Three siblings comprise the latest generation in a family of puppeteers led with passion by their father. They are magicians of a kind, but can barely make ends meet, working mainly for the love of their craft. Their grandmother contributes too, not only as a seamstress but also as a repository of memories and wisdom. A tragic event will challenge the desire of each sibling to carry on.
An ultra-orthodox Jewish family from Aix-les-Bains comes to a farm in southern Italy for a brief stay every year to carry out a sacred mission: harvesting citrons. Here Elio, the farm owner, meets Esther, the rabbi’s daughter, who is tired of the constraints imposed by her religion. Through this relationship, Esther will understand the importance of freedom and find her path, and, in the same way, Elio will find the peace he had lost for a long time.
The security guard
Tired of being a banal architectural ornamental, a sculpture runs from the Louvre to confront real life on the streets of Paris.
A story of female friendship beyond death.
Fille au champ
During his acceptance speech for a lifetime achievement award, Nicolas Chauvin – a farmer-soldier, a veteran of the Revolutionary Army and the Napoleonic Wars, “father” of the chauvinism that bears his name – embarks on a monologue and recounts his life story. At the bend of a road, a spectral encounter shocks his (non-)existence.
Axèle es fotógrafa, Camille, escritora. Las dos se van un año a una estancia en la Villa Medici de Roma. A Camille la acompaña su marido, el reputado escritor Marc Landré. Mientras que una extraña rivalidad se establece entre las dos, Camille se acerca a Axèle. ¿Pero quién es en realidad Axèle? ¿Una artista completa, sin límites, que se confunde con su obra? ¿O el mismo fantasma del lugar? De este año en la Villa Medici, en donde los cuerpos y las almas se liberarán, nadie saldrá indemne...
Axèle es fotógrafa, Camille, escritora. Las dos se van un año a una estancia en la Villa Medici de Roma. A Camille la acompaña su marido, el reputado escritor Marc Landré. Mientras que una extraña rivalidad se establece entre las dos, Camille se acerca a Axèle. ¿Pero quién es en realidad Axèle? ¿Una artista completa, sin límites, que se confunde con su obra? ¿O el mismo fantasma del lugar? De este año en la Villa Medici, en donde los cuerpos y las almas se liberarán, nadie saldrá indemne...
Pierre y Manon son una pareja que lucha contra sus apuro económicos. Se dedican a hacer documentales de bajísimo presupuesto y sobreviven a base de trabajos temporales. Pierre conoce a una joven becaria, Elisabeth y pronto se convertirá en su amante. Pero Pierre no quiere abandonar a Manon, quiere estar con las dos. Un día, Elisabeth, descubre que Manon tiene también un amante y se lo dice a Pierre...
A young woman invents the love she does not get and she needs. She has always done that, since childhood. It has become a disease. When Nicolas leaves her she refuses to believe it. He will love her anyway, it is needed, she needs it.
A young woman invents the love she does not get and she needs. She has always done that, since childhood. It has become a disease. When Nicolas leaves her she refuses to believe it. He will love her anyway, it is needed, she needs it.
Cuenta la vida de un hombre de 30 años, que, aunque vive una historia de amor con una mujer, tuvo un hijo con otra mujer a la que abandonó.
Three female friends recall their misadventures (more sexual than cinematical) attending the Locarno Film Festival.
(le rêve de Carole)
Italia arde en verano. Que se lo digan a los protagonistas de nuestra historia. Paul conoce a un pintor llamado Frédéric que está profundamente enamorado de su pareja, la bella actriz Angèle. Paul acude a verla a un rodaje y se fija en otra mujer: Élisabeth. Las dos parejas deciden pasar unos días en Roma para conocerse mejor. Pero la aparición de otro personaje, Roland, provocará la ruptura de Angèle con Frédéric y el inicio de una tormenta de verano que tendrá consecuencias imprevisibles.
Spring 1944. «Some love stories seem self-evident. Perhaps they were unaware of its fatal outcome. In any case, it was inevitable.» Coming from a family of Resistance fighters, Henriette lives the inconceivable : she falls in love with Josef, a young German soldier. Marcel, her friend since childhood, secretly in love with her, discovers their romance and joins the maquis the day before the Liberation. When he will come back, he will not be alone anymore, and they will wear the armband of the FFI.
Spring 1944. «Some love stories seem self-evident. Perhaps they were unaware of its fatal outcome. In any case, it was inevitable.» Coming from a family of Resistance fighters, Henriette lives the inconceivable : she falls in love with Josef, a young German soldier. Marcel, her friend since childhood, secretly in love with her, discovers their romance and joins the maquis the day before the Liberation. When he will come back, he will not be alone anymore, and they will wear the armband of the FFI.
The sublime Jackie Larose, queen of the charm and the eroticism, undergoes an operation of the bowel which leaves her with a colostomy.
Manuel bids farewell to his routine and boards a 15th century vessel under pirate law. Treason on board triggers a series of terrible events our protagonist overcomes while keeping his moral principles intact.
A silent, musical and sexy movie. A theme: the loving parade. Characters who make tours (of magic, sometimes). In each the reverse angle, the other, in each or almost their song, as a fiction (a decoration) surrounds their character.
The newspapers announce the left's defeat in the upcoming elections. A confused young mother gets up in the night to take care of her child. Leftist teens, completely puzzled, throw themselves headlong into every kind of extreme behavior. The child asks his grandfather for advice.
The newspapers announce the left's defeat in the upcoming elections. A confused young mother gets up in the night to take care of her child. Leftist teens, completely puzzled, throw themselves headlong into every kind of extreme behavior. The child asks his grandfather for advice.
The newspapers announce the left's defeat in the upcoming elections. A confused young mother gets up in the night to take care of her child. Leftist teens, completely puzzled, throw themselves headlong into every kind of extreme behavior. The child asks his grandfather for advice.
A suburb housing. Two girls on the phone are looking for each other but never succeed to meet. One of them vanishes.
Marc and Camille live with their little daughter in an isolated house on the Estérel coast. The fish Marc catches in the morning are enough to keep his family fed. In the afternoon, he's a parking lot attendant. The family enjoys a peaceful existence on the fringes of society - until the day that a gendarme decides to put an end to this freedom.
François, un joven poeta, participa en las revueltas de Mayo del 68, en París. Entre la bruma y la confusión, ve a la bella Lilie, a la que conocerá, un año después, en una fiesta en casa de un amigo. Entre ellos nacerá un amor intenso y tierno que hará revivir la ilusión tras el desencanto de la revolución perdida. El sexo, la poesía, el opio, la pintura y la escultura, serán los nuevos territorios frecuentados por el grupo de jóvenes revolucionarios que verán cómo el mundo que habían querido construir se irá desmoronando poco a poco.
30 years after their artistic revolution, members of the Zanzibar group meet in 1999 in Saint-Sulpice Square in Paris (France) in front of Gérard Courant's camera.