Georges Brehat


El americano tranquilo
French Colonel
En plena guerra de Indochina, la batalla enfrenta a tropas francesas y la guerrilla de ese país. Un hecho tendrá a las autoridades en vilo: el cadáver de un hombre ha aparecido flotando en un río. Tras las primeras investigaciones, se concluye que dicho cadáver pertenecía a un miembro de una misión de mediación de paz y que era de nacionalidad americana. Ahora las miradas señalan como culpable al periodista británico Fowler, seguidor de los comunistas.
Adiós a las armas
Captain Bassi
Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Antes de que los EE.UU. entraran en la contienda (1917), un periodista americano se alistó como voluntario en el Cuerpo de Ambulancias italiano para poder seguir de cerca el desarrollo del conflicto. Segunda adaptación cinematográfica de la novela homónima de Hemingway. La primera la dirigió Frank Borzage en 1932. (FILMAFFINITY)
Piccola posta
Polish countess Lady Eva is the authoritative signature of the correspondence of an Italian women's magazine; behind the fascinating name hides a Roman girl whose advice will create a series of tangled and comic situations.
It Happens in Roma
attore francese
Airy comedy of a man a woman and the lengths they'll go to for a really great apartment! Located in the center of Rome with amazing views both want it and strike the compromise of marrying each other platonically to get it. The woman still hopes for true love and the man agrees to step aside should that special someone come along but he is secretly smitten with her and surreptitiously makes her various suitors look like fools. All goes well until he comes up against Rosanno Brazzi and finds him a tough challenge to overcome.
Not Guilty
An alcoholic doctor accidentally kills someone and manages to make the death look like an accident. The episode triggers a sense of confidence and he resolves to correct the miseries of his life.