Jacques de Féraudy

Jacques de Féraudy


Jacques de Féraudy


When the Child Appears
Le grand-père
Charles Fouquet, the Minister of Family Affairs, is having a hard time. His wife Olympe, although not that young, is expecting a baby. His daughter Annie, as for her, is pregnant by her fiance. And let's not forget Georges, Fouquet's son, who has seduced Natacha, his close (too close!) collaborator. As if that were not enough, a former mistress of Charles' comes and reveals to him the existence of a son he knew nothing about. But Charles is a man of action and he is not so easily deterred: he WILL take action against this abundance of offspring.
If Paris Were Told to Us
Ambiciosa producción sobre la historia de París que narra con sentido del humor las peripecias de personajes como María Antonieta, Beaumarchais, Victor Hugo, el cardenal Richelieu o Luis XVI. El polifacético Sacha Guitry la dirigió, escribió el guión y se reservó el papel de Luis XI.
La Demoiselle et son revenant
Rosette is young and charming but she is crippled so she cannot make the most of her life. Which upsets Jules Petitpas, a single inventor, her eccentric but kind-hearted neighbor. Jules pledges to help her by creating a potion that will cure her. Unfortunately he dies before being able to achieve his aim. But a promise is a promise, and the good man comes back to the land of the living as an ... ectoplasm! And he manages to involve a whole tribe of ghosts to assist him in the noble task of saving the young lady. All is well that ends well.
Jean Brun
Paul Braconnier and his wife Blandine only have one thing in mind: to find a way to kill each other without risk. After listening to a radio show, Paul decides to go to Paris to meet a famous lawyer in the acquittal of the murderers. He tells the lawyer that he killed his wife. The lawyer asks Paul to reconstruct the circumstances of the drama. Without knowing it, he explains, in spite of himself, the way for Paul to murder his wife by putting the odds on his side to avoid death penalty or even be released...
Adhémar or the Toy of Destiny
Le Marquis de Saltarello
Is it because his father was a groom that Adhémar Pomme has a long horse head and a horse- toothed smile? Maybe but the fact is that his head has invariably caused laughter whatever the circumstances, which is the tragedy of his life. After having worked as an undertaker, a theater prompter, a casino bouncer, and so on, and failing at each job, he applies out of desperation to an institution where those rejected for physical reasons can hide and live together. But Adhémar immediately starts... laughing at them and gets kicked out as a result! In the end though, he finds his way as a circus artist.
le docteur
Jean-Gaspard Deburau is a very successful mime, the most famous in his category. One day, he falls head over heels in love with Marie Duplessis, a courtesan better known as "La Dame aux Camélias". But he soon realizes that he is but a number in her long list of lovers. He will find comfort in devoting his time teaching his art to his son Charles.
Carolina querida
Un aristocrate blessé
La joven aristócrata que está celebrando su décimo sexto cumpleaños el 14 de julio 1789, Caroline de Bievre, vive dolorosamente la Revolución al mismo tiempo que trata de encontrar a su primer amor: Gastón Sallanches. Tirado a derecha e izquierda, en blanco y en azul, Caroline debe la vida a su físico y su sensualidad.
The Treasure of Cantenac
While he was about to end his life, Baron de Cantenac wanted to return one last time to the land of his ancestors. He then discovers a treasure that he will strive to use to revive his village.
La Chanson du Souvenir
A French-language remake of Douglas Sirk's "The Court Concert" (1936).
Passé à vendre
Maryse blackmails her former lovers by threatening to mention their names in her memoirs. But a real blackmailer appears and cashes the checks for him.
At the English court, at the beginning of the 18th century, Lady Henriett fell in love with a farmer, Lionel, who, following a mistake, believes her to be his servant. By learning his quality, Lionel refuses to receive the one he already considered his fiancée. The queen herself will appease this lover's quarrel and, moreover, will free the peasants of his kingdom.
The Pont-Biquet Family
The family Pont-Biquet is composed as follows: father, the judge, afflicted by deafness; authoritarian and irascible mother; funny son-in-law; an ingenious son who has a mistress.
L'école des contribuables
Pierre Sérigny
A bureaucrat, tax assessor, specialized in tax return and fraud, complains about his son-in-law's inactivity. He'd rather have thought twice before urging him to work...
Fedora swears to avenge the death of her fiancé, Prince Yarischkine, killed by Ipanoff who fled to Paris. She finds Ipanoff whom she falls in love with and he confesses to having killed her fiancé because Yarischkine was his wife's lover. But learning that her brother was executed because of Fedora, Ipanoff leaves her. Fedora commits suicide.
Les surprises du sleeping
The academician
Prince Philippe of Bracowa must join his fiancée by train. The young and pretty Gisèle is on the same train, for her too to join her fiancé.
In Old Alsace
The adaptation of a french novel from 1864 describes the idyllic life of a convinced bachelor, Fritz Kobus, in a village in Alsace. With help by the local rabbi, he does get married to young Suzel in the end.
Matricule 33
In 1917, a French deserter entered the service of German counterintelligence, but Villard (number 33) was a real French spy. Discovered, he is saved by a German spy who betrays her country for love.
The Hearth
Directed by Robert Boudrioz.
Molière, sa vie, son oeuvre
The viewer is first reminded of the places where Molière was born, studied, played his works and died. Then, through engravings, Molière is seen performing at Versailles and in front of Parisian audiences. Finally various actors of the Comédie Française interpret selected scenes from Molière's work among which "Le dépit amoureux","Tartuffe", "Les précieuses ridicules", "Le Misanthrope", "le bourgeois gentilhomme", "Don Juan" et "Le malade imaginaire". Firmin Gémier performs a scene froùm "L'avare".
L'âpre lutte
Rouletabille II: The Last Incarnation of Larsan
The cub journalist comes to the aid of a recently remarried woman, whose late criminal husband turns out to be still alive.