Isabelle Candelier

Isabelle Candelier

Nacimiento : 1963-06-12, Albi, Tarn, France


Isabelle Candelier


Wahou !
French Tech
la femme d'affaires
Down-on-his-luck, unemployed Alexandre has two months to prove to his wife he can take care of his two young kids and be financially independent. Now, the thing is, although The Box, a user-friendly startup, wants to hire him on pro- bation, the company’s slogan is “No kids!” and Séverine, his future boss, is a short-tempered “killer”. So if Alexandre wants to land the job, he’s bound to lie... Will his meeting with Arcimboldo, an “entrepreneur of himself” and the king of online odd jobs, help the brave, disoriented Alexandre overcome all those challenges?
Las ondas del recuerdo
Julia Conti
El cuerpo de un hombre es encontrado en una fábrica de acero abandonada por jóvenes jugando a los exploradores 3. La autopsia revela que la víctima es un ex trabajador, fallecido 40 años antes, activista sindical y voluntario de la radio libre Lorena corazón de acero , voz de la protesta obrera en los años 1970 - 1980, al igual que Radio-Quinquin , otra estación de radio libre pero en Douaisis, en el corazón de la cuenca minera Nord-Pas-de-Calais , que desapareció en 1997 , y cuyo transmisor fue incautado por la policía en 1980 . Durante la investigación policial se encontraron otros dos muertos, más recientes esta vez, entre ellos un ahorcado en la antena de radio y televisión del Bois de Châ en Herserange .
Les Blagues de Toto
Mme Péchoton
Back-to-school! For troublemaker Toto, it’s the best playground for fooling around. When a sculpture collapses during the opening of a museum, Toto is immediately blamed. To prove his innocence, Toto has no other option but making a pact with Igor, the school nerd. In exchange for his help, Toto will help Igor being cool. The unlikely duo turns into little detectives. A fun and exciting adventure begins…
Notre Dame
La maire de Paris
Maud es arquitecta y madre. Debido a un malentendido, gana el concurso para restaurar el parvis de Notre-Dame. Dividida entre estas responsabilidades y los problemas amorosos, atravesará una tormenta emocional.
My Polish Honeymoon
Anna and Adam, a young couple from Paris with Polish Jewish origins, leave for the first time of their lives in Poland. They were invited to commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the destruction of the birth village community of Adam's grandfather. If Adam is not very excited about this trip, Anna is excited to discover the land that is also her grandmother's. Finally - from what little she knows. Here they are, looking for their origins in a journey full of surprises, during which they will not find exactly what they came for.
Un héroe singular
Mme Chavanges
Pierre, tiene treinta años y es productor de leche. Su vida gira en torno a su granja, su hermana es veterinaria y sus padres antiguos dueños de la explotación. Cuando los primeros caso de una epidemia se declaran en Francia, Pierre descubre que uno de sus animales está infectado. No puede permitirse perder sus vacas. No tiene nada más y llega hasta el final para salvarlas.
Cézanne y yo
Emilie Zola
Dos artistas. Dos vidas paralelas. El escritor Émile Zola y el pintor del post impresionismo Paul Cézanne comienzan su amistad en una escuela de la Provenza en la que ambos estudian. Sus caminos siguen unidos en París, donde ejercen su labor profesional. Zola, huérfano y sin dinero, decide valerse de la burguesía a la que tanto atacó de joven para dar su gran salto a la literatura. Por otro lado, Cézanne, que viene de una familia acomodada, rechaza toda vida social para centrarse únicamente en su obra. Pero sus esfuerzos de juventud son en vano, ya que su calidad sólo se le reconoció al final de su vida.
I Kissed a Girl
Françoise Deprez
Francia /// Jérémie, de 34 años, se despierta en un apartamento desconocido con Adna al otro lado de la cama. ¿El principio de una historia de amor? No parece muy probable dado que Jérémie está a punto de casarse con... Antoine.
Valentin Valentin
In a small Parisian building, a diverse group of people crosses paths, likes and observes each other, without always seeing each other.
Unos días para recordar
Claudine Laurent
Tras un accidente, un solitario sesentón debe permanecer en un hospital con la pierna escayolada a merced de las visitas rutinarias de médicos y enfermeras, amigos y visitas imprevistas.
Primavera en Normandía
Valérie Joubert
Martin es un antiguo burgués bohemio parisino que se ha instalado en un pequeño pueblo de Normandía como panadero local. Es un apasionado de las obras de Gustave Flaubert. Cerca de él se instala una pareja de británicos llamados Gemma y Charles Bovery. No sólo tienen nombre similares a los de la novela 'Madame Bovary' sino que tienen comportamientos similares a los de la obra de Flaubert.
Libre y amodorrado
La mère de Sébastien
Sébastien tiene una ambición en la vida: no hacer nada. Pero hoy en día en nuestra sociedad si no haces nada, no eres nada... (FILMAFFINITY)
Darling Trap
Sophie Liancourt
Clémence is pathologically jealous. Gabriel has asked her to marry him. To test whether he is faithful, unbeknownst to him she arranges that he crosses paths with beautiful Olivia...
Délit de fuite
Fifteen-year-old Sébastien Lecoeur is headed to the country for the weekend with his father. In a hurry to arrive before nightfall, his father is driving much too fast. As the car hurtles through a sleeping village at full speed, they hit a figure by the side of the road. The shape crashes against the hood of the car. Sébastien screams, but his father turns off the headlights and accelerates - could he have not seen anything? What will happen between father and son in the weeks that follow? How will the burden of this terrible secret affect their relationship? Their hit-and-run may drive them down a road neither is prepared to handle....
A 20-year-old father (Johan Libéreau) obsessed with muscle cars must address his own guilt when he recklessly hits a young man on the freeway and flees the scene.
Granny's Funeral
A provincial chemist in the throes of a mid-life crisis must choose between burying his dearly departed grandmother and cremating her in this quirky comedy of manners starring Valerie Lemercier, Denis Podalydes, and Isabelle Candelier.
Pour ma fille
Louise returns home from a humanitarian aid mission having been cut off from the world for weeks and is met with a shock: her daughter Safa is dead - drowned. The Medical Examiner's conclusion: accidental death. But Louise won't accept this, knowing her daughter's complete phobia of water. She is determined to uncover the truth alone: Safa was murdered. Louise adopts a false name to find a job at the winegrower's where her daughter worked and soon figures out the complex relations that tied Safa to her employers' family. A family seemingly founded on secrets. The motive and murder seem obvious. But what if things weren't so simple...? Louise will stop at nothing for the truth to be revealed and the murderer arrested; even going so far as to dig up old stories and another well covered-up murder.
Un buen año
Ludivine Duflot
Max Skinner (Russell Crowe), un experto en inversiones viaja desde Londres hasta Provenza para vender un pequeño viñedo que ha heredado de un tío, al que estuvo muy unido en su niñez. Lo que no esperaba en absoluto es que éste fuera el punto de partida de un estimulante capítulo de su vida.
The Mystery of the Yellow Room
Madame Bernier
Joseph Rouletabille, a reporter for a local newspaper, investigates the attempted killing of Mathilde Stangerson, who uses the yellow room of the title as her bedroom. At the time of the revolver shots her room was locked and the windows were barred, but when her father enters after having forced the door, there is no-one there except for Mathilde. So who did it and how did he get away?
Strange Gardens
Louise, Jacques' wife
Lucien, 14, can’t understand why his father, a serious and respected teacher, makes a fool of himself by dressing up as a clown and giving a show. André, Lucien’s father’s best friend, feels for the teenager and decides to reveal something from their mutual past that will explain the reason for Lucien’s father’s strange behavior.
Silencio pactado
La psychiatre
En Brasil, a Sor Sarah la ingresan en urgencias debido a unos extraños dolores. Atendida en la misión en que el padre Joachim ejerce de médico, el sacerdote muy pronto sospecha que la joven guarda algún secreto de su enigmático pasado. Decide entonces investigar su vida y descubre que Sarah tiene una hermana gemela, llamada Gaëlle, que se encuentra en Francia cumpliendo condena por haber cometido el más terrible de todos los crímenes. Como él también sufre remordimientos por su procopio pasado, decide trasladarser a París para seguir investigando y su curiosidad se convierte en obsesión. Haciendo caso omiso de sus principios y de las limitaciones que le impone su función sacerdotal, intenta por todos los medios descifrar el misterioso vínculo que une a las dos hermanas. Lo que no sospecha es que la verdad va a cambiar su vida para siempre.
Le cœur sur la main
La propriétaire
House for sale...
Being Light
Vanessa, Maxime's sister
Maxime, a young man of 25, arrives in Paris, but wishes to join Justine, the woman he loves, in India. At the bar of the Raphael Hotel, he meets Jack Lesterhoof, a rich businessman who offers to be his interpreter for an important meeting. Maxime accepts. The two men soon become friends. Jack decides to take a break from the routine and accompany Maxime to India.
Tengo Hambre
Un buen día, Lily consigue la herencia de un tío moribundo, se lesiona la espalda durante unos ejercicios amorosos un tanto moviditos, y por la mañana es abandonada por su novio, que se va con una atractiva colaboradora. Impactante situación, por llamarlo de alguna manera... Pero Lily, respaldada por sus dos amigas y la portera, prepara su contraataque en todos los frentes. Un solo objetivo: recuperar a su novio. No repararán en medios: un cambio de look total, un régimen dietético infernal, sabotaje y guerra psicológica para eliminar a la rival... Pero al final de esta larga batalla, les esperan algunas sorpresas..
Alice Cohen
Claire is a young woman who leads a somewhat formatted life. Pierre is an improviser, but not an actor. Brief encounter, brief romance, doomed or not, who can say? When things like that happen, you act on the spur of the moment.
Lise and Andre
Lise is a Parisian prostitute who has a young son, Sebastien. Lise dotes on her boy, who has a gift for music and sings in a children's choir directed by aging parish priest Father Andre. Sebastien becomes involved in an auto accident that sends him into a coma; after he remains unconscious for three months, Lise begins to panic, desperate for a remedy that medical science can't provide. When she is told of a field in a village in rural France where a miracle is said to have occurred some years before -- an apparition of the Virgin Mary arrived to provide food for a group of starving children -- Lise wants to travel to the site of the miracle to pray for her son. She also insists that Father Andre come along, but the priest is not eager to go, due to his age, his health, and his increasing cynicism about religion. Lise is persistent, however, and before long the two are on the road in search of a much-needed miracle.
Second life
Vansan is 30 years old, but he never learned to make decisions. Whatever it is. Should he marry his girlfriend, should he start a business with his friend, what color should he buy shoes for? Life for him is an eternal dilemma. But one day, fate made a choice for him. Vansan crashes into an advertising post by car and makes a leap in time for 16 years in advance. Now at about forty, he heads a large corporation, is married to a woman with whom he is barely familiar, has a teenage son who is constantly bold to him, and an early-ripened daughter. And he has absolutely no idea what to do with all this. Realizing that he has become everything that he always despised, Vansan is desperate to go back and make the right choice. But can he turn back the clock? ..
André le magnifique
An actor who does not suffer fools gladly finds himself replaced by one in this comedy. The citizens of a French village decide to celebrate their history by staging a play that will chronicle memorable events from the town's past. The play's author, Alexis, casts his wife Janine (Isabelle Candelier) in the leading female role despite her odd way of delivering dialogue. However, for the male lead, Alexis hires an arrogant professional actor from Paris, Jean-Pascal Faix. The village simpleton, Andre , has volunteered to serve as a stagehand and prompter. When Andre mistakenly leads Jean-Pascal into a trash dumpster that's soon dragged away, he's convinced (falsely) that he's killed the Parisian actor -- and is determined to take his place so that the show will go on.
Un pur moment de rock'n roll
Eric se debate entre la droga y su aspiración de convertirse en escritor. Su adicción a las drogas lo lleva a robar con la ayuda de su amigo Jeannot, para comprar su dosis diaria, y destruir su relación con su novia, también adicta a las drogas. Atormentado por el deseo de escribir, Eric aspira a un mundo mejor...
Only God Sees Me
Albert, a sound engineer who is chronically hesitant successively meets three charming young women who will, each in their own way, provoke and help him to get a better hold of himself.
Droit dans le mur
Béatrice, la maîtresse
Pierre Richard directed, co-scripted and stars in this French comedy. Former top film comedian Romain (Richard) is on a downward spiral -- rehearsing a play directed by his sister while also dealing with his wife, mistress, taxes, low self-esteem, demands for attention from his two children, and a private detective attempting to snap incriminating photos. Producer Jean-Louis Levi appears in a cameo as a poverty-stricken bum.
News from the Good Lord
When novelist Alessandro Battavia commits suicide, a taxi driver named Evangile and her brother Nord believe they are characters imagined in a novel, probably one written by God.
Le Homard
Couples et amants
Seemingly, Paul (Jacques Bonaffee) and Isabelle (Marie Brunel) have a wonderful, harmonious marriage. Yet Isabelle is not averse to having a little side action with another man in the afternoon, and Paul is really getting into his romance with one of his ophthalmic patients, a young woman who pursues him more than he pursued her. Even those little affairs might not indicate that there is much wrong with the marriage, but when Paul find's out about Isabelle's little affair, he behaves like a thug rather than the sensitive, easygoing man he has appeared to be. By contrast, the constant bickering of a couple they both know seems to indicate real intimacy between them, despite the fact that they are on the verge of divorce.
Victim of a train accident, a man regains consciousness in the house of the woman who shared his compartment.
A Night in Versailles
A young man in Versailles invites a Parisian girl to his place for dinner. The evening is thrown into turmoil.
A man and a woman quarrel over an old building, a heritage they share. Their opposing characters make the situation conflictual.
Chasse gardée
Flanked by their two children, Simon and Adélaïde decide, like many Parisians today, to leave their two-room apartment for a quieter and more comfortable life in the country. They are seduced by a house in the middle of nature: space, a vegetable garden, a wood adjoining their garden and above all villagers who welcome them with open arms. A dream come true! But the young couple was soon to be disillusioned: the wood was actually a hunting ground for big game! Although the hunters are friendly, they are not willing to give up their territory, making Simon and Adélaïde's dream of the countryside a living hell. But true to their reputation, our Parisians are not going to let them do it.