Lee Rudnicki


Mattie and her friends go on a weekend trip to the woods to plan Mattie's wedding, settled near the camp of Mr. Rogers, and with no phone signal, their trip starts to turn into a bad idea when they start dying and a secret is revealed
Associate Producer
1865, the American Civil War has just ended. The last remaining members of a now destitute Southern family journey to California. The guilt and scars they carry from the war are deeper and more painful than the loss of their family fortune and home. The war is over, but the battle to survive has just begun, they are in search of a new life, a new fortune, a new world and something else that they do not yet understand, the redemption of their very souls. Written by Joseph Paul Stachura
Autopista Mortal
El fotógrafo Greg Ross conduce enloquecido por una autopista en medio de la noche. Aterradoras apariciones le persiguen ¿Se esta volviendo loco o se trata de una venganza desencadenada por fuerzas sobrenaturales? Sea lo que sea, una cosa es cierta: su esposa yace muerta en el maletero del coche. Horas antes, Greg espera a su amante, la supermodelo japonesa Yumi, en casa de ella. De repente, alguien golpea la puerta. Greg abre y ve en la entrada a su esposa, Amanda. El fotógrafo intenta explicarle su presencia en casa de Yumi pero Amanda pierde el control y empieza a insultar y a golpear a Greg.