Emil Weiss


Auschwitz Projekt
Criminal Doctors, Auschwitz
Auschwitz, the First Testimonies
Sonderkommando Auschwitz-Birkenau
Quartier Lacan
A documentary about Jacques Lacan and his influence on the main tendencies of modern psychoanalysis. It begins with a series of interviews with psychoanalysts who knew Lacan, and then presents an overview of Lacanian theory and practice that explores what actually happens in psychoanalysis.
Quartier Lacan
A documentary about Jacques Lacan and his influence on the main tendencies of modern psychoanalysis. It begins with a series of interviews with psychoanalysts who knew Lacan, and then presents an overview of Lacanian theory and practice that explores what actually happens in psychoanalysis.
La esperanza por memoria
La Guerra Civil Española duró tres años y desgarró Europa. De julio de 1936 a marzo de 1939, más de 40.000 hombres y mujeres fueron en ayuda de la República y del pueblo español contra Franco y sus aliados, los Estados fascistas europeos. Venían de todos los países, movidos por un compromiso libre y personal. Ellos lucharon por una causa que sus gobiernos se negaron a apoyar.
Tell me Sam - Encounters with Sam Fuller
Falkenau, the Impossible
Documentary stems from 1945, when infantryman Sam Fuller, member of the U.S. Army's "Big Red One," helped liberate the Nazis' Falkenau death camp. Fuller shot footage of his commanding officer's marching Czech locals, who denied knowing of the genocide, out from town to view the horrors of the death house. 40 years later, French documentary filmmaker Emil Weiss brought Fuller, who became a famous film director after World War II, back to the death camp to tell the story of the camp's liberation. Fuller's original footage is incorporated in the film.
A Travelling is a Moral Affair
Entrevista con el director Sam Fuller.
A Travelling is a Moral Affair
Entrevista con el director Sam Fuller.