Gabriel Spahiu

Gabriel Spahiu

Nacimiento : 1968-03-21, Bucharest, Romania


Gabriel Spahiu


Alex is an artist shunned by success whose love life is affected by the career rise of his girlfriend, Carmen. Alex is sent to a maximum security penitentiary to stage the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream". The great Shakespeare with prisoners. In the face of their efforts to overcome his limits, Alex realizes that he is a prisoner in his own life. For their part, the inmates do everything to be selected in the penitentiary theater festival, because each scene has a hatch through which they can escape.
A Higher Law
The Headmaster
Ecaterina, a high school Religion teacher and wife of the town priest, gets involved with Iuliu, a 16-year-old student with a troubled past. Ecaterina tries to keep him under control, but she loses her own sense of control in this process.
A Mess at Apartment 14
After a water pipe incident a young couple receives an unexpected visit from their older neighbors. Things get heated and cause the smoldering problems of the couple to come out.
Un polvo desafortunado o porno loco
Priest Parent
Emi, una maestra de escuela, encuentra su carrera y reputación amenazadas después de que se filtró una cinta sexual personal en Internet. Obligada a encontrarse con los padres exigiendo su despido, Emi se niega a rendirse a su presión. Radu Jude (¡Aferim!) Ofrece una mezcla incendiaria de formas poco convencionales, humor irreverente y comentarios mordaces sobre la hipocresía y los prejuicios en nuestras sociedades.
No Rest for the Old Lady
This is Emil’s story, the man who doesn’t believe in ghosts, and his best friend, Titi. The plot unfolds in a remote hamlet, a place looking like a slice of heaven. However, the story begins at the 40-day memorial service for Smaranda, the late wife of Emil. Days pass by, and Emil realizes that Titi looks like his days are numbered. He wants to brighten him up, but nothing helps. That’s because 40 days after her death, Smaranda moves into Titi’s house and starts haunting him.
I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians
"I do not care if we go down in history as barbarians." These words, spoken in the Council of Ministers of the summer of 1941, started the ethnic cleansing on the Eastern Front. The film attempts to comment on this statement.
Scarred Hearts
Rumania, 1937. Emanuel, un joven veinteañero enfermo de tuberculosis ósea, pasa sus días en un sanatorio a orillas del mar Negro. El protagonista, que se enamora de otra paciente, narra su esfuerzo y el de sus otros compañeros por exprimir al máximo la vida mientras sus cuerpos languidecen y sus mentes se niegan a rendirse. Inspirada en la novela autobiográfica Scarred Hearts del escritor rumano Max Blecher, escrita antes de morir a los 29 años, tras diez años de sufrimiento.
Juego de armas
Historia de dos jóvenes a los que el Pentágono pagó 300 millones de dólares para armar a los aliados americanos en Afganistán
During a night shift, an emergency ambulance with a team of three, a doctor, a paramedic and a driver, is called to an old man's apartment. The event will change their lives forever.
Set in early 19th century Wallachia, Romania, a policeman, Costandin, is hired by a nobleman to find a Gypsy slave who has run away from his estate after having an affair with his wife.
Scurt/4: Istorii de inimã neagrã
Directed by four different filmmakers and produced by different production companies, these four short films share a common theme - life and death - and a common origin - all four are independent productions made with a little help from all our friends.
The Gentleman from the Courtyard
A French real estate developer prepares an old Romanian thermal resort for renovation. A Roman fresco in a crypt delays the project, so he tries to burn it down. But he locks himself in a courtyard by mistake. He stays trapped for days, the neighborhood being deserted. He tries communicating with the few remaining residents and changes from a civilized being to a beast, until finding new perspectives. Will he leave the courtyard, or not?
It Can Pass Through the Wall
An old man tries to play backgammon with friends while babysitting his granddaughter, who's terrified of the young suicide in their building.
Everybody in Our Family
Marius is a divorced man in his late thirties. His five year-old daughter Sofia lives with her mother, which causes Marius a deep frustration. On the day Marius arrives to take his daughter on their annual holiday, he is told that she is ill but he doesn't believe it and insists to take her with him. The situation soon gets out of control with all the family taking part in a web of humor, violence, childish songs, police interventions and love statements.
A Film for Friends
Considering that his life is a failure, a man records himself leaving a video-message to his loved ones. After this message, which tackles, in funny and sad ways, a lot of issues, both personal and social, he shoots himself in the head. But he fails. And what follows is the a ridiculous and horrific agony, that probably changes the characters' vision about life... A film done basically in one single shot.
Adalbert's dream
Iulică Ploscaru
It's not just any day at the factory for our shady but somehow admirable hero Iulica (Gabriel Spahiu), Health and Safety Chief, but the morning after the glorious victory of underdogs Steaua Bucharest in the European Champions Cup over the mighty Barcelona - the only Romanian team ever to win it. Everyone, or at least the men, really wants to be celebrating this, but in fact it's Romanian Communist Party Day which is taking centre stage in the works canteen.
The Bear
At the Bucharest Circus, the new young manager is trying to solve the major financial issues of the company by selling its only bear (old and about to die soon) to German hunters. But the artists do not want to sacrifice their favorite animal so the manager decides to steal the bear and run to the mountains to meet the Germans. A crazy road movie starts following the bear.
Gun of the Black Sun
A Nazi Luger Pistol from W.W.2 with dark and mystical powers re-emerges in modern day Bucharest and is taken to London. En-route it falls into the hands of a Media Mogul intent on using its power to bring the return of the Forth Reich through Technology and Music .
The Childhood of Icarus
Infirmier transfert
Jonathan Vogel (Guillaume Depardieu) would like to turn back the clock and undo the accident that led to his disability and destroyed his life. When he learns that Stivlas Karr (Carlo Brandt), a well-known professor and geneticist, has developed a gene therapy for regenerating the human body, he makes an appointment with him for some clinical tests. But the therapy doesnt go according to Professor Karrs plan and leads to unexpected results. Jonathan, whose life is now in danger, has become aware that there is only one person who can help him: Alice (Alysson Paradis), the professors daughter.
Principles of life
Velicanu considers himself a fulfilled person. He's got money, a new villa, married a younger woman and has a son from a previous marriage. Before the holidays he has to leave everything in order, but things start to get complicated. The crisis at the end of the day make him wonder whatever he is indeed a happy, fulfilled person...
Hello! How Are You?
Gabriel y Gabriela son una pareja que, tras 20 años de matrimonio, ya no sienten ningún tipo de atracción el uno hacia el otro. Después de varias noches de intenso chateo, ambos están convencidos de haber encontrado el amante perfecto en internet.
Oxygen is a free re-enactment of a real case: a man who tried to cross the Danube illegally using an oxygen cylinder, to escape the communist Romania.
Raise Your Head
Mero, a skilled shipyard worker, is a single father. His son Lorenzo, born from a relationship with an Albanian girl, is his only reason for living. The father dreams that the boy will become a champion boxer, to make up for his own anonymous career as an amateur in the ring. This is why he puts him through a tough training program, teaching him day after day to throw punches and protect himself from life's low blows. The balance of this relationship is disturbed by the return of Lorenzo's mother Denisa and by the son's meeting with young Ana. Mero's trials are not over and he must face up to pain, his prejudices and the remoteness of Italy's north east.
The Other Irene
Security guard Aurel (Andi Vasluianu) and his wife Irene have a moderately happy marriage and a moderately comfortable lifestyle in urban Romania. Irene takes a working trip to Cairo and returns invigorated with the swell of success. She sets out again and never returns. What follows is both predictable and unpredictable. Aurel, and the audience, are suspicious of the official explanation of her death so the foundation is laid for the traditional who-dunnit. Aurel proceeds on an emotional search against all odds.
Boda muda
Cuando la muerte del líder soviético Iósif Stalin exige un luto silencioso el día de su boda, la celebración de una joven pareja rumana da un giro inesperado.
Bilding Manager
A story which might take place in anybody's life. The death of a person starts a chain reaction which involves the neighbours. A satire of the world we live in based on a true story.
Adam Resucitado
1961, en Israel. Adam Stein (Jeff Goldblum, 'Parque jurásico'), un hombre carismático, es internado en un instituto psiquiátrico para supervivientes del Holocausto dirigido por el profesor Nathan Gross (Derek Jacobi, 'El amor es el demonio'). Antes de la guerra, en Berlín, Adam era propietario de un circo, y se dedicaba a diversas tareas, como ser mago o músico. Allí era adorado por el público, los nazis, hasta que sea enviado al campo de concentración del Comandante Klein (Willem Dafoe, 'Anticristo'). Adam sobrevivirá dentro de ese infierno convirtiéndose en el "perro" de Comandante, al mismo tiempo que prestará sus servicios como payaso a los demás presos judíos. Mientras, su mujer y su hija serán enviadas a la muerte. El director Paul Schrader ('El placer de los extraños'), firma esta película, adaptación de la novela de Yoram Kaniuk, "El hombre perro" y que se interna en los resbaladizos terrenos de la historia del genocidio nazi a través de una historia llena de humor y de dolor.
Cover Boy: La última revolución
Cover-boy trata sobre la amistad de un rumano (Ioan) y un italiano (Michele), el encuentro entre dos mundos diferentes: el esfuerzo de un joven, hijo de la revolución post-comunista, que abandona su patria en busca de un futuro mejor y los esfuerzos de un hombre que vive la crisis del empleo de Occidente. El encuentro de Ioan con una fotógrafa famosa y su equivocada opinión sobre el amor en sentido utilitarista, reforzarán finalmente su amistad con Michele y le guiarán al destino final de su viaje.
the psychologist
Radu Ana is born on a Friday, the 13th and is the most unlucky man on Earth. Things, however, are subject to change.
California Dreamin'
The Union Leader
Cristian Nemescu's comedy unfolds against the backdrop of the Kosovo War, 1999. A NATO train rolls through a Romanian hamlet, transporting a plethora of weapons across the country -- without official documents, and equipped only with the verbal consent of the Romanian authorities. The transport thus grows intensely vulnerable.
The driver
On Christmas Eve, a taxi driver takes home a man returning from working abroad.
Tacke, an old graveyard digger, finds out he has only two months left to live. This is the moment he discovers he does want something out of life: a glamorous funeral service in the cemetery's « downtown » area, where he had spotted for a long time an splendidly situated burial site. Everything goes smoothly, especially that the town's luxury funeral home has just acquired Lady Di's hearth. Tacke has some money for the funeral ceremony, he also has some friends who would mourn for him, but he is out of luck: the funeral site he was hoping to acquire was just given to somebody else.
Tavi, a forty-year-old divorced father, comes to his ex-wife's home to repair his four-year-old daughter's bike. He realizes with amazement that Alexandra does not call him "Daddy" any more. He asks an explanation from his ex-wife...
The Tube with a Hat
The Father
A father and son go to town to try to fix a broken TV set.
Shadow Man
Male Cab Driver
Cuando unos agentes de la CIA sacan un virus letal fuera de los EE.UU. -utilizando a un antiguo miembro de la inteligencia, Jack Foster (Seagal), como su transporte-, no tienen ni idea de lo que están a punto de desencadenar. Sin conocer el complot en el que está metido, Jack lleva a su hija de vacaciones por Europa, donde es secuestrada por un misterioso agente extranjero. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Paper Will Be Blue
Out of enthusiasm, a Militia soldier abandons his platoon and decides to fight for the cause of the Revolution. His Lieutenant and the rest of the crew look for him during the confused night of 22-23 December 1989.
Marilena from P7
Andrei's father
Andrei, a 13 year old teenager, living on Bucharest outskirts, decides one day to steal a trolleybus in order to impress Marilena, a prostitute he fell in love with.
Sweeney Todd
Adaptación televisiva de las macabras andanzas del diabólico barbero de la calle Fleet. Además de estudiar los motivos que lo llevaron al crimen, analiza también la tormentosa infancia de un alma torturada.
La muerte del Sr. Lazarescu
El señor Lazarescu es viudo y vive solo en un apartamento con sus tres gatos. Su hija Bianca se marchó a vivir a Canadá. Una noche, el solitario anciano se siente mal y llama a una ambulancia. Lo llevan a un hospital, y desde allí a otro y a otro más, pero en ninguno pueden atenderlo. Mientras tanto, su estado de salud se va agravando rápidamente.
Directos al infierno
The Lunatic Priest
The movie encompasses several different elements-the perils of war, a touch of macabre, sadness and redemption.
Alta tensión
Man in the car
Marie, una joven de 20 años, es invitada a pasar unos días en la casa de los padres de su mejor amiga. Allí, en una granja aislada, rodeada de campos de maiz, Marie y su amiga piensan encontrar la tranquilidad necesaria para estudiar. Pero no será más que una ilusión; la primera noche llega a la casa una furgoneta conducida por un implacable asesino que masacra uno por uno a los miembros de la familia. Marie decide actuar para salvar a su amiga. Empieza un trepidante duelo entre ella y el asesino.
Callas Forever
La cinta hace una invención de los últimos meses de la Gran Diva de la ópera,... retirada en su apartamento de Paris, hasta que un representante musical: Larry Nelly (Jeremy Irons) con el que antaño había trabajado, le propone una nueva aparición estelar. Franco Zeffirelli recrea un ambiente en el que Fanny Ardant demuestra su calidad interpretativa, rodeada de jóvenes como Jay Rodan y el modelo Gabriel Garko muy del estilo Pasolini.
The spanish mute
"Occident" is a bitter comedy about the people who want to emigrate from Romania, and about those who stay behind. The movie has a rich, interesting structure: there are three different stories - a weeklong in the film - that cross, interconnect and happen in the same period. The characters influence each others lives, sometimes even without knowing. Main characters from one story become secondary characters in another story. At the same time, scenes from the first part of the movie bring unexpected facts when seen the second or the third time. The stories do not have just one ending: the first story ends in each of the third parts in a different point, suggesting radically different solutions for the characters. The way in which the director fits time and links events together often produces thematically unexpected results.
Dos sistemas: por una parte, la maquinaria nazi y, por otra, la diplomacia del Vaticano y de los Aliados. Pero dos hombres luchan desde dentro. El primero es Kurt Gerstein (personaje real), químico y miembro de las SS que se encarga de suministrar el gas Ziklon B a los campos de la muerte. Pero eso no le impide denunciar los crímenes nazis a los aliados, al Papa e incluso a los miembros de la Iglesia alemana a la que pertenece, jugándose de este modo su vida y la de su familia. El segundo, Ricardo, es un joven jesuita que representa a todos los sacerdotes que supieron oponerse a la barbarie, pagando muchas veces con su propia vida. Kurt Gerstein sabía lo que estaba ocurriendo y quería que el mundo entero también lo supiera. La película denuncia la indiferencia de todos aquellos que sabían lo que estaba pasando y decidieron callarse.
Search for the Jewel of Polaris: Mysterious Museum
Villager #1
While visiting a museum, two siblings Ben and Kim a fierce electrical storm creates a passage between the real world and worlds within the paintings. They are magically whisked through time to the 1600's and find they must square off against a wicked magician and also locate a valuable jewel in order to return to the present day.
Enemigo de mi enemigo
Una embajada americana es tomada por un grupo de terroristas Serbios. Los agentes de la CIA Davis y Moore son enviados para intentar acabar con el problema por la vía diplomática. Después de muchos intentos, las fuerzas de la OTAN, envían al oficial Bill Ross por si el uso de la fuerza se hace necesario. Desafortunadamente, los Serbios matan a la mujer de Ross, mientras trabajaba para USA en Bosnia. Ross decidira acabar con los Serbios a toda costa.
Phantom Town
Hotel Clerk
Un adolescente de 16 años, busca a sus padres desaparecidos. Le acompañan sus dos hermanos menores. Los chicos llegan a un pueblo abandonado del oeste americano, porque tienen pistas de que sus padres pueden estar allí. En el pueblo todo está silencioso y se respira una atmósfera de misterio... Descubren en un mapa que ese pueblo no existe.... y que hay una extraña presencia que los amenaza.
Fii cu ochii pe fericire
A 20 year class reunion, at Snagov, in a villa that belonged to Ceaușescu and now melongs to a media magnate. The reunion is hijacked by a magnatețs son, who makes it into a talk show, in which he humiliates an expat.
Last Stop Paradise
Mitu and Elena get to know each other in the course of a vodka drinking contest and discover that they are both dissatisfied with the status quo. Mitu is about to begin military service and Elena is to be married to a man she does not love. They decide they are meant for each other and plan on a different future, one that is on a collision course with the authorities, and start a mad affair.
Pepe and Fifi
The grim realities of daily life in post-Communist Romania are described in this dark drama, which was filmed on-location in the poorer areas of Bucharest. Pepe & Fifi are brother and sister. Pepe is a struggling boxer, and Fifi is a barfly addicted to Bucharest's sleazy night life. This movie chronicles their daily lives while commenting upon the political and economic situation in Romania.
Wetland of the Jackals
Toni and Simina are two lonely souls on the road who meet by chance in a supermarket parking lot. They immediately like each other and decide to continue their journey together.