João Fernandes

João Fernandes

Nacimiento : 1939-07-21, Brazil


João Fernandes


Theatrum Orbis Terrarum
In the sixteenth century the Padrão Real hung from the ceiling of the Map Room in the Casa da Índia. It was a secret map, guarded from the eyes of foreign spies, which was changed and reworked with the comings and goings of each expedition. Aided by scientific equipment to measure distance, the navigators dreamed up the representation of the expanses that they had covered. When at sea, they looked up to the heavens and gauged their path by the stars, hands drawing in space fictional lines that carved territories. Upon returning to shore, they took the map that had previously belonged to others as their own, erasing divisive lines and constructing new borders. The map that they followed has been lost over time, and what remains of it is a stolen copy, made from memory by one of the cartographers in order to outwit enemies.
Homem de Preto
Special Ed
Director of Photography
Dr. David Edwards is a cancer specialist, and his life is his work. His only friend is Lou Rosen, 73. Lou is also David's patient, but at his age, chances are grim. Still, everyone deserves a chance, or at least that's what David thought before Sonny Collins walked into his office. On paper, Sonny looked ideal for his experimental trial: early forties with an inoperable baseball-sized tumor in his lung. But his file didn't say anything about his attitude: crass, crude, and indignant. Would the doctor who's famous for giving even the most gravely ill patient a chance, turn this man away simply because he has a bad attitude? Or is there some other reason? Sometimes healing has nothing to do with medicine. Written by Anonymous
Les Indes Galantes
Prologue: Bellone
"William Christie and Les Arts Florissants propel this exuberant production of Jean-Philippe Rameau's second opera to great heights. Andrei Serban's extravagant, highly baroque staging presents the four exotic love stories vibrantly. In 'Le Turc généreux' Osman sets free his captive, Emilie, whom he loves, so that she may be reunited with her former lover, Valère; 'Les Incas de Pérou' is all about the rivalry of the Inca Huascar and the Spaniard Don Carlos, both in pursuit of Princess Phani; 'Les Fleurs' offers a Persian love intrigue, as the Sultana Fatime tries to detect whether her husband Tacmas has his eye on the lovely Atalide; and 'Les Sauvages' takes us to North America, where a Spaniard and a Frenchman compete for the love of Zima, daughter of a native chief, who prefers one of her own people." — from the DVD cover
Director of Photography
Jayne Ferre necesita salir rápidamente de Los Ángeles. Huye con un millón de dólares en la maleta que ha robado al capo Frank Bianci.Kerry, de dieciséis años, también huye de un traficante de drogas en busca de venganza. Su madre, Emily, decide llevárselo de Los Ángeles. Sus destinos se encontrarán marcándoles para siempre...
Director of Photography
Fred tiene el plan perfecto para volverse rico: secuestrar a una famosa actriz de Hollywood y obligarla a rodar una película porno que será transmitida en vivo a través de Internet a millones de cibernautas. Las ganancias recaudadas irán a unas cuentas seguras fuera del país, lejos de la policía y para cuando los descubran estarán a salvo de cualquier sospecha. Para ello recurre a un antiguo compañero de prisión y aun tímido experto en computadoras que requiere dinero para pagar la operación de su pequeño hijo. Juntos forman el equipo perfecto, sin embargo el destino les tiene preparada una sorpresa mortal.
El diario de Ellen Rimbauer
Director of Photography
"El diario de Ellen Rimbauer” nos descubre los aterradores comienzos de la construcción de una enorme mansión que cobra vida y el misterioso matrimonio que habita en ella a principios del siglo XX. Los estremecedores pasajes del diario nos van descubriendo una serie de encuentros mortales que transformarán a Ellen (Lisa Brenner) de una inocente y sumisa esposa, en una mujer poseída por las fuerzas del mal que habitan en la mansión..
Héroes sin patria
Director of Photography
Año 1846. John Riley es un oficial de origen irlandés en el ejército norteamericano, al mando de un pelotón formado por inmigrantes. Despreciados por su nacionalidad y por su condición de católicos, él y sus subordinados están arrestados a causa de algunas pequeñas infracciones. El estallido de la guerra entre México y los Estados Unidos es inminente, y con la ayuda de otros soldados irlandeses. Riley encabeza una revuelta. Los desertores cruzan la frontera, internándose en las imponentes y desérticas montañas mexicanas, camino del puerto de Veracruz y de su ansiado pasaje hacia la libertad.
El silencio de la víctima
Director of Photography
En el conocido y selecto campus de la Universidad de Corwall, una de las alumnas es violada por uno de los jugadores del equipo de fútbol. Su compañera de habitación, Mary, escribe en el periódico de la universidad y quiere publicar la verdad, pero la joven forzada no quiere ninguna publicidad sobre el asunto, pues puede verse obligada a abandonar sus estudios. (FILMAFFINITY)
What Kind of Mother Are You?
Director of Photography
Kelly keeps getting into trouble with the police. Her mother agrees to her going into a juvenile detention center overnight. She is kept there for much longer. During her incarceration, she is assaulted by inmates and abused by the system.
Falsa evidencia
Director of Photography
Tras un desengaño amoroso, una adolescente inicia una relación con un joven ex convicto que ve en ella una posibilidad de redención. Cuando el padre de ella, excesivamente posesivo, les sorprende haciendo el amor, prohíbe a la pareja que se vuelvan a ver. Sin embargo, tras un tiempo de citas a escondidas, la chica consigue convencer a su novio para que asesine a sus padres.
When the Dark Man Calls
Director of Photography
A famous radio talk-show host finds herself being stalked by the man convicted of murdering her husband, who has finished his 25-year sentence and is out of prison. Her situation is made even more dire when it turns out that he isn't the only problem she has.
Top Dog, el perro sargento
Director of Photography
Jake Wilder es uno de los más duros policías de San Diego, un decidido y heróico agente al que le gusta trabajar y no tiene reparos en quebrantar la ley si es para hacer justicia. Pero al investigar la muerte de un compañero policía, Wilder tiene problemas y a pesar de sus esfuerzos se muestra incapaz de resolver el caso por sí mismo. (FILMAFFINITY)
La posesión (Seduced by evil)
Director of Photography
Durante varios siglos, un hechicero a estado buscando el alma de su desaparecida amante, y por fin encuentra su espiritu....encarnado en una atractiva periodista, LeeLindsay. Ahora solo desea poseer a Lee y esta dispuestoa emplear todos sus poderesdel infierno, ira destruyendo a sus amigos y familiares uno por uno.
Deep Red
Director of Photography
After a young girl is accidently infected with an alien substance known as "Deep Red", the astonishing results attract the attention of the illustrious scientist Dr. Newmeyer. Disillusioned security expert Joe Keyes must team up with his estranged wife to protect the girl and her mother from the obsessed scientist who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
El mensajero del infierno
Director of Photography
Shatter y Jackson, dos oficiales de policía de Chicago, investigan el asesinato de un rabino. Las pistas les llevan a viajar a Israel, donde se darán cuenta que andan tras un ser sobrenatural y que deberán extremar las precauciones y detenerlo lo antes posible para evitar que suceda algo terrible. (FILMAFFINITY)
Body of Influence
A successful psychiatrist has his world turned upside-down by the appearance of a mystery woman who cannot recall her own past...
Una familia deshecha
Director of Photography
Un adolescente descubre que su madre y su padre fueron asesinados en su casa, pero a medida que va explicando la historia, va quedando claro que sabe más de lo que dejaba ver al principio. (FILMAFFINITY)
Juntos para vencer
Director of Photography
Barry es un adolescente asmático y fantasioso del que todos se burlan, pues siempre se imagina dentro de las películas de acción de su héroe. Un día se harta y decide aprender artes marciales con un veterano maestro japonés. Esto le permitirá participar en una competición, donde se encontrará cara a cara con su héroe, Chuck Norris. (FILMAFFINITY)
Love Kills
Director of Photography
Glamorous fashion photographer Rebecca is getting even. Angered by her husband's infidelity, she takes a lover - a mysterious hunk she fist met during a photo shoot. He's exciting. He's handsome. And, after a night of lovemaking, he confesses he's a hit man hired by her husband to kill her. The stranger also says he's had a change of heart and wants to be Rebecca's protector. But Rebecca's husband, a renowned psychologist, insists the man is a former patient with a hidden, twisted agenda. Both men can't be right. Both could be lying. As the circle of suspense closes in on her, one thing is clear to Rebecca. Any choice she makes could be more than could be fatal.
The Hitman
Director of Photography
Garret, inspector de policía, es traicionado por un compañero corrupto que le da por muerto tras disparar contra él. Su superior decide que sea declarado oficialmente muerto para proporcionarle una nueva identidad y que pueda filtrarse en las bandas mafiosas para facilitar la detención de los "capos". (FILMAFFINITY)
Delta Force 2
Director of Photography
Ramón Cota, un famoso narcotraficante, secuestra a un grupo de agentes encargados de investigar el tráfico de drogas, escondiéndolos en un recóndito lugar perdido en la selva. Scout McCoy, el coronel de Delta Force, deberá afrontar la misión de destruir a Ramón Costa, a todos sus secuaces y a su imperio, basado en la venta de cocaína. McCoy y su equipo se disponen para la batalla, cuyo objetivo es salvar a los rehenes y terminar con el delincuente más famoso.
Princess of the Night
Director of Photography
It's a world of darkness, sensuality, and insatiable sexual desires! Luscious Lauren is the Princess of the Night, a voluptuous vampire queen who erotically devours young male virgins. Madison is the delicious disciple whose job it is to procure men for her mistress. Join them in scene after scene of sizzling super-natural sex. Theirs is a life of incredible lust... where every man gives his all to satisfy their unnatural needs!
Mother, Mother
Director of Photography
A Blue Ribbon winner at the American Film Festival, this hard-hitting, dramatic production is about the relationship between a young man with AIDS and his estranged mother. Unable to understand or accept each other's lives, mother and son are at a stalemate of their own making.
That's Adequate
Director of Photography
This mockumentary about fictional movie studio Adequate Pictures boasts an interesting cast. Tony Randall hosts, and James CoCo (practically on his deathbed) stars as head of the studio. Includes parodies of everything from silent comedies to porn, including an ultra violent "three stooges" style comedy team who put a new spin on the eye poking gag.
Red Scorpion
Director of Photography
Nikolai es un agente soviético que se desplaza a un pais africano con objeto de eliminar al jefe de un grupo guerrillero opuesto al gobierno de la nación. Una vez allí contactará con los rebeldes, para los que se convertirá en un héroe.
Braddock: Desaparecido en combate 3
Director of Photography
Cuando le dicen al coronel James Braddock que su esposa asiática y su hijo de 12 años todavía están vivos en el Vietnam comunista, organiza un asalto de un solo hombre para liberarlos. ¡Armado con la última potencia de fuego de alta tecnología, Braddock se abre camino hacia el corazón del país y termina luchando para salir con varias docenas de niños amerasianos abusados a cuestas! Luchando por mantenerlos con vida mientras supera a un sádico oficial vietnamita, Braddock enciende la jungla en una ardiente carrera a campo traviesa por la libertad.
Pretty Kill
Director of Photography
A detective tries to track down a serial killer who is murdering prostitutes while at the same time having to deal with his girlfriend's mental problems, which are gradually deteriorating into a split personality.
Every Woman Has a Fantasy 2
Director of Photography
This film is a series of short stories that offers viewers first rate situational erotica where each one begins with a stimulation of the imagination and culminates in the pleasures of the eyesight, and in between lays out a story that does not drag on nor jumps right into the physical pleasures.
Hollywood Vice Squad
Director of Photography
Una madre va a Hollywood para encontrar a su hija fugitiva. Ella descubre que la niña se ha involucrado en la industria de la pornografía y acude a la policía para obtener ayuda para encontrarla.
Invasión USA
Director of Photography
Mikhail Rostov (Richard Lynch), un peligroso terrorista que dirige a un grupo de mercenarios sin escrúpulos, planea comenzar una campaña de terror en los Estados Unidos, pero antes decide acabar con Matt Hunter (Chuck Norris), antiguo integrante de la CIA, que fue su bestia negra en el pasado. Mientras que Hunter trata de salvar su vida de cientos de enemigos que le buscan por todo el país, tendrá que destruir los planes de Rostov que amenazan la estabilidad del país.
Naughty Girls Need Love Too
Director of Photography
A high-rise apartment in Marina Del Rey is the setting for this tale of lusty beachcombers and their dirty laundry. The building is home to a wide cross-section of folks, from a college Professor of Sexology to a former showgirl to a shy computer genius. The one thing they all have in common is a taste for wild sexual antics. While the Professor is busy 'tutoring' a couple of students in the art of Sapphic sex, the actress is experiencing her first taste of the Casting Couch. Meanwhile, a couple of buddies swap dates and find their true matches -- or at least their matches for the night! It's non-stop action as the Sexual Revolution is blown wide open in scene after scene of utter carnal pleasure."
Desaparecido en combate
Director of Photography
Tras una aventurada huída de un campo de concentración vietnamita, el capitán de las Fuerzas Especiales James Braddock recibe la misión de localizar y rescatar a un grupo de soldados.
The Rosebud Beach Hotel
Director of Photography
After taking over a failing Miami hotel with her workaholic fiancé, Elliot, Tracy thinks Liza has seduced her better half-to-be. She then tries to have an affair of her own, and arranges for hookers to become bellhops. Meanwhile, her rich daddy hires an inept arsonist to blow up the place.
Viernes 13. Último capítulo
Director of Photography
Jasón, el más impopular de los habitantes de Cristal Lake, regresa para causar mayores estragos en esta parte. Tras su resurgimiento en el depósito de cadáveres de un hospital, el asesino enmascarado centra su venganza en la familia Jarvis y en un grupo de despreocupados adolescentes. El joven Tommy Jarvis es un gran aficionado al cine de terror con un talento especial para las máscaras y el maquillaje. ¿Ha encontrado el diabólico Jasón finalmente la horma de su zapato?
Los chicos del maíz
Director of Photography
Una joven pareja que viaja por el medio oeste estadounidense se pierde y llega a una pequeña ciudad en la que todos los adultos han sido asesinados por los niños del lugar, a su vez poseídos por una malévola fuerza surgida de los campos de maíz que alcanzan hasta donde llega la vista.
The Prey
Director of Photography
Three couples go on a camping trip in the woods of southern California during the summer, where a deformed man is stalking their camp.
Stacy's Knights
Director of Photography
Todos tienen talento y los sueños se hacen realidad. Stacy Lancaster tiene una habilidad increíble para Blackjack. Una vez que se une a la audaz Will Bonner, los dos jóvenes jugadores están en una lista sin parar. Pronto el casino quiere igualar las probabilidades. ¿Cuánto tiempo puede durar su racha de victorias?
Once más uno
Director of Photography
A group of orphans and their guardian get together to try to save their orphanage.
Director of Photography
Ray Warren is the kind of man that takes advantage of his client while talking to his wife on the phone. But when two women arrive to his place by mistake, Ray learns the dangerous risk involved in having anonymous sex with strangers.
Las mil y una noches eróticas de Sherezade
Director of Photography
La concubina de un jeque, al cual ha desagradado y que ha ordenado que sea ejecutada, llega a un acuerdo con él: su ejecución será pospuesta, siempre y cuando ella le relate un cuento erótico cada noche.
El asesino de Rosemary
Director of Photography
En 1945, cuando los soldados regresan de la guerra, uno no identificado recibe una carta de despedida, dirigida a John, por una muchacha llamada Rosemary, que añade a su firma el dibujo de una rosa. En Avalon Bay los alumnos de bachillerato celebran el baile de graduación, en el curso del cual una joven es brutalmente asesinada por un hombre que viste equipo de combate, dejando una rosa sobre el cadáver.
The Dancers
Director of Photography
Jackie, road manager of the dancers know as "The Dreams", takes his entourage to the small town of Key City. The guys are booked at the wild North Point Saloon, owned by the luscious Maxie Roget and the action begins. As always, before showtime the mood becomes restless and tense, so Maxie coaxes Jackie into getting a "quick bite" to calm him down. Meanwhile, dancers Jonathan, Joey and Sebastian offset their eagerness by meeting and seducing beautiful women.
La mansión
Director of Photography
Una escritora que sufre de agorafobia se encuentra sola en una casa bien alejada, sin embargo ella hara lo posible para concentrarse en su escritura, pero lo que no sabia es que esa casa se encuentra invadida por fantasmas y por espiritus de protistutas.
Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
Director of Photography
Sharon is the dreamer. Her dream begins with a cock-tale party where she entertains more than a dozen of her friends in a sensual way. Her husband is a young and handsome stud named Andrew, who has a perpetual hard-on for her.
Same Time Every Year
Director of Photography
Three husbands have a routine every year, where they go away together, to what they tell their wives is a business convention, but is actually a sex resort. What they don't realize is that their wives aren't exactly sitting around doing nothing while they're gone.
Oui, Girls
Director of Photography
When Barbara is asked to go undercover to assist Nick in a murder investigation, she gets more than she bargained for! Together they embark on a perverse trail of lies and deceit to the secretive "Circle S" singles ranch. Sleeping their way through the various patrons to get information, they discover the truth behind the mystery.
Director of Photography
Two young men, Laura's driver and Roscoe, sneak aboard an all-female luxury liner. The ship caters to rich men who want to send their wives on a trip where they can't cheat on them. So, when the two horny stowaways are discovered by a couple of ladies, they hush it up and keep the dudes for themselves...
A Place Beyond Shame
Director of Photography
Seka discovers much to her horror that she has lost her sex drive to the point were she can no longer stand having a man even touching her. Seka seeks help from psychiatrist Michael, who uses hypnosis as a means for Seka to reconnect with her sexuality and resume satisfying her carnal desires.
California Gigolo
Additional Photography
A hustler tries to make a living by seducing various wealthy women and showing them a good time.
For the Love of Pleasure
Director of Photography
A woman wakes up to catch Simon robbing her bedroom. She points a gun at him and forces him to have sex with her. When her husband returns home, Simon can't help himself from climaxing so she shoots Simon to death. Simon wakes up in the afterlife, where Shiva promises him an endless supply of food and sexual encounters. The afterlife will be one of non-stop pleasures.
Director of Photography
Set in an elegant cafe at an island resort, the film takes us inside the minds of the characters to examine their fantasies about each other!
Blood Rage
Director of Photography
A sexually frustrated young man kills hookers.
The Kirlian Witness
Director of Photography
A woman communicates with a houseplant that was the only witness to a recent murder.
Red Light in the White House
Director of Photography
A reporter digs into the background of a young woman who is running for the U.S. Senate, and finds out a lot more than he bargained for.
Let Me Die a Woman
Director of Photography
A documentary on the work of sex-change specialist Dr. Leo Wollman, including interviews with Dr. Wollman and a few of his patients, with an illustrated lecture on the various aspects of transsexuality plus actual footage of a sex-change operation, which is what gives the film its notoriety
A través del espejo
Director of Photography
Una matriarca muy rica escapa de su aburrida vida aristócrata cuando un demonio que se asemeja a su padre le hace señales desde el otro lado del espejo. Sus pasiones secretas la introducen a través del espejo en un mundo de deseo carnal. Se sumerge en un insano infierno sexual donde los demonios se masturban delante de ella y se bañan en fango dando lugar a una orgía desenfrenada.
Director of Photography
Blonde and stunningly beautiful Rachelle, an ex-showgirl and woman of the world is married to a wealthy and lecherous Mr. Hugh. Mr. Hugh surrounds Rachelle with luxury and servants, yet starves her sexually! His latest decadent pleasure is watching beautiful young girls in the act of having sex.
Expose Me, Lovely
Director of Photography
Harry "Frosty" Knight, an New York City private eye who must find a missing young man -- heir to a fortune left by his father -- but soon finds himself framed for murder.
The Story of Joanna
Director of Photography
A millionaire begins a sadomasochistic relationship with a naive young woman.
Darktown Strutters
Director of Photography
When a prominent abortion clinic owner goes missing along with a string of other black community leaders, her singing daughter and her fellow female biker gang members investigate.
Director of Photography
The daughter of wealthy businessman is taken hostage by a gang of radical black revolutionaries. While she fears for her life at first, she gradually starts to become sympathetic to her kidnappers' cause, and begins to consider herself to be one of them.
Memories Within Miss Aggie
The only thing missing from Aggie's life...was Aggie. In the middle of nowhere lives middle aged Aggie, with her wheelchair bound companion Richard. As snow falls outside, Aggie tries desperately to remember the circumstances under which they met. As she plays through in her mind a series of possible scenarios, only to dismiss each as a false past, she inadvertently begins to reveal an increasingly dark portrait of her true self, leading to the unexpected and shocking reality of her relationship with Richard.
Deadly Weapons
Director of Photography
En un ajuste de cuentas la mafia asesina al esposo de Zsa Zda; la mujer, de gigantescas proporciones, decide tomar la venganza por sus manos, se infiltra en los bajos mundos haciéndose pasar por stripper, para así poder llegar a los asesinos de su esposo.
Legacy of Satan
Director of Photography
A satanic cult chooses an unwitting young girl as its new queen
Happily Ever After
A woman takes revenge on the three college men who abused her a decade earlier.
El diablo en la señorita Jones
Director of Photography
Justine Jones, una cuarentona solitaria, virgen y deprimida, decide que el suicidio es la única salida a su aburrida existencia rutinaria. Cuando consigue quitarse la vida aparece en el infierno, donde el diablo le concederá otra oportunidad...
Garganta profunda
Director of Photography
Linda es una muchacha que vive con su madre Helen, pues las cosas resultan diferentes para Linda, que no consigue llegar al orgasmo y no le gusta el sexo, aunque después aclara que logra excitarse pero las cosas no son como ella quiere. Helen contrata a varios muchachos para pasar un día con Basterra, pero al ver resultado, Basterra no consigue satisfacerse con ninguno. Pepa le habla a Basterra del Doctor Young, un sexólogo que también se impresiona al ver que Linda no se satisface, no llega a su orgasmo y no siente nada atractivo por el sexo. Las cosas cambian cuando el Doctor Young la examina y se da cuenta que esta posee el clítoris en la garganta. De ese modo, Linda probando con la garganta profunda, es lo que más le excita. (
Armand Weston interviews real people who advertise in the personals column of adult publications. Each interview is followed by a hardcore re-enactment of the scene.
Love Toy
Director of Photography
A degenerate gambler, unable to come up with the cash necessary for a high stakes gin rummy game, bets his nubile daughter. And loses. His daughter immediately becomes the delectable property of a hot-to-trot sex fiend and the film promptly becomes a catalog of perversion, wallowing in domination, humiliation, fetishism, voyeurism, masturbation, lesbianism, spanking, bondage, blowjobs, incest, and more.
The Projectionist
Man on Street (uncredited)
A projectionist bored with his everyday life begins fantasizing about his being one of the superheroes he sees in the movies he shows.
The Amazing Transplant
Arthur Barlen
A nice guy turns murderous after undergoing a penis transplant.
Love Me... Please!
Camera Operator
A young woman looking for love in the big city instead finds herself being used for sex, posing for a nudie photographer and seeing a shrink.
Love Me... Please!
1st Man
A young woman looking for love in the big city instead finds herself being used for sex, posing for a nudie photographer and seeing a shrink.
A psycho sex-fiend keeps his infantile girlfriend Vicky in Submission with candy bars, toys and, yes, hot wax. But when they plan on killing a wealthy lesbian, Vicky discovers she likes a woman's touch and plans a nasty surprise for her boneheaded boyfriend!