Kim Joo-ryoung

Kim Joo-ryoung

Nacimiento : 1976-07-15, South Korea


Kim Joo Ryung is a South Korean actress. She was born on September 10, 1976 and made her acting debut in 2000. Since then, she has appeared in numerous films and television dramas, including “The Ghost Detective” (2018), “The Snob” (2019), “When My Love Blooms” (2020), “King Maker: The Change of Destiny” (2020), and “SF8” (2020).


Kim Joo-ryoung


Identidad desbloqueada
La vida de una joven da un vuelco cuando el teléfono móvil que había perdido acaba en manos de un hombre peligroso que lo usa para controlar todos sus movimientos.
Juhee from 5 to 7
Juhee, a professor of theater, is diagnosed with a possible malignant tumor at the hospital. She goes back to school and tries to settle her affairs but many people come to her lab out of the blue.
The last thing Jiyeon remembers is being carried to somewhere on a bed. She can’t tell if it’s a dream or reality and finally wakes up in a strange room. There is a mysterious lady in the room and she says that this is a rehabilitation center. The lady also says that Jiyeon has to go through a life-threatening rehabilitation process in order to live. Will Jiyeon be able to survive rehab?
Soñando con cambiar el mundo, Seo Chang-dae participa en la campaña política de Kim Woon-bum. Para resistir al actual partido gobernante dictatorial, Seo adopta una campaña de propaganda muy agresiva y convierte a Kim en el candidato más fuerte del partido de oposición. Cuando un ambicioso Seo cree que los medios injustificados son necesarios para la política, Kim cree firmemente que no se trata de una política real. Mientras su conflicto se profundiza, el partido gobernante contacta secretamente a Seo para ganar las próximas elecciones presidenciales.
A la mierda el 2021
Self (archive footage)
Retrospectiva cómica que mezcla grabaciones de archivo y sketches escritos para revisitar todo lo bueno y lo malo que ha ofrecido 2021
Una mujer con pérdida de memoria intenta desenterrar la verdad de su pasado.
To acquire ancient artifacts for a private collector, a cunning grave robber and his band of ingenious thieves carry out a series of risky heists.
Kim Jung-Won
Set in the near future, SF8 tells the story of people who dream of a perfect society through technological advancements. This project is a Korean original sci-fi anthology series about an array of subjects including artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), robots, gaming, fantasy, horror, superpowers, and disasters.
Joan's Galaxy
Kim Jung Won
In a world devastated by a fine dust pollution, society has been divided into two castes: the "Cs" (Clean) are those who can afford a vaccine at birth which permits a 100-year lifespan and the "Ns" (Non-clean) are those who can't and will usually die by the time they are 30. Two young women who share the same tragic fate take comfort in each other's company.
Jane's Summer
Jane's mom, Mi-seon
Jane is a dancer with outstanding talents but is always taken away of her spotlight. After failing an audition she had been anticipating and with a complicated heart, she leaves for Bangkok where her friend Ji-woo is. These two came to meet with two men called Summer and Rainfall at a pub they frequent, and Jane who was filled with sexual encounters also begins an unconventional and risky relationship with them.
The Snob
Kim Bo-ryoung
Seonwoo Jung is an artist who claims “borrowing” rather than plagiarism when an old friend who’s been abroad re-enters, and agitates, her life: a secret meeting with a curator and her old friend suggests she seduce her partner.
By Quantum Physics: A Nightlife Venture
Investor 2
An advocate of the concept ‘thoughts create reality’, Chan-woo endeavors to realize his dream of running a high-end nightclub when he finds himself caught in the center of a power game in the criminal underworld.
Spring, Again
A mother who just lost her only hope, daughter, made a critical decision. On that day, she happened to live a life which the time goes back to one day before every day. During the time traveling, she gets the second chance for her life.
Feng Shui
Park Jae-sang, un geomántico real, ayuda a la gente a designar un sitio propicio para casas, tiendas e incluso tumbas bajo la creencia de que una tumba en un buen sitio traerá futura fortuna para los descendientes. Este perderá a su familia al exponer una conspiración sobre la tumba del Príncipe Heredero, pero planeará venganza, aunque esto le hará darse cuenta de que hay una conspiración mucho más grande detrás.
Land of Happiness
When Min-soo's birthday comes, he visits Hui-ja’s house with a feeling of uneasiness. Gladly welcomed by her family, he stares fixedly at the prepared memorial table in the living room. The table was for her son, Jin-woo, who died 8 years ago saving Min-soo's life when he tried to kill himself. Hui-ja greets Min-soo with warmth thinking about her dead son, but he regards everything as a discomfort and a pain. Is it possible to keep each Min-soo and Hui-ja's happiness?
The Discloser
Women's president
Captain Gang has died in a test flight accident. Dae-ik discovers a huge corruption scandal while trying to determine the cause of death. He reports it to journalist Jung-sook, but things changed in unexpected ways.
The Mayor
For the first time in Korean history, the mayor of Seoul attempts a third term in office, with his entire campaign team ready to soil their hands.
Un médico aficionado a las novelas de misterio empieza a obsesionarse conque su casero y la familia de éste (que tienen una carnicería en los bajos del edificio) están detrás de una serie de asesinatos cometidos en la ciud
The Suspect
Suk-go un ordinario profesor de matemáticas en la escuela secundaria, es un brillante matemático. Hwa-sol es su vecina. Ambos han establecido una estrecha relación que los hace prácticamente inseparables Tras un encuentro con su exmarido Hwa-sol resulta brutalmente golpeada y muere. Suk-go decide encubrir el asesinato.
Sleepless Night
Facing financial uncertainty and entering middle age, a married couple in their early thirties contemplate whether it's the right time to have their first baby.
Yoon Ja-ae
Basada en el best seller de la escritora Gong Ji Young, trata un caso real de violación y abusos sexuales ocurridos en una escuela para sordomudos en Gwangju. Gong Yoo interpreta el papel de un profesor que descubre el caso al lado de una activista de derechos humanos, interpretada por Jeong Yu Mi. Juntos intentarán por todos los medios dar a conocer los hechos, a pesar de que para ello deban enfrentarse al personal docente y algunos oficiales que tratan de ocultar el incidente.
18 year-old Hye-hwa and Han-soo were lovers but as soon as Hye-hwa got pregnant Han-soo disappeared completely. Five years later, Han-soo suddenly appears in front of Hye-hwa and the two of them find out their baby is still alive. Hye-hwa doesn't believe Han-soo. However, after finding out her child had been adopted, she can’t help but weaken.
I'm in Trouble!
A man in his late thirties sees his friends moving away from him more and more because of the responsibilities that come with entering adulthood, while he studies poetry and wonders if it is worthwhile to follow his relationship or settle his head and find a stable job.
My Dear Enemy
So-yeon's Mother
Una treintañera soltera y en paro decide buscar a su ex novio para reclamarle el dinero que le prestó antes de su ruptura. Él, un estafador con mucho encanto, le promete reunir la nada desdeñable cantidad ese mismo día. Como ella no se fía, lo acompañará en un viaje por la ciudad en el que recordarán cómo se conocieron. Íntimo estudio de personajes, en My Dear Enemy late una tensión casi hitchcockiana que crea una atmósfera envolvente en torno a los dos antiguos amantes.
Texture of Skin
This atmospheric drama follows photographer Min-woo, who enters into a torrid affair with a now-married ex-girlfriend, although he is distracted by a building obsession with the tormented ghost of the young woman who used to live in his apartment.
Paradise Murdered
A grisly murder occurs on the small remote island known as Paradise. After a night of gambling, two of the players are found mutilated. Deok-Su, the missing third player, quickly becomes the suspect. As the 17 residents of Paradise Island try to stay calm, suspicion grows that perhaps there was someone else involved in the grisly murders.
En el estricto instituto de Younghwa, las jóvenes estudiantes se preparan durante su último año de curso para el Día-D, el día del examen de entrada a la universidad. Además del estrés que todo ello conlleva, 4 amigas empezarán a sufrir extraños sucesos relacionados con el obscuro pasado que guarda el instituto.
One Shining Day
Episode 1. Mie comes to Korea in search for a keepsake, which her grandpa left behind when going back to Japan from Jeju Island due to Korean Liberation. She and her friend, Eiko meet a variety of Korean on their journey to Jeju Island. Episode 2. Jong-hwan defrauds people of money with a laptop-computer to make money for meeting his mother who lives in Japan. Episode 3. On arriving at the airport, Ishida starts running to catch the flight to Japan. He ends up missing his flight by bumping against Go-ny, working at a duty-free shop at the airport. After a while, they get to meet up once again at the airport and spend some time together.
You Are My Sunshine
Broadcast journalist 2
Seok-joong, un maduro solterón que no tiene experiencia en citas, se enamora a primera vista de una prostituta llamada Eun-ha. Al principio, Eun-ha no muestra ningún interés por Seok-joong, pero gradualmente irá enamorándose de él. Sin embargo, cuando las cosas parecían ir bien para ellos, Eun-ha descubre algo que provoca un giro dramático de los acontecimientos.
Memories of Murder (Crónica de un asesino en serie)
Corea del Sur, 1986. Una joven aparece brutalmente violada y asesinada. Dos meses después, se producen una serie de violaciones y asesinatos en circunstancias similares. Para buscar al asesino, se organiza un destacamento especial, encabezado por un detective de la policía local (Park Doo-man) y un detective de la policía de Seúl (Seo Tae-yoon), que ha solicitado ser asignado al caso.
Yong-hyun’s mother
Yong-Hyun, una taxista que roza la treintena, se traslada a su nuevo hogar: la habitación 504 de los apartamentos Migum en las afueras de Seúl. Poco después de la mudanza, comienza a intuir una extraña presencia, y recibe la escalofriante noticia de que el anterior inquilino murió en un incendio en esa misma habitación. Por si fuera poco, el fantasmagórico edificio se encuentra a un paso de ser declarado en ruinas y sólo cuatro personas permanecen en él: Mr Lee, un escritor fracasado, Eun-Soo, novia del fallecido, y Sun Yeong, una camarera maltratada por su marido con la que el recién llegado inicia una relación sentimental. Yong-Hyon descubrirá poco a poco que el edificio encierra un terrible secreto que atrapa y condena a todos aquellos que lo habitan...
Spring Garden
So-hee, who enjoys a blissful life with her loving husband, and a baby on the way, wakes up in bed to find her husband hung himself right above her. Before she can process his death and the shock that caused her to lose her baby, she discovers that her husband left her a house in a remote area. How come she never knew about this place? This mysterious house has everything the couple hoped for in their dream house, but once the glamor wears off, an eerie feeling remains. As So-hee feels that a strange presence is going after her life, she begins to get suspicious and believes this house has something to do with her husband’s death. The more she doubts, the more strange things happen.