Berta Gersten


La historia de Benny Goodman
Mama Goodman
Película biográfica del llamado rey del swing Benny Goodman, desde los diez años de edad (1919), hasta su cénit en el concierto de su banda en el Carnegie Hall en 1938.
Mirele Efros
Mirele Efros, "the Jewish Queen Lear," was the masterpiece of Ukrainian-born Jacob Gordin, an enormously influential Yiddish playwright whose works sought to describe and promulgate the ethos of mentshlekhkeyt: the practice of honesty, decency, and devotion toward family and community. This sophisticated version of his stage classic faithfully recreates Jewish life in turn-of-the-century Grodno, Poland.
The Chambermaid
A period drama set in a Volhynian village.