Șerban Pavlu

Șerban Pavlu

Nacimiento : 1975-06-29, Bucharest, Romania


Șerban Pavlu


Băieții buni ajung în Rai
Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World
Overworked and underpaid, Angela drives around the city of Bucharest to film the casting for a 'safety at work' video commissioned by a multinational company. When one of the interviewees reveals the company’s liability in his accident, a scandal erupts.
dl. Oprea
A frothy comedy about life in the corporation, about the challenges of building a career and those of consolidating and motivating a team. The film, a satire of corporate life, reveals the events of a team building in which the robotic corporativism unleash themselves and unleash themselves by showing their human side.
Weddings, christenings and funerals
Cosmin plays a tennis game with 3 friends. He looks at the clock and starts panicking: he is late to the Registry Office, to a wedding- his wedding, with his ex-wife, who he had divorced without his friends knowing. Everything starts in 2007 when the real-estate bubble reaches its peak. Cosmin gifts Reli a land on the edge of a lake, for their wedding anniversary. He plans to build 7 villas, sell them and win 1 million Euros.
Almanah Cinema
Six shorts by Radu Jude:Plastic Semiotic,To Punish, To Discipline,The Potemkinists, Memories of the eastern front,Caricaturana and The Marshal's Two Executions
Un día, la joven Magda regala su caro collar a una niña enferma en el hospital en el que trabaja como voluntaria. Su padre está seguro de que miente una vez más y cuando Magda demuestra su inocencia, él se siente avergonzado y culpable, pero también incapaz de admitir que se equivocó. La relación entre ambos está rota y es un caos, y las decisiones del pasado tendrán consecuencias irreversibles.
Based on an idea by Eisenstein, who dreamt of composing the 101 poses of Robert Macaire – a popular French character epitomizing the unscrupulous swindler – as represented in the 101 lithographs of the series Caricaturana by Honoré Daumier. First, a montage of the gestures as Eisenstein envisaged. Then, original texts are added to the caricatures. And finally, we took the liberty to use them as a commentary to some current news.
Un polvo desafortunado o porno loco
Father in Apartment
Emi, una maestra de escuela, encuentra su carrera y reputación amenazadas después de que se filtró una cinta sexual personal en Internet. Obligada a encontrarse con los padres exigiendo su despido, Emi se niega a rendirse a su presión. Radu Jude (¡Aferim!) Ofrece una mezcla incendiaria de formas poco convencionales, humor irreverente y comentarios mordaces sobre la hipocresía y los prejuicios en nuestras sociedades.
Fairy Fever
Ileana gives up trying to heal her sleepwalking condition and decides to embrace the sleepwalker inside. With her lover, Lia, as a guide, she stumbles upon a fairytale ending.
Uppercase Print
The Father
In 1981, chalk slogans written in uppercase letters started appearing in public spaces in the Romanian city of Botoşani. They demanded freedom, alluded to the democratic developments taking place in Romania’s socialist sister countries or simply called for improvements in the food supply. Mugur Călinescu was behind them, who was still at school at the time and whose case is documented in the files of the Romanian secret police. Theatre director Gianina Cărbunariu created a documentary play based on this material.
A long time married couple comes to decide within 24 hours, through encounters with strangers, that letting go might be their biggest proof of love.
After the suspicious death of his best friend Nic, Stefan, a fifty-year-old businessman, uncovers the unknown part of their relationship and has to come to terms with his new life.
Queen Marie of Romania
Devastada por la Primera Guerra Mundial y sumida en una controversia política, cada esperanza de Rumania acompaña a su Reina en su misión a París, para presionar por el reconocimiento internacional de su gran unificación en las conversaciones de paz de 1919.
Alice T.
Alice (Andra Guti) es una adolescente adoptada que tiene una relación tensa con su madre adoptiva, Bogdana (Mihaela Sirbu). Un día, en medio de una discusión acalorada con Bogdana, Alice confiesa que está embarazada y que quiere quedarse con el bebé. La confesión tiene un fuerte impacto en Bogdana, ya que en el pasado ella trató de quedarse embarazada, sin éxito.
The Afghanistans
Sporadic gunshots echo among the ruins of a village which, though abandoned, is an objective of great import for the Romanian government. This forces two young men to lead a hard negotiation, both for the fate of the settlement and for their own future.
I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians
"I do not care if we go down in history as barbarians." These words, spoken in the Council of Ministers of the summer of 1941, started the ethnic cleansing on the Eastern Front. The film attempts to comment on this statement.
In the Shadow of Men
Four people meet in a bar. Two of them know exactly why they are there. The third has a pretty good idea. The fourth is in for a bit of a shock...
A couple of weeks after his wife Ioana dies in a car crash, drunk and alone on the night he turns 42, Alexandru receives a visit. Sebastian, a shy, younger man, has been Ioana's lover for the past five months. Sebastian has an outrageous request: he wants Alexandru to help him overcome the despair caused by Ioana's death.
Seven months after their divorce, Ducu pays Maria one last visit...
Meda or The Not So Bright Side of Things
A lumberjack, Doru, whose wife dies leaving the child she was looking after, Meda, at risk of being sent to an orphanage, decides to fight for adoption, against the odds.
Scarred Hearts
Dr. Ceafalan
Rumania, 1937. Emanuel, un joven veinteañero enfermo de tuberculosis ósea, pasa sus días en un sanatorio a orillas del mar Negro. El protagonista, que se enamora de otra paciente, narra su esfuerzo y el de sus otros compañeros por exprimir al máximo la vida mientras sus cuerpos languidecen y sus mentes se niegan a rendirse. Inspirada en la novela autobiográfica Scarred Hearts del escritor rumano Max Blecher, escrita antes de morir a los 29 años, tras diez años de sufrimiento.
El verano ha terminado
Un adolescente aburrido de 14 años, que cuenta los días que quedan para un eclipse solar, se hace amigo del chico nuevo, que no tarda en implicarlo en un plan arriesgado.
Two Lottery Tickets
The jealous boyfriend
Tres hombres de una ciudad de provincias se encuentran en una situación de necesidad económica, por lo que deciden comprar un boleto de lotería. Tras ganar, pronto descubrirán que los boletos han sido robados.
Seven Months Later
One perfect house. One perfect marriage. One perfect Sunday morning.
One girl. One car. One night. No coincidence.
Set in early 19th century Wallachia, Romania, a policeman, Costandin, is hired by a nobleman to find a Gypsy slave who has run away from his estate after having an affair with his wife.
Scurt/4: Istorii de inimã neagrã
Directed by four different filmmakers and produced by different production companies, these four short films share a common theme - life and death - and a common origin - all four are independent productions made with a little help from all our friends.
Three men go into a pub. The first man has too many questions. The second man has the perfect plan. The third man has no chance.
Quod erat demonstrandum
Bucur, the driver
A scholar of mathematics would like to publish his research outside Ceaucescu's Romania, but getting it through the border and the State censorship is not easy.
The Japanese Dog
Con dos premiados cortometrajes a sus espaldas, el último presentado en la pasada edición de la sección Cinéfondation del festival de Cannes, el director rumano Tudor Cristian Jurgiu da el salto al largometraje con una película que narra el encuentro entre un anciano, que acaba de quedarse viudo al morir su mujer en una inundación, y su hijo, que se ha ido a vivir a Japón, tras veinte años sin verse. Ambos trataran de superar la distancia que se ha abierto entre ellos.
Bucharest, 2009. Twenty years after Romanian Revolution, Tavi Ionescu, a nice but quite immature guy for his late 30's finds out from his Securitate (Romanian Secret Police) file that he could be the father of a son he didn't know about. Starting his own secret investigation, Tavi is caught by a complicated past that now comes to reveal ugly hidden truths, messing up his life and the life's of the ones close to him. For the first time in his life, Tavi is forced to take really mature decisions.
I'm an Old Communist Hag
bus driver
The film tells the story of a generation that cannot adapt to the reality post-revolution. Nostalgic Emilia tries to keep alive the golden age.
Shadow of a Cloud
In a torrid summer day in Bucharest, the priest Florin Florescu is called to a dying woman's side for saying a prayer.
Bad Penny
Strange man
One night, just before the holidays, in an empty park, two small-time thugs hold up a strange looking man. Where's the Christmas spirit?
Everybody in Our Family
Marius is a divorced man in his late thirties. His five year-old daughter Sofia lives with her mother, which causes Marius a deep frustration. On the day Marius arrives to take his daughter on their annual holiday, he is told that she is ill but he doesn't believe it and insists to take her with him. The situation soon gets out of control with all the family taking part in a web of humor, violence, childish songs, police interventions and love statements.
A Film for Friends
Considering that his life is a failure, a man records himself leaving a video-message to his loved ones. After this message, which tackles, in funny and sad ways, a lot of issues, both personal and social, he shoots himself in the head. But he fails. And what follows is the a ridiculous and horrific agony, that probably changes the characters' vision about life... A film done basically in one single shot.
The Bear
At the Bucharest Circus, the new young manager is trying to solve the major financial issues of the company by selling its only bear (old and about to die soon) to German hunters. But the artists do not want to sacrifice their favorite animal so the manager decides to steal the bear and run to the mountains to meet the Germans. A crazy road movie starts following the bear.
La chica más feliz del mundo
Delia, una joven de 18 años que ha ganado un coche de lujo en un concurso, debe ir a Bucarest con sus padres para hacer una grabación que demuestre que es, realmente, la ganadora. Las conversaciones que Delia mantiene con sus padres, durante la grabación, se convierten en agrias discusiones: mientras que ella quiere quedarse con el coche, sus padres, en cambio, quieren venderlo. De este modo, lo que parecía un hecho afortunado degenera en un conflicto que obliga a la protagonista a cuestionarse sus relaciones familiares.
Boda muda
Cuando la muerte del líder soviético Iósif Stalin exige un luto silencioso el día de su boda, la celebración de una joven pareja rumana da un giro inesperado.
Currency Exchange
How far can one person go to try and reclaim what they have lost? In a country town, Emil (Cosmin Selesi) becomes unemployed when the factory where he worked closes. After his wife loses her job as well, the two decide to travel to Australia; drawbacks, however, start even before they board a plane.
Tavi, Alexandra's father
Tavi, a forty-year-old divorced father, comes to his ex-wife's home to repair his four-year-old daughter's bike. He realizes with amazement that Alexandra does not call him "Daddy" any more. He asks an explanation from his ex-wife...
La muerte del Sr. Lazarescu
El señor Lazarescu es viudo y vive solo en un apartamento con sus tres gatos. Su hija Bianca se marchó a vivir a Canadá. Una noche, el solitario anciano se siente mal y llama a una ambulancia. Lo llevan a un hospital, y desde allí a otro y a otro más, pero en ninguno pueden atenderlo. Mientras tanto, su estado de salud se va agravando rápidamente.
Niki and Flo
Eugen Tufaru
In this very black comedy about ill-suited neighbors united by marriage, Niki is a former colonel in the Romanian army whose daughter is married to the son of Flo, an aging Bohemian who is full of schemes for the “new” Romania. As the young couple prepares to emigrate to the U.S., Niki is obliged to interact with Flo, whom he finds totally unbearable.
La tarde de un torturador
Frant Tandara, un antiguo torturador de las prisiones rumanas, está a punto de confesar sus crímenes a un periodista y a un antiguo prisionero político. (FILMAFFINITY)
War in the Kitchen
Feature film.
Fii cu ochii pe fericire
A 20 year class reunion, at Snagov, in a villa that belonged to Ceaușescu and now melongs to a media magnate. The reunion is hijacked by a magnatețs son, who makes it into a talk show, in which he humiliates an expat.
Față în față
Last Stop Paradise
Mitu and Elena get to know each other in the course of a vodka drinking contest and discover that they are both dissatisfied with the status quo. Mitu is about to begin military service and Elena is to be married to a man she does not love. They decide they are meant for each other and plan on a different future, one that is on a collision course with the authorities, and start a mad affair.