to Roxane in her name, in which he expresses the ardent flame he also feels for his cousin. He even helps Christian to marry his beloved in secret. It is only years later and after having been the victim of an attack that Cyrano, on the verge of death, will finally declare his passion for her.
La Vouivre
Un joven soldado vuelve de la Primera Guerra Mundial con graves secuelas. En el pueblo donde vive una hermosa mujer nada desnuda en los estanques, protegida por víboras. El ex soldado se enamora de ella y se convierte en su amante, lo cual significará su muerte.
Liberty at Night
Le parachutiste
A man caught in the midst of the events of Algeria is experiencing a new but fleeting happiness with a young Algerian.
The Eyes of the Birds
Pato Ruiz
A Red Cross inspection team visits a prison and holds interviews with a range of inmates.