José Luis Gutiérrez


Loca por el trabajo
Alicia, una exitosa ejecutiva, adicta al trabajo, antepone las necesidades de su empresa a las de su familia. Un mal día, a causa de una absurda confusión, pierde todo lo que tiene. En medio de esta situación, se hace amiga de su alocada vecina, quien resulta ser propietaria de una sex shop. Alicia encontrará en ese fascinante lugar muy “buena vibra” y un nuevo rumbo para su vida profesional.
La lengua del sol
Emilia and Ramiro, enjoy the simple pleasures of life. But there is something off about the general atmosphere of the loft, the city, the planet. You can sense this strangeness being present all the time. And Emilia´s and Ramiro's agreement to –not talk about it- is very clear. But it seems as if there is always something pushing them to bring up the subject. The Tongue of The Sun is a story of the end of our planet and how two ordinary people that live an extraordinary love generate the genesis needed to give the human race a new chance. In the mysterious alchemy that is love; lies the last hope that human beings have of transcending the inevitable end of the world.
La lengua del sol
Emilia and Ramiro, enjoy the simple pleasures of life. But there is something off about the general atmosphere of the loft, the city, the planet. You can sense this strangeness being present all the time. And Emilia´s and Ramiro's agreement to –not talk about it- is very clear. But it seems as if there is always something pushing them to bring up the subject. The Tongue of The Sun is a story of the end of our planet and how two ordinary people that live an extraordinary love generate the genesis needed to give the human race a new chance. In the mysterious alchemy that is love; lies the last hope that human beings have of transcending the inevitable end of the world.
La lengua del sol
Emilia and Ramiro, enjoy the simple pleasures of life. But there is something off about the general atmosphere of the loft, the city, the planet. You can sense this strangeness being present all the time. And Emilia´s and Ramiro's agreement to –not talk about it- is very clear. But it seems as if there is always something pushing them to bring up the subject. The Tongue of The Sun is a story of the end of our planet and how two ordinary people that live an extraordinary love generate the genesis needed to give the human race a new chance. In the mysterious alchemy that is love; lies the last hope that human beings have of transcending the inevitable end of the world.
La lengua del sol
Emilia and Ramiro, enjoy the simple pleasures of life. But there is something off about the general atmosphere of the loft, the city, the planet. You can sense this strangeness being present all the time. And Emilia´s and Ramiro's agreement to –not talk about it- is very clear. But it seems as if there is always something pushing them to bring up the subject. The Tongue of The Sun is a story of the end of our planet and how two ordinary people that live an extraordinary love generate the genesis needed to give the human race a new chance. In the mysterious alchemy that is love; lies the last hope that human beings have of transcending the inevitable end of the world.
Loco Love
A young man and woman fall in love but are threatened to be torn apart by the tensions between their Latino and Caucasian communities in Arizona.
De las muertas
After an exhausting search, local authorities manage to capture Angel, who is accused of killing several women. A few months after his imprisonment in the maximum security prison of Malagua, he is questioned by a reporter named: Julio Bocanegra; who is looking for the truth behind the murders in Malagua.
Dame tus ojos
April and May are two young girls running away from the police. They have murdered, beheaded and eaten parts of their victims.
Marcelino Pan y Vino
Marcelino es un niño abandonado en un monasterio de frailes franciscanos quienes, al ver la imposibilidad de entregarlo a alguna familia, deciden criarlo. Marcelino tiene un amigo con el que hace desatinar a los frailes con sus travesuras y la constante pregunta de por qué no tiene mamá. Pero un día, un grupo de soldados atacan por sorpresa al campamento revolucionario, y en la revuelta el amigo de Marcelino muere en los brazos de su madre.
Todos los días son tuyos
Eliseo del Moral descubre que tiene por vecina a María, una joven y atractiva militante de ETA. Lo que empieza como una investigación ingenua, acaba volviéndose una obsesión. Por otra parte, Carbajal, un comandante de la policía judicial, investiga la muerte violenta de residentes vascos en México. Todo se complica cuando llega "La Rubia", una mercenaria española contratada por la policía de su país. Cuando María aparece muerta, Eliseo se convierte en el principal sospechoso.
Todos los días son tuyos
Eliseo del Moral descubre que tiene por vecina a María, una joven y atractiva militante de ETA. Lo que empieza como una investigación ingenua, acaba volviéndose una obsesión. Por otra parte, Carbajal, un comandante de la policía judicial, investiga la muerte violenta de residentes vascos en México. Todo se complica cuando llega "La Rubia", una mercenaria española contratada por la policía de su país. Cuando María aparece muerta, Eliseo se convierte en el principal sospechoso.