In the heart of a dark forest, two silhouettes meet, attract and repel each other in an explosive bridal parade. "Hold Me Tight" is a bittersweet romance.
Delegated Producer
In the year 2036, a woman visits The Memory Shop. Innovative technology ensures that you can relive your memories there and have them recorded on film. She returns to the Lac de Berléand for a short while on May 7, 1990 for an intense, loving moment with her husband who is now demented.
Executive Producer
Man is a cubical shaped figure who rectifies all bumps and humps in order to keep his desolate world flat. His confrontation with a little red ball, that loves to create gigantic holes, messes up his ideal of a perfect straight world.
Executive Producer
Four girl friends in their late twenties go on a reunion weekend to the sea, to the house where they spent their teenage years. What should have been a convivial gathering deteriorates into an unavoidable personal and mutual confrontation. They understand that they must reassess their friendship and realize that their lives have changed for ever.
Brendan es un joven monje de 12 años que vive en una remota abadía fortificada de Kells, en la Irlanda del siglo IX. Con los otros hermanos, ayuda a construir una muralla para resistir los asaltos de los vikingos. Pero una nueva vida de aventuras se presenta ante él cuando conoce a un famoso maestro que llega de tierras extranjeras, cuidando de un antiguo libro mágico que está inacabado. Con la esperanza de terminarlo, Brendan saldrá de la abadía por primera vez y se internará en el peligroso bosque, habitado por todo tipo de criaturas…
Champion, que ha sido adoptado por su abuela Madame Souza, es un niño solitario. Cuando ella se da cuenta de que el niño sólo es feliz sobre una bicicleta, lo somete a un riguroso entrenamiento. Años después, Champion ya está preparado para participar en la carrera ciclista más famosa del mundo: el Tour de Francia. Sin embargo, durante la competición dos misteriosos hombres vestidos de negro lo secuestran. Madame Souza y su fiel perro Bruno emprenden su búsqueda, que los lleva al otro lado del océano, a la enorme ciudad de Belleville, donde conocen a las famosas “Trillizas de Belleville”, tres estrellas del music–hall de los años 30, que deciden acogerlos bajo su protección. El gran sentido del olfato de Bruno, los pone sobre la pista de Champion. Pero, ¿podrán combatir los diabólicos planes de la mafia francesa?
In a universe divided in two, Lune, a fearless teenager, lives with her family in the Forest. The motto there is to live from hand to mouth, carefree and a lot of naps, which is not Lune's taste. Her dream is to go behind the thick layer of mist that surrenders their forest. Following the disappearance of her brother, she finds herself in the City and discovers a thrilling world of technology, where time is counted through the production of magical energy, which is slowly destroying her native Forest. With the help of her newly adopted brother, a nervous but attaching guy named Joe, and his friends, she will restore a new balance.