Harry Block, un escritor de mediana edad y con un cierto éxito, se ha servido con frecuencia de sus experiencias sentimentales y familiares para escribir sus obras, razón por la cual la mayor parte de sus amigos, parientes y ex-mujeres lo odian. En tales circunstancias, le resulta muy difícil encontrar a alguien que quiera acompañarlo en un viaje a su vieja universidad para recibir un homenaje.
At the beginning of a nightly Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, Jim seems particularly troubled. His sponsor encourages him to talk that night, the first time in seven months, so he does - and leaves the meeting right after. As Jim wanders the night, searching for some solace in his old stomping grounds, bars and parks where he bought drugs, the meeting goes on, and we hear the stories of survivors and addicts - some, like Louis, who claim to have wandered in looking for choir practice, who don't call themselves alcoholic, and others, like Joseph, whose drinking almost caused the death of his child - as they talk about their lives at the meeting