Georges es el típico burgués: presenta un programa literario en televisión y lleva una vida acomodada con su mujer y su hijo adolescente. Pero, empieza a recibir unos paquetes anónimos que contienen cintas de vídeo, grabadas desde la calle, y unos dibujos inquietantes cuyo significado es un misterio. No sabe quién los envía; sin embargo, las secuencias que aparecen en las cintas se hacen cada vez más personales, lo que sugiere que el remitente le conoce desde hace algún tiempo. Georges siente que una amenaza se cierne sobre él y su familia, pero, puesto que no hay evidencias de delito alguno, la policía se niega a ayudarlo.
Their ethnic roots are different and they are neither blond nor thin; this a cappella ensemble is their own creation. Three powerfully voiced singers and their pianist tour Austria and Germany, performing a program of soul and gospel.
Trendy cafés and village church, everyday life as a musician and survival away from the international charts.
The Austrian architect Hans Hollein belongs to the world elite of architects since his candle shop Retti in Vienna (1965). His museum in Mönchengladbach (1982) revolutionized museum architecture in our century, and his Haas-Haus (1990) in Vienna became the most disputed post-war building in Vienna.
Performance conceived by Erich Wonder & Heiner Müller for the 300th anniversary of the Akademie der bildenden Künste in Vienna. The band, Einstürzende Neubauten, is located on a glass palace/stage on wheels (accompanied by the slavish trotting of huskies) which is slowly moving on the nightly ring road of Vienna.
This portrait does not depict any chronology of events, but is an atmospheric picture and characterisation. A century in the life of Austria, but without frills and without the sound of the waltz - jsut like the personality of Zeemann herself.
Austrian aristocracy, in order to get their supply of drugs flowing freely, associate with anarchist youths to plan a revolution against the socialist government.