Ready for a hilarious adventure? Hop aboard a broomstick for this tale of two dim-witted witches who accidentally turn their sister into a jack-o-lantern on Halloween...and that's just the beginning of the story. Join the silly sisters as they turn a typical suburban town topsy-turvy with their inept attempts to rescue their sister-turned-pumpkin on Halloween night. Watch them fly around town, go trick-or-treating for the first time, and pop in on a children's Halloween party. These "Witches in Stitches" will delight children with their entertaining tactics and humorous happenings. This is one Halloween story that can be enjoyed all year long!
Animated TV Movie starring Will Gould, Russ Harris, Miki Mathioudakis
Mother Duck (voice)
A warm-hearted tale of Omar, the ugly duckling, whose Christmas wish is simply to find a place where he belongs. Hitching a ride to the big city he meets up with a runaway girl and the two discover the true meaning of Christmas.
Boonka Frinx (voice)
Cuando se establece el primer contacto con extraterrestres del planeta Bolognia, eligen a los People como la primera familia que se muda allí. Nada más llegar, se los deja a su suerte. Como los forasteros en un mundo agradable pero extraño, se sienten inadaptados. La pérdida de su hijo y la ayuda de sus vecinos extraterrestres harán que los People se planteen su regreso a la Tierra.
Commando Woman
Roosevelt Prophet is a one-time big city cop turned private investigator- nickname "Ballbuster". Ballbuster must stop the nefarious Nick Plato, who's into everything from loan sharking to gambling.
Wormaline Wiggler (voice)
The Mirthworms take center stage at the Wormingham Bowl as they present "Sleeping Beauty." The wicked Wormaline Wiggler tries to wrangle the lead but Crystal Crawler wins the prize. Wormaline attempts to steal the show, but her sneaky shenanigans bring down the house instead.
Wormaline Wiggler
Feliz Gusinavidad es una película de dibujos animados para televisión originalmente transmitido por Showtime en 1984.