Germaine Dermoz
Nacimiento : 1888-07-30, Paris, France
Muerte : 1966-11-06
Catherine de Médicis
Ambiciosa producción sobre la historia de París que narra con sentido del humor las peripecias de personajes como María Antonieta, Beaumarchais, Victor Hugo, el cardenal Richelieu o Luis XVI. El polifacético Sacha Guitry la dirigió, escribió el guión y se reservó el papel de Luis XI.
Comtesse d'Aranda
Durante la ocupación de España por las tropas napoleónicas, el joven Juan de Aranda (Jean Claude Pascal) se distingue tanto por su valor como por sus conquistas femeninas. Ignorando su verdadera ascendencia francesa, decidirá luchar primero al lado de los guerrilleros de la independencia, para acabar luego a las órdenes del general Gaston de Sallanches (Jacques Dacqmine). En su aventurera vida, varias mujeres le sacarán de situaciones críticas, pero será a la joven Pilar (Brigitte Bardot), que le librará de su cautiverio en la isla de Cabrera, a quién él entregará su corazón.
As the red headed boy writes in his school book, a family is a group living under the same roof who can't stand each other.
Mme Husson
Madame Husson and her circle of holier-than-thou ladies (including an old maid Madame Cadenas)are looking for a chaste and pure girl who will win a hefty sum.
Commissioner Malaise investigates a strange crime: a mannequin, stolen from the window of a tailor, is found stabbed... But his face of wax has the features of a certain Gilbert, who died a year earlier in a family, all of whose members will become more or less suspicious to the Commissioner. He thinks that, in spite of Dr. Furnelle's conclusions, Gilbert's death was not natural. But finding the cause of death and the identity of the possible culprit will require more than a mere intuition.
La reine Anne d'Autriche
Europa, siglo XVII. Biografía de san Vicente de Paúl, sacerdote católico francés que dedicó su vida a paliar las miserables condiciones de vida de los campesinos pobres, sobre todo después de la Guerra de la Fronda (1648-1653), que dejó asolado el país.
Madame des Lourdines
A young man from an aristocratic family tires of the country life and moves to Paris where he squanders his inheritance. Returning to his home with remorse, he reconciles with his father and becomes engaged to his true love.
Maria Xiriball
A man is killed smuggling contraband through the Pyrenees Alps. He leaves behind a pregnant woman who must go on.
Two campers meet two young girls in the Landes. Love will bloom, with its heartbreaks.
Marie de Médicis
The history of one of France's most famous streets is retold, featuring multiple performances from Guitry himself.
Bernard Lefrancois is a prosperous farmer on the River Marne, while his neighbor is impoverished. Lefrancois objects strongly to the romance between his son and the neighbor's daughter, but it continues in secret. WWI begins and the son becomes an aviator with the French army, and the unwed girl presents Lefrancois with an unexpected grandchild. The German army occupies the area, and the girl is serving France as a spy and securing information needed by the French to drive out the Germans. While his son is engaged in air-combat against the Germans, and the unwed mother of his grandchild is serving as a spy against their country's enemy, Lefrancois also joins the battle as a soldier.
Two brothers-in-law hate each other but, for business interests, they want their respective son and daughter to marry. The young fiancées are not in agreement, as the boy has a happy relationship with a woman, and the girl is in an isolation mood. A crime happens, and the relations amongst this sad family become even worse.
During the First World War, the Russian officer Captain Ivan Ignatoff falls in love with his nurse, Natasha Kovrin. But she is subject to an upcoming marriage of family convenience to Brioukow, a wealthy industrialist of peasant stock. Brioukow is unjustifiably jealous, since Natasha has not betrayed him. He forces Ignatoff into his debt as a means of humiliating him. When Ignatoff's new friend, Madame Sabline, offers to pay his debt, preventing his ruin, Ignatoff comes quickly to realize that Madame Sabline has an ulterior motive, one that could prove dangerous to more lives than just Ignatoff's.
A brave woman is sentenced to prison on false testimony. She escapes twenty years later and takes refuge in Paris where she carries bread while looking for her children Georges and Lucie who will find her and exonerate her.
A boy is sent to a reformatory for a small fault. He runs away and tries to kill himself when the gendarmes want to catch him. His parents arrive in time and the disaster is avoided.
A great provincial lawyer is found murdered with a revolver shot in the red path that leads to his mistress's home. The Advocate General accuses his own wife who was a betrayed mistress and whom he assumes guilty out of spite. But the accused's daughter finds the real culprit.
Madame Kampf
Two middle-class notions dealers live happily with their girl.But an inheritance turns these nice people into snob Nouveaux Riches;although the aristocracy invites them,the 'Tout-Paris ' laughs behind their back.
Rose Mamaï
Madame Beudet
El filme nos narra la historia de Madame Beudet, una mujer moderna afrancesada a la que le encanta tocar el piano obras de compositores melenudos, leer novelas y modernas revistas; está casada con un empresario textil muy ordinario y rudo que además aburre a su esposa al tener diferentes intereses culturales a los de ella, como ir al teatro a ver Fausto.
Mme. de Chambry
A misunderstanding, due to five-year-old Régine's innocent games, causes the Chambrys to split up. They send the child to pastor Crokfield, an old friend of the family, to be taken care of. Petit Ange (Little Angel), as little Régine is nicknamed, wishes to see her mom and dad together at he same time. The pastor helps her to achieve her goal.
Minna Petrus
Dries, a farmer and a widower, lives with his mother-in-law Grietje and his son Peter. He falls in love with Minna, a widow, and marries her despite the opposition of his family and friends. In anger his son Peter leaves home to enlist, while Grietje takes up her residence in another cottage. Six years pass, during which Grietje becomes acquainted with Minna's daughter Dina. Peter falls ill in Sumatra, but after falling in love with Dina, through the medium of photographs, he recovers and is drafted home again to Holland. He meets Dina and the two find that they truly love.
Mme. Dufresne
Early film version of the famous play.
Drama in which the love between Claude and Germaine is tested when Claude is falsely accused and Germaine's father doesn't approve of their relationship.
Eugenie Grandet has discovered where her father, a miserable old miser, keeps his treasure. Eugenie's cousin, Charles, is the bearer of a letter from his father to his uncle, Eugenie's father. The letter informs the miser that Charles' father, his only brother, is reduced to a state of utter ruin, and unless he can obtain immediate help, he contemplates suicide.
Madame de Langeais
El general de Montriveau está enamorado de la duquesa Antoinette de Langeais, que se niega a aceptarlo. Ayudado por el poderoso grupo de los Trece, la persigue hasta el monasterio donde se ha refugiado bajo el nombre de Sor Thérèse.
La Princesse Charlotte
The incidents in this picture took place in 1803-4, when Napoleon was First Consul. In August, 1803, Napoleon discovered a conspiracy hatched in England in which three Englishmen were implicated; The aim of the conspirators was to restore to the throne of France one of the Bourbons.