Johanne Stryhn Hørby


Boys On Film 7: Bad Romance
Experience an alternative take on attraction with Boys On Film. Bad Romance explores the darker side with a collection of edgy and sexy short films, including: Alain Hain's "Curious Thing" starring Danny Bernardy and Matthew Wilkas; Christoph Scheermann's "Cake and Sand" starring Bartholomew Sammut and Jan Andreesen; Michael Rozanov's "Watch Over Me" starring Guy Kapulnik and Davidi Hoffman; Joachim Back's "The New Tenants" starring David Rakoff and Jamie Harrold; Kim Jho Gwang-soo's "Just Friends?" starring Lee Je-hoon and Yeon Woo-jin; Étienne Desrosiers's "Mirrors" starring Xavier Dolan, Stéphane Demers, and Julie Beauchemin; Christopher Banks's "Communication" starring Rudi Vodanovich and Alexander Campbell; Tomer Velkoff's "The Traitor" co-starring Shmulik Goldstein; Christopher Radcliff and Lauren Wolkstein's "The Strange Ones" starring David Call, Tobias Campbell, and Merritt Wever; and Tamer Ruggli's "Cappuccino" starring Benjamin Décosterd and Manuela Biedermann.
The New Tenants
A prying neighbor, a glassy-eyed drug dealer, and a husband brandishing both a weapon and a vendetta make up the welcome wagon. Set amidst the as-yet-unopened boxes and the hopes for a fresh start of two men on what might just be the worst moving day ever. Their new apartment reveals its terrifying history in a film that is by turns funny, frightening, and unexpectedly romantic.
The Pig
In this live-action, Oscar-nominated short from Denmark, Asbjorn is a patient admitted to a Danish hospital, who quickly warms to a painting of a whimsical pig hung on the walls. It becomes a source of comfort and solace for him - until another patient has it removed by request (Written by Nathan Southern, Rovi)
El tesoro de los Caballeros Templarios III: La Corona de la Serpiente
La corona de serpiente ha sido robada por los devotos de Creta, pues sienten que son sus legítimos dueños. Los tres jóvenes protagonistas deberán hacer todo lo posible por recuperarla y devolvérsela a los caballeros templarios.