Jerzy Grałek

Jerzy Grałek

Nacimiento : 1946-06-23, Sosnowiec, Poland

Muerte : 2016-02-15


Jerzy Grałek


Police Commandant
A member of a therapy group is found dead. A prosecutor and a police officer try to solve the mystery of his death.
The General - Attempt at Gibraltar
Mason Macfarlane
The film presents the last days of Gen. Sikorski, right before the Gibraltar catastrophe. The commander is accompanied by his daughter Zofia and a group of closest collaborators. They are all guests in the palace of the Governor of Gibraltar, Mason Macfarlane, who is supposed to persuade Sikorski to give back documents on the murder of Polish officers in Katyn. When Sikorski refuses, a plan of attempt on his life comes into action. Who stood behind it? Who executed it and how? Was Zofia on board of Liberator too?
Stary człowiek i pies
Robert Rommel
The film presents the story of Robert - an aging, once-recognized artist who is today struggling with his own complexes and vices, and helplessness towards a new reality that ruthlessly throws him to the margins of existence. One day Robert finds himself in a roadside ditch hit by a dog's car. In a reflex of spontaneous compassion, he takes the dog home and begins to look after him.
dr Wiaderny
El sofisticado ladrón de arte Robert "Cuma" Cuminski es liberado en libertad condicional de la prisión local por el corrupto Doctor Wiaderny para organizar el robo de la famosa pintura de Leonardo Da Vinci "Dama con armiño" para el comerciante Gruby. Hace tres años, Cuma fue arrestado accidentalmente por el detective Wilk después de un robo exitoso en la casa del coleccionista Lehman, pero no ha molestado a su camarada Julian.
Chopin: Desire for Love
Polit, brat George Sand
The biography of world famous Polish composer Fryderyk Chopin.
Pan Tadeusz
Lituania, 1812. Polonia está tachada del mapa de Europa. Dos grandes familias se enfrentan entre sí: los Soplica, aliados de los rusos, y los Horeszko, defensores de la independencia polaca. Tras veinte años de conflicto, Jacek Soplica ha matado al último señor de la casa de los Horeszko, que le había negado la mano de su hija. Para reparar su terrible falta, Jacek adopta la identidad de un monje bernardino y se encarga de la educación de Sophie, descendiente de los Horeszko. Su objetivo es desposarla con su hijo Tadeusz, quien acaba de regresar tras finalizar sus estudios. Pero en junio de 1812, Napoleón Bonaparte, en su avance hacia Moscú, franquea el Niemen. Entonces Tadeusz decide unirse al ejército, frustrando así los planes matrimoniales que su padre tenía para él.
L'aube à l'envers
A young woman comes home to a half-empty apartment, and she feels alone. An older man walks through the corridors of a half-empty airport, and he feels alone and sad. He takes a photograph out of his wallet, tears it in two and drops it on the moving walkway. Both are torn in two. A girl in Paris is alone with a cat. A man arrives in Warsaw, and a woman is there to meet him. She drives him to his parents’ home. An accident, a murder—nothing alters the imperturbable course of life.
A young Russian aristocrat, Baron Fyodor Jeremin, volunteers to serve with a Dragon squadron to impress the girl who rejected his love. Just at this time the 1863 insurrection explodes in Poland. He enlists to serve in the army being sent to suppress the revolt. He believes that now it's enough to defeat the Poles, become an officer and hero, get a bunch of medals, and then return and lay all of this at the feet of her beloved. However, the "little Polish war" looks completely different to the way that young Jeremin imagined it to be. In course of time, he learns to be on the wrong side. But there is no escape - he must kill or he will be killed. What's more, he falls in love with a beautiful Polish girl...
El triunfo del espíritu
Kapo Kyr
Hecho basado en la historia de un ex boxeador olímpico griego que fue tomado como prisionero durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y colocado en el campo de prisioneros de Auschwitz. Allí se le permitió sobrevivir mientras luchara por la diversión de sus captores. Su padre y su hermano también fueron mantenidos como seguro de que seguiría luchando.
Sobre el globo de plata
Na Srebrnym Globie utiliza la ficción para acercarse más a la filosofía que a lo estrictamente científico y/o tecnológico. A fuerza de pura cinematografía, en escenarios naturales y sin mayores efectos especiales que algunos pocos filtrados, Zulawsky reflexiona aquí sobre lo humano a través de una prosa poética que da forma a un relato que abreva tanto en las preguntas como en el simbolismo de distintas tradiciones místicas y/o religiosas.
Angel of Fire
Set in the 16th century in the Grand Inqusition period. Ruprecht stops overnight at an inn, and falls in love with the lovely Renata. She however, has fallen under the spell of Count Henryk, whom she believes to be an "angel of fire". The girl eventually brings him before the Inquisition.
A dramatization of the Gleiwitz incident.
Dark River
żołnierz zatrzymujący Helę (nie występuje w napisach)
Small Polish village straight after WWII. Young man Zenek injured and awarded with Cross of Valour during partisan fight is torn between staying loyal to his partisan comrades (continuing their fight) and his own beliefs.
szlachcic zabity toporem przez Krzyżaków
Poland's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1973
Dancing at Hitler's Headquarters
A young boy must go to school with his father.