A boy is orphaned and his only surviving relatives, an ageing aunt and uncle, somewhat reluctantly, take him in. The aunt, still traumatised by the death by drowning, years earlier, of her own two sons, has little idea how to handle the boy. As if, losing his parents and not really feeling welcome in his new home, were not enough, the boy is bullied at school. He seeks sanctuary from all of his troubles in the open air, in the company of wolves and particularly in the presence of a young wolf whose life he has saved.
Esta adaptación de un libro de Thomas B. Allen, describe el único exorcismo autorizado por la Iglesia Católica en el siglo XX. El joven Robbie Mannheim está poseído por un violento espíritu demoníaco. Su familia, aterrorizada y agotada, recurre al Padre William Bowdern en busca de ayuda. Tras examinar los terribles poderes sobrenaturales de Robbie, el sacerdote tendrá que superar enormes dificultades para que la Iglesia le permita realizar un exorcismo: una terrible batalla entre el Bien y el Mal.