Nikolay Kozak

Nikolay Kozak

Nacimiento : 1966-12-26, Novoyavorovsk, Lvovskaya oblast, Ukrainian SSR, USSR [now Ukraine]


Nikolay Kozak
Nikolay Kozak


Вася не в себе
Vasily Kuzin constantly "throws" his workers, mostly from Central Asia, on the money, considering them second-class people. One day, Vasya gets into a severe accident, and when he wakes up, he finds, to his horror, that he has physically turned into an Asian. Instead of a handsome, slender, stately Slav in the mirror, he sees a small, frail guest worker. Now he must do everything to return his former body, otherwise he will be deported.
Длительные свидания
Father Alexey (a member of the Auctioneer group Oleg Garkusha), an elderly, eccentric and kind priest, spends his days alone, except for visiting his sick brother and his daughter. One day he receives an assignment to visit a deaf girl Violetta (Vasilisa Perelygina) in prison, falsely accused of setting fire to a church. When Father Alexei recognizes her as an orphan, whom he baptized as Barbara in infancy, a new meaning appears in his life.
Wings Above Berlin
The year is 1941. Nazi Germany has declared war on the USSR and begins launching air assaults on Moscow and St. Petersburg. Stalin immediately orders a retaliatory air campaign under the code name “Wings over Berlin.” The closest entry point to Berlin from the USSR border was an airfield on the Estonian island Saaremaa in the Baltic Sea. It would be a 7-hour flight over enemy territory in outdated aircraft leaving no chance of survival for the tail crew members in case of attack. Despite overwhelming odds, the first units completed the mission and made it back to base safely, unlike many others that followed.
Old Bigwigs
In the nursing home "Bumps" every day is similar to the previous one. Old people set fire to napkins in the dining room, the manager paints the walls herself, and the benefactor gives coffins instead of medicines. Everything changes when a friend, nicknamed the Joker, comes to one of the guests. He decides to prove to everyone that it's too early to die, but to shake the old days is the very thing. Together with a former theater actress, the trio comes up with an unusual business and quickly comes to success: life in the "Cones" becomes a resort! That's just energetic pensioners have become competitors of local bandits…
En el centro de la historia hay tres personajes principales: el teniente coronel Soshnikov, el capitán Muravyov y el mayor Zakharov. Tres edades, tres personajes diferentes, tres destinos diferentes, que están destinados a encontrarse en la base militar de Khmeimim.
Chernobyl 1986 (Chernobyl: Abyss)
Military diver Boris
Chernóbil: Abyss es el primer gran largometraje ruso sobre las consecuencias de la explosión de la central nuclear de Chernóbil, cuando cientos de personas sacrificaron sus vidas para limpiar el lugar de la catástrofe y evitar con éxito un desastre aún mayor que podría haber convertido una gran parte del continente europeo en una zona de exclusión inhabitable.
Tolya unexpectedly calls his father on Wednesday. He says they should see each other. The father is puzzled: why exactly today? So many years have passed since they split up after a big scandal.
Michael Mil
Chebotarev, commissioner
A story about Russian aerospace engineer and scientist, creator of well-known Soviet helicopter Mi-1 and the founder of Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant
El Vigilante
The Curved One
El protagonista, Vlad, es un hombre de unos cuarenta años; vive y trabaja como vigilante en un viejo sanatorio que va a ser demolido. Evidentemente, necesita este trabajo para llevar una vida de ermitaño. Una noche aparece en el sanatorio un matrimonio: Vera y Stas. Están huyendo. Son perseguidos por antiguos amigos y socios de Stas. Vlad decide ayudarles, porque él también se esconde del pasado. Cada uno de los personajes se ve amenazado con el inevitable pago por las malas decisiones tomadas en el pasado, pero ayudándose mutuamente, intentan expiar esas faltas.
Una foto antes de morir
Un grupo de amigos decide pasar un fin de semana juntos en una casa de campo, pero un accidente inesperado los obliga a detenerse en una finca extraña y remota. En este lugar abandonado y misterioso, se descubre una rara cámara antigua. Lentamente, la cámara los introduce en una cadena de acontecimientos místicos y trágicos que ninguno de ellos pudo haber visto venir. Cualquiera que se tome una foto con la cámara ve una foto que revela su muerte. Muchos de ellos pierden la vida de una manera insoportable, mientras se apresuran a resolver el misterio de la cámara.
Finales del s. X. Tras la muerte de su padre Sviatoslav I, gobernante de la Rus de Kiev, el joven príncipe vikingo Vladimir de Nóvgorod se ve obligado a exiliarse en el mar helado para escapar de su hermanastro traidor Yaropolk, que ha asesinado a su otro hermano Oleg y conquistado el territorio vikingo de la Rus de Kiev. El viejo guerrero Sveneld convence a Vladimir de que reúna un ejército varangio, con la esperanza de reconquistar Nóvgorod de manos de Yaropolk y finalmente enfrentarse a las poderosas tropas bizantinas.
Conexión Estambul
vernehmender Polizist
Nick Tschiller, un duro policía de Hamburgo, viaja a través de Turquía y Rusia para rescatar a su hija de las manos de un agente secreto turco que está preparando un atentado en Moscú.
Fort Ross: In Search of Adventure
A group of journalists are traveling through the different places and different times trying to solve historical mystery.
The main characters are above the law. They are a group of police investigators wallowed in criminal activities. But the criminal scheme worked out by the experienced d team begins to fail. There appears to be a mole reporting directly to FSB. When Pepl finds himself in a life threatening situation he starts thinking about the existence for the first time ever. Once he begins to think he can not go back to his former self. The team begins to suspect that he is a mole. The former coworkers turn into mortal enemies.
Павел Терентьев, капитан, замком. полка по политчасти
When a 7-year-old son of the well-known businessman is kidnapped, he has no idea what awaits him! It turns out that the mysterious kidnapper does not need any ransom, but has only one claim: during the next day father must decide who will die of the two: his child or himself...
Aleksandr Danilov
Trata sobre un abuelo y su nieto, perdidos en el fin del mundo de una Siberia deshumanizada, y rodeados de ladrones sin escrúpulos y perros salvajes, en mitad del crudo invierno ruso y prácticamente sin víveres para subsistir.
Timothy Petrov is chosen as the new ataman of the Cossack village. He is approached by a businessman from St. Petersburg — Zaretsky — and asks to sell him stanitsa land for the construction of the plant. The previous ataman refused Zaretsky, because the Cossacks want to build a Church on this land. Petrov's daughter, Katya, lives in St. Petersburg and sings in a folk ensemble. One day at a corporate party Katya is kidnapped. She manages to call her father and say that is the village of the Hat. The girl is beaten and thrown out of the car. Petrov urgently comes to St. Petersburg. Close to the village of the Hat in the ditch, he finds a half-dead Kate. The ataman takes the daughter to hospital — she is unconscious, and doctors can't guarantee that the girl will survive. Now Petrov wants only one thing — to find abusers daughter and take revenge on them. And blood Yes good name Cossack and life is not a pity to give!
Spring Will Soon Be Here
In the courtyard of a convent run by Mother Ekaterina, a dozen people are trying to build a new life. Young novitiate Olga is a simple soul, honest and loving. When a troublemaker enters the community, Olga trusts him immediately, and things get complicated.
Вооружённое сопротивление
On the Japanese city of Hiroshima in August 1945, a nuclear bomb with a uranium charge was dropped - the United States was the only state that possessed nuclear weapons. In the USSR, extraordinary measures were being taken to speed up work on the atomic project, but to no avail. The reason was simple: there was no uranium in the country. Despite the post-war devastation, already in early 1946, geological exploration parties were organized, the entire territory of the USSR was covered by uranium prospecting works. The hero of the film is a geologist on one of these expeditions. But when his friend dies, his life begins to change.
La defensa del Dnieper
La acción comienza en julio de 1941. Mientras los tanques alemanes avanzan hacía el interior de la URSS, el General Zubov es rescatado de las brutales garras del NKVD y enviado a organizar la defensa del sector de la ciudad de Mogilev, situada a orillas del Rio Dnieper, donde las fuerzas sovieticas están dispuestas a ofrecer una fuerte resistencia para impedir el avance las fuerzas invasoras hacia el interior del país. De forma paralela, la joven enfermera Zoya se verá directamente implicada en la lucha, al ser atacado el tren en que viajaba por aviones alemanes.
Degraded Officer
During 1943 a young platoon commander refuses to follow an order of frontal attack; he doesn't want to send his soldiers against the enemy machine-guns and get them killed. A battalion commander rips off his shoulder straps and sends him to the military tribunal. But the war is everywhere and the demoted officer and his escorts have to start an unequal fight with the enemy.