Jerôme Grenadier
Alex, whose singing career can't manage to succeed, accepts a strange job : to make a pensionner choir sing nursery rhymes. She finds out a bunch of out of control old people who dream of singing rock and roll music ! Her mission will be more complicated than expected...
Révérend Georges Pritchard
In the kingdom of the lagoons where the custom wants that only the men can become kings. The young Aïmata Pomaré will break this law. Faced with the hostility of her fellow men, threatened by the covetousness of England and France, Aïmata, a young Tahitian princess, will try to save her traditions and her people in order to offer them a destiny. This is how she will become the last queen of Tahiti and make peace with France.
To come to the aid of migrants he was hiding in Paris, Pierrot takes them to the South-West to Antoine, who himself is already welcoming Mimile, in the midst of reconquering love for Berthe. Expecting to find calm and voluptuousness in the countryside, the six refugees will taste above all the legendary hospitality of a French village. The perfect opportunity to shake up fears and prejudices for Sophie and our three Old Furnaces, promoted to unexpected consultants of an electoral campaign that Larquebuse, the mayor of Montcoeur is not about to forget.
Docteur Morgan
Florence, a lawyer overwhelmed by her family life, decides to buy a humanoid robot with a perfect physique. The robot meets all her expectations: maintain the house, take care of the children, and more... By maliciously disrupting their daily routine, the robot also arouses the jealousy of her self-centered careless husband, Franck, a second-class actor who suddenly realizes he must make some efforts not to lose the love of his wife.
An old Parisian bistro with eternal charm. Eight gentlemen at the table, eight great figures. They were the “kings of Paris”… National treasures, masterpieces in peril. A well-honed ritual ... A sense of humor and self-deprecation intact. Tenderness and cruelty. Eight old friends who hate and love each other. And suddenly an intruder ...
Victor's father
He had opened his Great Restaurant twice, in 2010 and 2011, as part of an entertainment broadcast on France 2. Pierre Palmade “reopens it after work” in the form of a fiction offered by M6. Exit the brewery. The artist has chosen to shoot his film at the Froufrou, the restaurant at the Théâtre Édouard-VII, in Paris, a chic establishment with rococo decor, more solemn and therefore more appropriate to important moments in life, to his big announcements that make the subject of a series of sketches. They are interpreted by a cast of stars just as prestigious as that of his comrade Muriel Robin a few weeks ago in I Love you coiffure , on TF1. As a common thread, Pierre Palmade in the role of the host busy satisfying his customers, while ensuring that his mother (Marthe Villalonga), his competitor (Florence Foresti) and her cook husband (Jean Leduc) do not transform the evening in disaster.
Summer holidays, the first great love and a family secret. When the 14-year-old Parisian Ali travels to the country with his little brother Selim on the bus to his grandparents, he is anything but enthusiastic. But Ali does not know yet that he will meet the handsome Réjane through his childhood friend Pierre and that his grandfather André is hiding something from the whole family. In the end it will be an unforgettable summer, but Ali will also have to grow up and take responsibility.
Gilbert (Daniel Auteuil) y Simone (Catherine Frot) viven jubilados en un pueblo del sur de Francia. La partida de Étienne (Bernard Le Coq), su vecino y amante, la falta de dinero, pero especialmente la amargura constante de su esposo, empujan a Simone a huir de la casa. Gilbert entonces se dará cuenta de que está listo para hacer cualquier cosa para encontrar a su esposa, a su amor.
A finales del s. XIX, Joseph Ferdinand Cheval es un cartero que viaja cada día por la región de Drôme, de pueblo en pueblo. En uno de estos viajes, conoce a la mujer de su vida, Philomena. De esta unión nacerá Alice. Para esta niña que Joseph ama por encima de todo, se lanza a una aventura loca: construirle con sus propias manos un increíble palacio. Sin desistir nunca, este hombre ordinario no abandonará nunca y consagrará 33 años para construir una obra extraordinaria.
Martin Calbert
Martin tiene 60 años y Adele 25. Él está gruñón, enfermo y tímido y ella es insolente, descarada y provocativa. Él está buscando a su hijo y ella a su padre. Ambos desaparecidos vivían como pareja.
Chloe has been living a successful life thanks to one trick: Albert Einstein is in her mind. But one day, he decides to move and chooses another body: Zac, a depressive beekeeper.
Father Bernard
At 33 years old, and after numerous failed attempt to make it as a musician, Chris still lives with his mother. One day he crosses paths with a young missionary in need of a guitarist for his new religious band, he recruits Chris and disguises him as Father Christophe.
Adrien es un inmaduro hombre de 40 años al que su mujer Maud abandona debido que ella quiere formar una familia y sentirse segura y estable, mientras que él busca todo lo contrario en la vida. Para recuperar al amor de su vida, Adrien volverá al hogar conyugal con unos pequeños inquilinos, para demostrarle a Maud que está preparado para formar una familia a través de su nuevo negocio: una guardería.
Loïc Le Tallec never really took care of his son. When the latter disappears in a road accident, Loïc is devastated. He has only one idea in mind: to find the one who lives now with the heart of his son. He falls on Hugo, a young man that this brand new heart makes totally unreasonable and uncontrollable. Their meeting promises to be explosive.
Stan Vidal
Henri Duvallois
Henri no tiene más remedio que aceptar un tratamiento de SPA impuesto por su hija. Aunque él no está de acuerdo y trata de escapar de allí, entra en una sala de masajes donde conoce a Lila, que se enfada con él.
Victor is 65, somewhat crazy, and one of the best chefs in France. When he finds out he has a serious heart disease, he looks for a successor to take control of his restaurant.
Jacques Chirac
Antoine de Suze
El director de origen griego Costa-Gavras, continúa en la senda de su cine político y reivindicativo con la historia de un hombre que, desde la nada, comenzará un ascenso imparable por los entresijos del mundo de la banca hasta convertirse en una de las personas más poderosas e influyentes del país. El director se embarca en esta sátira crítica en torno al sistema capitalista a partir de un tiburón de las finanzas francesas, Marc Tourneuil (interpretado por Gad Elmaleh, 'La felicidad nunca viene sola') y de su descenso a los infiernos de la corrupción económica y moral. 'Le Capital' es un viaje por las finanzas en un mundo globalizado: por eso el film se mueve por diversas ciudades, por París, Miami, Londres o Tokio. Una película que reflexiona sobre el dinero, el poder, la ambición y la situación actual de crisis monetaria.
Bruno Cellini
A 50-something lawyer's solitary life is upended when he discovers he has a 15-year-old half sister!
Hadrien Darcourt
A short featurette on "Cesar and Rosalie"
Jean Villandreux
Jacques Chirac
Francia, 6 de mayo de 2007, segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales. Mientras que los franceses se disponen a votar, Nicolas Sarkozy, seguro de su victoria, pero triste y abatido, permanece encerrado en casa. Durante todo el día intenta inútilmente ponerse en contacto con su mujer Cecilia. Ésta es la historia de un hombre que gana el poder y pierde a su mujer.
Manuel - 1992
Raymond Queneau
In a cinema, the day of the premiere of J'irai cracher sur vos tombes (adapted from his novel), Boris Vian has a heart attack. During his discomfort, he relives the major stages of his life: the meeting with Raymond Queneau, the nights of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, the scandal of J'irai cracher sur vos tombes, his love stories with Michelle Léglise then Ursula Kubler or his relationship with Jean-Paul Sartre. Through his memories, Boris Vian relives all his “parallel lives”.
En 1577, Pic Saint Loup, gran modisto venido a menos, recibe una misión diplomática del rey Enrique III: confeccionarle un traje de ceremonia de inigualable belleza para la boda concertada de uno de sus sobrinos con la hija de un Grande de España.
Aristides de Souza Mendes
Maître Jean-Noël Ferret
Marcel - Le patron du bar
Coustaud and Milka have to organize a memorable party to bury the boy life of their friend Tom. They go into their usual cafe, where all the guests that night give their opinion of the marriage, its setbacks and its amenities.
René de Chateaubriand
One stormy evening in 1829, the aging writer René de Chateaubriand, takes refuge in a mountain retreat at Cauterets, a small town in the Pyrenees. Here, he meets Léontine de Villeneuve, an aristocratic woman forty years his junior, who ignites his passion and who seems to be as equally attracted to him. Under the watchful gaze of the maître d'hôtel, Chateaubriand embarks on what will be his last great love affair, with a woman he will later refer to in his writings as L'Occitanienne.
Daniel Valmer
Maurice Papon, le préfet de police de Paris
30 avril 1962. La guerre d'Algérie est terminée depuis deux mois, mais Charles de Gaulle a négocié avec le FLN lors des accords d'Évian la poursuite d'essais atomiques dans le désert du Sahara. Sous les yeux des officiels réunis dans un poste d'observation situé à 5 km du lieu de l'explosion, le Taourirt se fissure libérant un nuage radioactif : ce sera l'accident de Béryl.
Emmanuelle lives in the suburbs near a shopping mall. Since her father's death, she feels increasingly out of sync with the world around her. Her mother is distracted, high school bores her. She has just turned 17 and, this particular year, her life will take an entirely different turn.
Dos periodistas investigan las actividades criminales de los GAL (Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación), una organización terrorista secreta fundada en los años ochenta y financiada por personajes relevantes del Gobierno español y de las fuerzas de seguridad para perseguir y asesinar tanto a miembros como a colaboradores de la banda terrorista ETA.
Jeremy sobresale en todo. Recién cumplidos sus 30, acaba de ser promovido a un puesto ejecutivo en un banco. A los ojos de sus padres, él es el niño de oro, para disgusto de su hermano menor, Robin, quien es el único de la familia que está al tanto de las predilecciones sexuales de su hermano. Pero cuando Jeremy visita a sus padres para un almuerzo dominical y anuncia que se fue a vivir con su novio, las cosas empiezan a complicarse. Ellos siempre se consideraron como progresistas y liberales, pero luego de esta noticia, ya no tanto. Se embarcan en una aventura cómica para averiguar la causa de la homosexualidad de su hijo.
The General
Francia, 1914, durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. En Nochebuena, un extraordinario acontecimiento tiene lugar en la sangrienta tierra de nadie que los franceses y los escoceses disputan a los alemanes...
Walcott / Granger
Tras un accidente de tráfico, Arthur Seligman cae en coma, durante el cual, pronuncia diversas frases incoherentes. Al despertar, no recuerda ciertos aspectos importantes de su vida. La enfermera que cuidaba de él durante su convalecencia, Isabelle Kruger , toma nota en un cuaderno de lo que Arthur decía durante el coma y, al recibir el alta, se lo entrega. Éste intenta comprender lo sucedido y el significado de las frases.
Georges's Editor-In-Chief
Georges es el típico burgués: presenta un programa literario en televisión y lleva una vida acomodada con su mujer y su hijo adolescente. Pero, empieza a recibir unos paquetes anónimos que contienen cintas de vídeo, grabadas desde la calle, y unos dibujos inquietantes cuyo significado es un misterio. No sabe quién los envía; sin embargo, las secuencias que aparecen en las cintas se hacen cada vez más personales, lo que sugiere que el remitente le conoce desde hace algún tiempo. Georges siente que una amenaza se cierne sobre él y su familia, pero, puesto que no hay evidencias de delito alguno, la policía se niega a ayudarlo.
Lionel Monde
Philippe (Benoît Magimel), un joven que vive con su madre y dos hermanas pequeñas en un barrio tranquilo, acaba de empezar a trabajar con un contratista inmobiliario. En la boda de su hermana, se siente atraído por Senta, su dama de honor, pero el amor de Senta es un amor insano que consume a Philippe. Prueba de ello es que llega a proponerle matar a un desconocido como prueba suprema de su amor.
Maurice Rey, le producteur
A film director, whose career is going downhill, reluctantly decides to adapt an inadaptable best selling novel. Will she succeed or will the book adapt her in the process?
After the death of his father Daniel Tessard has convinced his mother Marion to come to live with him in his apartment in Paris.One year has passed and Marion is still living in the apartment.Daniel is now convincing his mother to go to live in a nice villa (that exists only in the pictures) and has contracted François Ferardini, a real estate entrepreneur for the last construction works.When he goes to see the villa,nothing has be done, it's a real disaster.Besides François tells him a lot of stories about the delay of the construction.What will Daniel do ?
Gérard Vasseur
Si el tiempo existe, ¿se puede transmitir la culpabilidad de generación en generación como si se tratara de una enfermedad genética? ¿Qué consecuencias puede tener una falta no expiada en el culpable y también en sus descendientes y familiares? Al término de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en el ambiente enrarecido de los arreglos de cuentas relacionados con el colaboracionismo, una mujer será absuelta de un crimen que ha cometido. La película se desarrolla en la actualidad, durante las últimas elecciones municipales, momento en el que se comete otro crimen. ¿Quién es el culpable? ¿El que comete el crimen o el que se acusa de haberlo cometido? ¿Y culpable de qué? Y si el tiempo no existe…
Somewhere in Europe in the twentieth century, a young man decides to change his life by engaging in the army. A modern and quirky tale, with Jérémie Renier and Bernard Le Coq.
Una tarde, Fanette se encuentra con Bernard, un antiguo compañero de estudios. Durante la conversación, se nombra a Philippe, el primer amor de Fanette. El recuerdo de Philippe la lleva una vez más a la sala de cine donde proyectan "An affair to remember": Cary Grant y Deborah Kerr se reencuentran finalmente, tras haberse citado en lo alto del Empire State y nunca haberse producido dicho encuentro. Fanette está escribiendo un libro sobre el pintor François Arnal y tiene que ir a Nueva York para fotografiar dos cuadros suyos. Antes de su viaje, recibe una carta en la que se fija una cita en lo alto del Empire State. Cuando llega a Nueva York conoce a Matt, un americano encantador que se siente atraído por ella, pero Fanette, obsesionada por la cita, ni siquiera repara en él.
Alain, de origen magrebí, vive con el recuerdo de su hermana, secuestrado ante él por un grupo neonazi mientras eran niños. A esto se suma el asesinato de su mejor amigo por el jefe de seguridad de "La Liga Patriótica", un poderoso partido de extrema derecha. Alain decide, al mismo tiempo, por venganza personal y por convicción política, asesinar a Hugues Henry Lègle, el líder de este movimiento.
André Herbault
Christian Licht
Nathalie lleva a su hermana menor Claire, una joven reservada, a un centro para amnésicos. Claire recibió una descarga eléctrica en un bosque y presenta pequeños lagos de memoria. Claire penetra en el seno de un universo curioso y desajustado. Conoce a Philippe, de cuarenta años, que perdió la memoria tras un accidente automovilístico que le costó la vida a su mujer y su hijo. Los dos se enamoran...
Pascal Olmetti
Léa is a strong person, but when she comes out of prison, she decides to get a fresh start. She would like to forget her cold and aloof father Vittorio Pastore, her young and irresponsible brother Samy for who she went in jail and the Zach's gang, the thug she used to love. But nothing elapses as she expected.
Two men on the brink of divorce are thrown together, yet everything opposes them: their tastes, habits, personalities. They have only one thing in common: their desire to get their wives back.
Paul Muffat
Victim of a rape, Nadia Coupeau decides to keep the child despite her precarious personal situation. But her child is soon taken away from her and placed in public care. Desperate, but ready to do anything to get him back, she decides to join her friend Zoé in the capital... In this version freely inspired by Emile Zola's work, Nana's trajectory is a cross-section of contemporary society, from the jungle of the suburbs to the golden world of business.
Pr Frédéric Lemoyne
Frédéric Lemoyne must be very happy in his life: he is a famous biologist and the son of a hero of French resistance: his father, Marcel Lemoyne, doctor, took care for wounded members of the Resistance and helped them to find hiding places.Every year Jeanne Lemoyne , the elder sister of Frédéric celebrates his heroism in a square of Lyon. But suddenly François discovers a strange bank account in Switzerland.
Charles Bertoux
A story of a big family living in French countryside between First and second world wars.
Le directeur
This French prison drama focuses on a penitentiary inmate known as the Mute, who either cannot or will not speak, even though he can apparently hear well enough. When the Mute's cellmate escapes, both the Warden and the Chief Guard try to get him to tell what he knows about the disappearance -- the Guard through violence, the Warden by transferring him to a new cell with four other prisoners and cutting off TV privileges to the inmates until the Mute spills the beans. One of the Mute's new roommates is a white collar criminal who has just landed in prison and is not dealing well with the pressures of life behind bars, but his skills with computers make him a very usefully ally among the prisoners. Meanwhile, Flic, a self-important police detective, is investigating the escape of the Mute's cellmate and is not happy with the low level of cooperation among the prison's population.
Quentin, un boxeador aficionado que se gana la vida como gigoló, inicia una relación pasional con Dominique, una mujer madura que trabaja en el mundo de la moda, pero enseguida se pondrán de manifiesto las diferencias que los separan. Sin embargo, la dependencia emocional de Dominique respecto al inestable Quentin la lleva a instalarlo en su casa y a mantenerlo económicamente.
A group of French tourists goes on an organized trip to visit the American West. A dream trip from California to Las Vegas, passing through national parks and grandiose sites immortalized by the western.
Pierre Gallois
An investigating judge uncovers a corruption case in which his own politician brother is compromised.
Tony Sachs
Video director Jerome Cornuau made his feature-film debut with this showbiz-themed French film. Young Alice (Ambre Boukebza) hitchhikes into the city to seek out her music-executive dad (Bernard Le Coq) but instead becomes friends with a singing star (Ophelie Winter, portraying herself), learns dancing from African trashman Rudy (Ashanti), polishes her singing skills with an assist from vocalist Nathalie (Lea Drucker), and is romanced by producer Jeremy (Patrick Forster-Delmas).
Lieutenant De Scève
Últimos días de la Primera Guerra Mundial, frente oriental. El capitán Conan, un lobo solitario, un verdadero guerrero, lidera una banda de despiadados combatientes franceses que aman la lucha cuerpo a cuerpo; no son aptos para los tiempos de paz, solo se sienten realmente vivos en el caos del campo de batalla.
inspecteur Marvier
Marie es una prostituta vocacional que tiene un corazón de oro. Un día conoce a un vagabundo en la calle, le cuida, protege y termina enamorándose de él. Pero, sin darse cuenta, el hombre se irá convirtiendo en su chulo.
In Dieppe, a taciturn young man is fascinated by a woman whom he has only seen in the street. One day, he leaves Dieppe and Lola, the girl he was living with. He becomes a truck-driver. In the Middle East, Christian's travels end in a prison in the heart of the desert. There he meets Eliot who lives an isolated life within the prison environment. Since Eliot talks, Christian who was mute up to that point, listens then speaks too. But Eliot receives letters from a woman: Marie. And Christian starts dreaming that she's the woman he saw on the streets of Dieppe.
Alfred, in his forties, runs a publishing company and lives with his wife, Maurane. But he suddenly sees his life as a happy routine, but totally devoid of passion, so he proposes to his wife to replay their encounter, to separate from her in order to win her back. The next morning, Maurane disappeared. A few days later, Alfred meets Catherine Wolf, a young writer, who strangely reminds him of Maurane.
Bill Haydon
Ariel es un chico judío francés que viaja a Israel, se hace agente del Mossad, y se encuentra con que su primera misión es robar secretos nucleares… franceses.
Jess ha intentado suicidarse en Nueva York. Su pareja ya no la satisface sexualmente, pero su padre, su ex y su mejor amigo acuden al rescate.
The traveler
Whenever people are released from their society's constraints, there is the possibility that they will behave badly, at least according to the rules of the society they have left behind. This seems to have been particularly the case for Europeans living in colonial establishments in Africa and Asia. In this drama, based on a story by Stefan Zweig, Dr. Steiner (Andrzej Seweryn) was caught with his fingers in the till at a German hospital. Rather than prosecute him, they gave him the option of emigrating elsewhere. He chose to serve at a clinic in a remote part of Portuguese Goa. He has been on his best behavior for years, but when the beautiful wife (Fanny Ardant) of a diplomat comes to him asking for an abortion, he is tempted to ask for sexual favors in return, and his life swiftly goes out of control.
Victor Dupuis
It is a difficult task for this unemployed chemist who has become the butler of a former diplomat. He will have to protect him from the women he likes a little too much, and from his own family who wants to put him under guardianship.
Mayo de 1890. Vicent Van Gogh (Jacques Dutronc) llega a Auvers-sur-Oise y se instala en la modesta pensión Ravoux. Allí se hace amigo del doctor Gachet (Gérard Séty), admirador de su obra, y de su hija Marguerite (Alexandra London). Entregado a la pintura y obsesionado por captar el fluir de la naturaleza y el temperamento de las gentes que conoce, su vida oscilará entre sus estancias en casa de su hermano Théo (Bernard Le Coq) y sus encuentros con una prostituta (Elsa Zylberstein). Apesadumbrado por ser una carga para su hermano, viendo que su obra no es reconocida por los santones del mercado del arte y temiendo un nuevo ataque de locura, tomará una dramática decisión.
Kant, the philosophy teacher
Inspecteur Tom Tarnopol
A young woman, employed in a jewelry store, decides to take advantage of the heist she witnesses. She shoots down one of the burglars; the other will pursue her.
"Hangar" is a new agency whose purpose is to carry out missions even too sensitive for the police or intelligence services. The agency must eliminate a German female terrorist by the name of Birgitt Haas. The murder is to be disguised as a crime of passion, so an agent must lure Birgitt into falling in love.
David Santander
El reportero de televisión David vive dos romances simultáneos con una menor y el otro con un antiguo amor platónico.
Una noche, Michel Gerfaut descubre a un herido dentro de un coche. Se lo lleva al hospital y se va sin hacer ninguna declaración. No duda en ningún momento de que acaba de meterse de lleno en una peligrosa conspiración destinada a eliminar uno por uno a los dirigentes de una empresa de armamento. Michel se convierte en un testigo que incomoda a algunos.
Since his wife died, Inspector Louis Baroni (Philippe Noiret) has become a virtual recluse, preferring the solitude of his quiet house to the company of others. His period of mournful contemplation is broken when he is called out to look into the suspicious death of Madame Morlaix who, according to her husband Edouard (Michel Serrault), fell from an upstairs window. Curious to find out more, Baroni begins his inquiry.
En Francia, en 1983, estalla la Tercera Guerra Mundial. El médico Jean-Marie Desprée es enviado a un hospital europeo. Allí se enamora de una bella enfermera, sin darse cuenta de que algo extraño ocurre a su alrededor.
Le photographe
El trabajo de Françoise consiste en seducir a los hombres cuyas esposas quieren divorciarse y necesitan tener pruebas contra ellos. Además, chantajea a los políticos, que no pueden permitirse un escándalo. Empezó a dedicarse a este lucrativo negocio después de haber sido violada, pero ahora la policía la está buscando, y no tiene más remedio que recurrir a una pareja que vive de ocultar delincuentes. En su refugio conoce a Simon, un mafioso con el que colabora en robos esporádicos, pero el cerco de la policía se estrecha. (FILMAFFINITY)
This film in the popular French television series Cinéma 16 stars Jean-Claude Carrière as a surgeon who becomes obsessed with decrypting a series of mysterious Polaroid snapshots
Following a car accident, four men find themselves in the hospital, where they sow discord. Meanwhile, their wives take full advantage of their newfound freedom.
Jacques Maréchal
A man creates trouble in the company he works because he wants to be fired. He gets a promotion.
After losing his job, an idealistic adman starts his own agency, putting himself in the crosshairs of his jaded ex-boss.
After the death of one of his clients, a Swiss industrialist decides to call his brother to transport the corpse to Switzerland. The journey will not be easy.
le jeune homme 1974
Four wedding anniversaries serve to chronicle the beginning and end of a thirty-year marriage.
Una mujer casada vivirá una historia de amor y sexo loco con un hombre que no es su marido. Así se verá con dificultades para decidirse y finalmente optará por proponer a los dos hombres un trio.
Cristophe Merignac
La protagonista de la historia, una mujer llamada Rose, vive con su familia en una lejana granja de una helada región francesa. La policía encuentra el cadáver de una mujer en las cercanías y la culpa recae en los dos hijos de la mujer. Cuando un policía investiga el caso comienza a encontrar muchas claves secretas en la vida de esta familia. Segunda y última película para el cine de Jean Chapot tras La ladrona (1966) -con Romy Schneider y Michel Piccoli-, pues luego tan solo trabajó para la televisión hasta su muerte en 1998. (FILMAFFINITY)
Rosalie, una mujer divorciada con una hija pequeña, divide su tiempo entre su familia y César, el hombre del que cree estar enamorada. Cuando Rosalie conoce a David, su plácida vida se verá alterada por su incapacidad para elegir entre los dos hombres.
Jean-Paul Boursault
Albain Cérès
Paris, in the spring of 1968. Albin Cérès, 23, the son of a bourgeois couple on the verge of breakdown, seeks happiness in life. Disappointed by Laurent, the leader of a small group of revolutionary students ; disappointed by Paméla, a girl he half-heartedly makes love to ; refusing the friendship of Moss, a refined fifty-year-old who is secretly in love with him, Albin returns to his parents'home for a while. Shortly afterward he meets Lore, a lovely young lady, who dreams of revolution... A great love is born!
Vincent, a twenty-five year-old intern, lives in Rennes with his mother and his eighteen-year-old brother Bernard. In order to cheer up Bernard who has just failed his baccalauréat exam, the father invites him and his older brother to spend a holiday in his villa in Morocco, where he lives estranged from his ex-wife. Vincent and and Bernard decide to get there by sailboat, accompanied by Geneviève, Vincent's fiancée. Vincent, who has never forgiven his father for leaving him when he was a child, remains hostile and withdrawn. Once in Agadir, they take part in a regatta during which Bernard gets to know Monika, a sexy uninhibited girl. But Monika is actually attracted to Vincent who, despite his dislike for any compromise of principle, finds himself torn between two women. Written by Guy Bellinger
Jérôme Ratières
On the day of his marriage, the son of a Marseille king declares to his family that he wishes to engage in the police.
Teenage student Olivier (Verley) meets 25 year-old Frédérique (Delon), wife of race car driver Enrico (Hossein), and start an affair. But guilt and doubt storm over Olivier's mind.
Erwin Dekel