Based on 16-year-old writer Sarie Hinakura’s award winning story Jellyfish is centered around two adolescent girls disconnected from their immediate environment of school and mates. They first get together while staring into a jellyfish tank at a local aquarium. The relationship that ensues eventually faces tension from the divergent personalities of the two protagonists, one of whom explores a heterosexual relationship with a fellow student. Jealousy and the wrath of a lover spurned are inevitable spillovers.
Nomi Kanjuro
Kanjuro Nomi es un samurai sin espada, solo conserva su funda. Tras abandonar por completo la violencia y embarcarse en un viaje con su hija Tae, ahora está en busca y captura como desertor. Su única opción de salvar la vida es hacerle recuperar la sonrisa al principe, triste desde la muerte de su madre. Para ello dispondrá de 30 días: si no lo logra, deberá cometer sepukku. (FILMAFFINITY)