Zachary Bennett
Nacimiento : 1980-02-17, London, Ontario, Canada
Zachary Bennett is a Canadian film and television actor and musician, best known for playing the main role of Felix King on the television series "Road to Avonlea". He plays in a band called "Tin Star Orphans".
Casper is a time traveller who arrives in the 2020s in an attempt to prevent a major future catastrophe. He meets Holly, a queer black woman he befriends and draws into his plan by giving her his knowledge of the future so that she can make quick money. However, they unwittingly alter the future themselves with their actions, until Doris, another time traveller, arrives to stop them.
Young Lawyer
Adaptada a vivir al margen de la sociedad desde que fuese la cabeza pensante de un atentado contra el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, la antigua radical de 25 años Jenny Shimada (Hong Chau) acepta hacerse cargo de tres fugitivos que están siendo perseguidos por la policía. Uno de ellos, la nieta (Sarah Gadon) de un magnate de la prensa y dueño de un periódico, se ha convertido en una celebridad nacional debido a su cambio de ideología tras haber sido raptada por sus captores.
Tim and Claire have found a cutting-edge (and kinky) solution to their money troubles: a controversial mind-transfer service that allows Tim to rent his body out to paying customers - so they can spend some "quality time" with his girlfriend Claire. But as police begin to crack down on the grey-market tech, Tim pushes for one more payday from a repeat customer, despite a firm "no" from Claire. When Tim goes ahead with the transfer behind her back, he learns he's not the only one keeping secrets. Produced with a grant awarded by BravoFACT
Agent Curtis
Alex Danyliuk, un joven inmigrante de Ucrania, llega a Canadá y se involucra con una organización criminal online llamada Darkweb. Poco a poco se va convirtiendo en un adolescente hacker, aprendiendo a estafar tarjetas de crédito, cajeros automáticos, entrar en los bancos y, finalmente, el mercado de valores. Lo que comienza como una manera de ayudar a sus padres económicamente, pronto se convierte en una venganza personal contra todo el sistema bancario cuando su madre es despedida de su trabajo en el banco.
Charles Dowley
Maud Dowley (Sally Hawkins) es una mujer alegre de Nueva Escocia que sueña con independizarse de su protectora familia. Everett Lewis (Ethan Hawke) es un huraño pescador local que busca asistenta. Tras ver su anuncio, Maudie no tarda en mudarse a casa de Everett para encargarse de las tareas del hogar. Pero lo que comienza siendo una difícil convivencia entre dos polos opuestos poco a poco irá transformándose en una historia de amor... Basada en hechos reales, la película cuenta la historia de la pintora canadiense Maud Lewis, de su relación con el que se convirtió en su inseparable compañero de vida Everett Lewis, y de cómo sus sencillas pinturas llegaron a ser vistas y reconocidas por todos los rincones del país convirtiéndola en una de las artistas folk más representativas de Canadá.
Zack Varmitech / Gaston Gourmand
The real-life Chris and Martin introduce each Wild Kratts episode with a live action segment that imagines what it would be like to experience a never- before-seen wildlife moment, and asks, 'What if...?'
Percy Sullivan's suicide attempt gets interrupted by a man claiming to be from the future.
Brad Lavigne
NDP Leader Jack Layton was fluently bilingual, glib, sometimes flashy, full of energy and always media-friendly. He loved to entertain and uplift his co-workers with a strum on his guitar and spirit in his voice (which wasn't particularly good but he sang with gusto). Growing up in a political family, Layton was a left-wing Toronto city councillor for 17 years and spent a year as head of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. He became leader of the federal New Democratic Party in 2003... The NDP became the Official Opposition for the first time in history. Going into the 2011 federal election... Written by (STAFF)
Jack ha empezado a salir con la hija del presidente de su empresa, pero se va a celebrar el baile de Navidad y tiene que aprender urgentemente a bailar. ..
An adolescent dreamer struggles to find closure after the untimely death of his older brother.
An adolescent dreamer struggles to find closure after the untimely death of his older brother.
An adolescent dreamer struggles to find closure after the untimely death of his older brother.
Jeff Leblanc
Una pareja de ancianos se enfrenta a las autoridades locales de New Brunswick para que les permitan construir la casa en la que pasarán sus últimos días.
Los hermanos MacManus viven escondidos junto a su padre, Il Duce, en los tranquilos valles de Irlanda, alejados de su antigua vida como vigilantes. Un día se enteran del asesinato de un amigo sacerdote católico a manos de la mafia en Boston. Los dos hermanos regresarán entonces para hacerle justicia.
John Dodson
Un matrimonio se muda a una zona rural (Grindstone Road) en el momento más dramático de su vida: su hijo está en coma profundo. Tienen la esperanza de encontrar en su casa de campo la tranquilidad que necesitan para empezar una nueva vida; sin embargo, la madre empieza a percibir en la casa la presencia de un niño. Mientras los vecinos, una pareja de ancianos muy amables, intentan ayudar a la mujer, su marido, en cambio, piensa que experimenta alucinaciones a causa del trauma sufrido.
David Snow
Elizar Perla is a recently retired cat burglar who has succumbed to the temptation of one final score. The target is David Gray, famous for his collection of art and other rarities. Soon after the job, Elizar disappears, leaving his daughter Marty (Gina Gershon) distraught. Desperate, Gray approaches Marty suggesting that her father will turn up as soon as the stolen artwork is recovered. She begrudgingly accepts the offer to help him locate the art, but all is not as it seems, as the rarest of stolen pieces has value beyond ordinary currency. Written by Peace Arch
HOMECOMING is a short film about Drew, a young war vet returning home from Afghanistan. Still processing his horrific experience overseas, Drew contacts his parents to discuss his homecoming. While his mother eagerly anticipates his return, his father holds onto the valiant expectations he has had for his son as a soldier. Ultimately, they are all forced to deal with the dark side of post-war trauma.
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Un soldado nazi (Scarfe) se debate entre el deber y su pasión por Rachel (Nina Dobrev), la hermosa hija de un rabino.
Val Grosmont
La joven J.J., detective de homicidios, se enfrenta a un caso que le lleva a recordar una desgracia del pasado que aún no ha conseguido superar. Siendo niña presenció el asesinato de su madre a manos de un psicópata... (FILMAFFINITY)
"Jay" Jekyll es un inteligente joven estudiante de la facultad de medicina de St. Joseph que, obsesionado en convertirse en alguien mejor, empieza a experimentar con LSD, hasta que consigue una droga que le proporciona lo que él quiere: una nueva personalidad. Pero su nuevo yo, a quien hace llamar Hyde (que son las letras que se pulsan al marcar su número de teléfono en el móvil), es un ser extremadamente violento y agresivamente sexual, que poco a poco empieza a tomar las riendas de la vida de Jay, quien acaba convirtiéndose en adicto a dicho droga y, por lo tanto, en alguien peligroso. (FILMAFFINITY)
Eric Wynn
Precuela de "Cube". Rains se despierta en un laberinto de habitaciones perfectamente cúbicas. Lleva un extraño uniforme gris y un código de barras tatuado en su mano. No recuerda nada, ni su nombre. Pronto encontrará otros prisioneros del laberinto que están en su misma situación. A medida que se van desplazando por los cubos, irán muriendo uno a uno en las trampas que irán encontrando. Rains tiene un admirador secreto. Se trata de Wynn y forma parte del grupo de observadores cuyo trabajo es controlar al grupo de prisioneros. Se siente atraido por ella e intentará hacer alguna cosa para ayudarla. En el universo del cubo, nadie está a salvo. Los observadores son observados y los prisioneros huyen en busca de una salida que no saben donde les llevará.
Johnson Joe Jangles
Two male lovers attempt to start a family in the Wild West.
In order to write his Master's Thesis in a calmer setting, a university student moves in with a dysfunctional suburban family--a flirtatious housewife, a husband who can't express his emotions, and a daughter who aspires to be a poet and is having her sexual awakening. No one can give him a moment's peace.
Joseph Putnam
En 1692 el terror se apoderó de Salem (Massachussets), que vivió uno de los capítulos más negros de la historia. Cuando varias jóvenes de la comunidad puritana empiezan a sufrir convulsiones, los vecinos de la ciudad, bajo la influencia del reverendo Samuel Parrish, padre de una de las afectadas, llegan a la conclusión de que se trata de un caso de brujería. En diez meses, 19 personas inocentes fueron acusadas de brujería, juzgadas y condenadas a muerte.
Tom Donnerel
The Bay of Love and Sorrows is a haunting modern tragedy set on the rural shores of New Brunswick's Bay of Miramichi. In late summer 1973, Michael Skid, the son of a well-to-do judge, returns home and rents a dilapidated farm. He begins to spread the gospel of communal ideals, which he has absorbed during his travels in India. His new worldliness and ideas go over well with impoverished siblings Madonna and Silver Brassaurd and the hopelessly naïve Carrie. They go over less well with Tom Donnerel, a young farmer and Carrie's fiancé. Wounded by Tom's derision, Michael befriends ex-convict Everette Hatch, who, recognizing opportunity, exploits Michael's ideas to his advantage. Believing himself capable of understanding people from the other side of the track, Michael fails to recognize that the ex-con is manipulating him and so sets off a catastrophic chain of events in the community
Living in an ancient redwood tree for more than two years to prevent the tree from being clear-cut, Julia Butterfly Hill captured our hearts and minds by showing us that one person can make a difference. Through interviews with Hill, filmmaker Doug Wolens paints a portrait of an intensely spiritual and articulate woman who encountered both beauty and horror (she was assaulted by lumber company helicopters at one point) during her time above ground.
Francis Waterson
An affair between a pianist and a teacher begins to disintegrate when girls from her school turn up missing.
Bill Bonanno
Ésta es la historia real de Joseph Bonanno, uno de los padrinos más legendarios de la mafia americana. Su vida inspiró a Mario Puzzo para crear a Don Vito Corleone, el protagonista de su célebre novela El Padrino. Joseph es hijo de la mafia. Su propio padre, Salvatore, decide su apadrinamiento por el líder de la familia rival. De este modo, pone fin a una guerra sangrienta y sella el destino de su hijo recién nacido. Años más tarde, gracias a la ayuda de un amigo de la familia, conseguirá entrar ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos, donde empezará a hacer fortuna con el comercio ilegal de alcohol durante La Prohibición. Será entonces cuando acceda a la protección de Salvatore Maranzano, uno de los jefes de la mafia, del que se convertirá en mano derecha.
Mark Stratton
Un experimento científico en el crecimiento celular rápido va mal cuando un ayudante de laboratorio roba el suero desarrollado y lo inyecta a su novia, embarazada. El resultado es un niño que crece hasta la edad adulta y morirá en cuestión de días, si no encuentra la cura.
Felix King
An Avonlea Christmas pays tribute to the indomitable and sometimes intolerable matriarch of the King family, Hetty King. When she suddenly collapses during the holidays, Hetty is hospitalized. Feeling homesick and alone, she begins to re-evaluate her relationships and her accomplishments in life. The story takes place against the backdrop of World War I as the King family prepares for its traditional Christmas dinner. The reunion is marred by the fact that one of its youngest members, Felix, is missing in action; making differences of opinion about the war effort glaringly obvious. This wonderful and accomplished cast comes together in an uplifting drama that illustrates the frailty of life and the importance of strength of family in turbulent times. (from DVD liner notes)
Bobby Dolman
in 1957, black lawyer defends his nephew, who faces the death penalty for murdering a white boy.
Sex comedy takes a look at contemporary dating mores and hypothesizes that the new dating location may be the dog walk in the park. Follow one mild-mannered man who's consistently unlucky in love and dogs.
Skunk - Flat Critter
In the 1960s, a group of friends at an all girls school learn that their school is going to be combined with a nearby all boys school. They concoct a plan to save their school while dealing with everyday problems along the way.
A group of young adults struggle to run the biggest cattle ranch in the world amidst World War II.
When the controlling mother (Jean Stapleton) of Martin Mallory (Geraint Wyn Davies) dies, Mallory thinks he's finally free of her meddling. But her ghost appears to him at her funeral, brought back to life by a mysterious Japanese stone. Now, Martin must move her body to Niagara Falls, N.Y., within 48 hours, or she won't be allowed into heaven. To make matters worse, Japanese hit men are trying desperately to get the stone back.
Peter Fletcher
A little boy is taken by the Sand Man to Santa's workshop, only to discover that it has been taken over and industrialized by an evil robot.
After her father is accused of embezzlement, wealthy Sara Stanley is sent to live with her deceased mother's relatives on Prince Edward Island. While there, she must adjust to life in the small rural town of Avonlea, learn to cope with her infamous aunts, Hetty and Olivia, and learn to get along with her jealous cousins who become victims and cohorts in Sara’s antics and misadventures. Everything comes to a head when the adults are called away and her older cousin, Felicity, is left in charge – not knowing what troubles will ensue. Soon Sara must make a heart wrenching decision: whether to stay in Avonlea or return to her father. Through the combination of the episodes “The Journey Begins” and “Proof of the Pudding” this digitally-mastered movie was created as an introduction to the award-winning “Road to Avonlea” series.
Sullivan Delaney
Un chico de 16 años, Ryan Delaney, ha ganado una beca escolar. Pero como su familia no tiene dinero necesita un trabajo de verano para pagar los gastos de la Universidad. A pesar de que no tiene 18 años, no sabe nadar y jamás ha ido a un campamento, consigue un trabajo como monitor de campamentos. Su madre le obliga a llevarse a su hermano pequeño, Sullivan, ya que no puede cuidar de el mientras está trabajando. El campamento es cada vez más duro, e incluso piensan en abandonar, pero aprenden a conocerse el uno al otro, a luchar sus propias batallas y lo que pueden conseguir si trabajan juntos.
Young Bobby
Anna está divorciada y su vida transcurre entre su trabajo en un laboratorio, sus clases de piano y el cuidado de su hija Molly, a la que procura educar de manera liberal y armoniosa. Nunca se ha sentido satisfecha como mujer, pero Leo Cutter, un artista irlandés, contribuirá a cambiar su vida.
Boy #1
Two dippy roommates, struggling musicians Lolly and Hattie are asked by a drug-dealing friend-of-a-friend Diane to baby-sit a bag containing nearly a million dollars while she scoots out of town in order to avoid trouble. Once the money is in their possession, however, temptation proves too much for them.