The Investor
An investor (Henry Hübchen) invests three million Euros into the Surf Center Wustrow - but the three owners use the money for other stuff...
Johannes Fischer
In a hospital in Hamburg, an unidentified woman is disconnected from the life-support system. While the investigators search for the mysterious perpetrator, two more men are murdered.
Offizier Siemens
¿Una comedia sobre el servicio secreto de la RDA? Sí, una comedia sobre el servicio secreto de la RDA. Situaciones absurdas, enredos y una bonita historia de amor son las claves de esta cinta basada en hechos reales. Berlín, 2022. La familia de Ludger le ha preparado una sorpresa por su cumpleaños: su expediente como policía de la Stasi (servicio secreto de la RDA), en el que encuentran información comprometida.Un filme divertidísimo que demuestra la poca sofisticación del servicio secreto de la RDA a través de la historia de Ludger, quien, de joven, en la década de 1970, se infiltró en ambientes juveniles simpatizantes de Occidente. La vida bohemia, la libertad y la desinhibición que le ofrecen estas comunidades hacen que el joven se acabe olvidando de su cometido.
A house by the lake near Berlin: this is where former pop star Arthur Weyer, 75, and his wife Elsa, who is ten years his junior, spent many happy hours. But that is a long time ago. The couple separated four years ago - Arthur had fallen in love with a much younger woman. This relationship failed since Arthur fell ill with dementia. Despite all the bitterness, Elsa still feels responsible for Arthur and is looking for a place in a nursing home. In order to be able to finance this, the house on the lake has to be sold - but against Arthur's will. For clearing out and repairs, the two hire 45-year-old Sorin, who lives alone on a houseboat and works as a DJ. Sorin and Arthur get along great right away. First, there are violent arguments between Elsa and Sorin. But slowly Elsa and Sorin are getting closer. Suddenly things are brought up that have been repressed for years.
Volker Heitmann
Una vez más, Doro no puede decir que no. Lleva a su exmarido Volker a su casa y le promete ser su cuidador temporal. Pero acaba de enamorarse de Moritz. Con yesos en un brazo y una pierna, Volker ahora se relaja en el sofá de la casa que solían compaUna vez más, Doro no puede decir que no. Lleva a su exmarido Volker a su casa y le promete ser su cuidador temporal. Pero acaba de enamorarse de Moritz. Con yesos en un brazo y una pierna, Volker ahora se relaja en el sofá de la casa que solían compartir, sintiéndose extremadamente cómodo. Doro, sin embargo, se debate entre cuidar de Volker y pasar tiempo con su nuevo novio Moritz, quien encuentra a su exmarido cada vez más insoportable.
Jörg Dwigs
Un canguro comunista se muda con un artista en Berlín.
Johannes Fischer
A chief commissioner investigates the murder of a young woman and a fatal car accident. Apparently there is a connection between the two cases.
Paul Bacher
Paul Bacher is in crisis. If he could feel in the past as one of the most influential writers of his generation, he has long lacked ideas and impetus for a new great work. His reading tours are becoming more and more a sad affair with too much alcohol and too little public. Then Paul overflows in a drunken hitchhiker, flees first scared and later removes the body, without talking to anyone about the experience. But something is flowing in its interior. Paul starts to write again. The criticism is done, but the story about the death of a hitchhiker also arouses suspicion.
Godehard von Knigge
After plotting a way to get kicked out of boarding school, the twins diverge for the first time in their lives when Nanni starts enjoying her stay.
Jochen Falk
Four very retired, ex-GDR spies, or "Kundschafter des Friedens" as they were officially named, led by the once legendary Jochen Falk, are called on by the German government. Their mission is to rescue the interim president of the divided Republic of Katschekistan, who has been kidnapped by separatists, along with Berlin's official man on the ground, Franz Kern. To keep Jochen and his maybe no longer so crack team under control, all of whom are determined to prove they were treated unfairly by history, they are put under the command of the young and enthusiastic BND agent Paula Kern.
Ludger van Scherten
The friends and amateur detectives Rico and Oskar experiencing their last adventure together. Here everything is really only one well, because now they live next door to. Ricos mother Tanya and Buhl are together, Oskar is with his father Lars pulled to Rico into the house. But dies as the grumpy Fitzke, the trouble begins. The stone Breeder inherited Rico his beloved stone-collection over which the boy also very pleased - but then he and his buddy note that Rico's favorite stone calf stone was stolen. The task now is to make the thieves apprehended. And because there are on the way to the Baltic Sea, Rico and Oskar must as soon as possible afterwards. Glad Tanja is flown by Buhl in the "snogging holiday" ...
Berlin, the vibrant life. Only cashier Emma feels really lonely. There is nothing wrong with her, she just goes underground in the big city. Her desire to meet people has brought Emma to a strange idea: she lets go in the supermarket purses of customers and later presents herself as a hospitable finder, who invites you to pick up at the laid table. Unfortunately, the visit remains short. Only the shrewd homeless August who sees through her starts to get interested in Emma.
Ludgar van Scherten
For the first time ever Rico has a friend coming over for a sleepover! After weeks of not seeing each other, Rico and Oskar are reunited again and start their adventure with the weekly bingo at the retirement home. But although Tanja even wins two handbags Oskar seems suspiciously grumpy and Tanja oddly sad. On top of things Oskar's dad leaves a bag in front of the door because he needs some distance from his son. So much heart affliction is too much for Rico!
Max Polke
Thore Nerhus
Paul Havemeister
Paul Weigel
Tres parejas de amigos celebran la jubilación de Paul haciendo una cena. La conversación obliga a Klaus a confesar que engaña a Marlene. Esta cena marca un antes y un después en la vida de los seis amigos.
Felix is on the edge. He has got just one thing on his mind: Valerie - his wife, who has recently left him. He returns to the place of their final break-up. Valerie's ex-lover Thomas is also here, but not for sentimental reasons. By chance the two men meet in a restaurant. By chance Felix discovers who he is facing. And then starts the inscrutable game.
Carl Schuster
Cuando tres generaciones de una familia tienen temporalmente a vivir juntos bajo un mismo techo caos sobreviene.
Bürgermeister Müller
A lifeguard at Lake Müggel has his hand bitten off and the marks indicate a shark attack. The lake is closed to the public by extending a local festival indefinitely while the city council thinks of what can be done to remove the shark. The public becomes restless having their lake closed for so long and come up with a plan to drive the shark from the lake with large quantities of beer.
Huck Finn lleva una vida de buenos modales con la Srta. Douglas y la señorita Watson: la escuela, la iglesia, la tarea, y el obediente esclavo Jim, que le sirve su carne asada. Huck no ama nada más que el exterior viviendo en un barril y comer pescado en un palo. Siempre que puede, se va con su amigo Tom... Se van después de hacerse ricos en su última aventura, sus días de aventuras parecen ser más...
A girl who always tends to fall in love with the wrong guy meets one who believes the world is coming to an end next Tuesday.
Ruprecht „Rupi“ Welser
When Ruprecht forgets his wife Johanna at the taxi stand and shows no regrets, the well-off architect's wife tries the uprising after 30 years of marriage. Although Christmas is just around the corner, she quickly moves into the apartment of the young taxi driver Ellie, whom she has just met. When it comes to protecting Ellie's home from illegal demolition, Johanna rediscovers her legal talent. But they are fighting strong opponents: an influential real estate speculator and her willing architects - Ruprecht of all people.
Gerd Bergmann
Lisa acepta con entusiasmo casarse con su amigo croata, Hrvoje. Sin emabargo, sus familias son incompatibles: la madre de Hrvoje es católica y muy erstricta y la de Lisa es hippie.
Georg Tauber
Beate Uhse was a German pilot and entrepreneur. The only female stunt pilot in Germany in the 1930s, after World War II she started the first sex shop in the world. The company she started, Beate Uhse AG, is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and is the world leader in sales of sexual aids. The company also started a television channel on the Premiere network of television channels.
Werner Grabosch
Grumpy baker Grabosch can't bear the thought that his granddaughter, now that her mother has died, will live with her Polish father. He must get Mathilda back, by all means.
Generalmajor Bursky
Johann Kaspar Goethe - Vater
After aspiring poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe fails his law exams, he's sent to a sleepy provincial court to reform. Instead, he falls for Lotte, a young woman who is promised to another man.
Bürgermeister Heinz Strakow
Actually, the young Berlin doctor Jan Büchner wanted to go directly to the Baltic Sea for a week. But a detour forces him to drive over land. And then his car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, just behind a small town called Marienhagen. The residents of Marienhagen take care of Jans Wohl and make the stay as pleasant as possible. A comedy about rural doctors and people who fight for their pride and self-respect and take their destiny in their own hands in their own hands.
König Gustav
Princess Elisabeth, the beautiful only child of a widowed queen is sent off to marry the prince Leopold to whom she is betrothed. Before she leaves, her mother presents her with a small token. This token provides her with magical protection. However, the maidservant Magdalena, who accompanies the princess treats her very brutishly, and when circumstances cause the princess to lose her token, the maid seizes the opportunity to force the princess into trading places. She makes the princess switch clothes with her.
David, a waiter, finds an unpublished manuscript in a dresser drawer. To impress a girl, he claims to be the author. When the novel becomes a best-seller, the real author introduces himself and begins to take over David's life.
Otto Kullberg
En Whisky with Vodka, gracias al cual Andreas Dresen ganó el premio al mejor director en Karlovy Vary, un maduro actor se enfrenta a sus limitaciones durante el rodaje de una comedia. El guión es obra de Wolfgang Kohlhaase, que ya había trabajado con Dresen en 2005 en Verano en Berlín (premio al mejor guión en el Festival de San Sebastián). Como en aquella película, existe una cierta sensación de melancolía detrás de todo lo que pasa. Algunos de los temas que Dresen y Kohlhaase exploran en Whisky with Vodka, como el envejecimiento y la importancia de vivir el momento, ya que puede no volver a presentarse jamás, está en línea con una película con la que Dresen tuvo mucho éxito en Una Cierta Mirada de Cannes, En el séptimo cielo.
Oskar Kubiczek
An ill man’s dying wish reunites four old friends.
Fritz von Barneck / Max Hartmann
Una mujer millonaria aparece muerta en un lujoso apartamento. La policía sospecha de inmediato de su marido, un hombre de negocios sin escrúpulos con un hermano gemelo, hecho que complica el caso.
Herr Luckner sen.
Carsten Zelewski
Jan Landers made it: Grown up in East Berlin, he quickly made his career after the turnaround: from the weatherman of a local station to the newsreader in Hamburg.
Jackie Zucker
Zucker es un periodista que está al límite de la ley, y su vida esta a punto de fracasar. Una herencia parece ser la salvación de sus problemas, pero una cláusula, convertirá todo en una pesadilla.
Oskar Boroschnin
A killer for the Russian Mafia in Vienna wants to retire and write a book about his passion - cooking. The mafia godfather suspects treason.
Sylvia Rosch is a woman with dangerous obsessions. Camouflaged by perfectly rehearsed masquerades, she wages a merciless campaign of revenge. Anyone who gets too close will succumb to an insidious murder. The marriage swindler's preferred victims are men worth millions. Barbara Lahn and Til Wegner from the BKA are facing a huge challenge. They are supposed to collect evidence against the angel of death.
El río Óder separa no sólo dos ciudades y dos países, sino también dos mundos diferentes, dos formas de vivir. Un grupo de personas con sus defectos y equivocaciones, pero llenos de buenas intenciones, luchan por encontrar su camino en el confuso mundo que les ha tocado vivir: algunos lo harán en la luz y otros en la oscuridad.
Frank Häussler
Martin Rogatzki
Kriminalsekretär Fabich
Kommissar Glowalla
Stepan Trofimowitsch Werchowenski
In the last house just behind the western borders of Russia, between Paris/Texas and Korleput/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Cindy Sherman, Dogma 95 and Duma 2000, Frank Castorf directs his virst video production "Dämonen" ("Demons") as a sort of post-Soviet-panslavistic panopticon in his own dramaturgy based on Dostojewski's "Demons" and Camus' "The Posessed". All that in set designer Bert Neumann's industrial-designed bungalow (with swimming pool) built onto forbidding landscape.
Hauptkommissar Robert Nebe
Klaus Kellermann
A political drama about the assassination of a leading politician. When Hugo comes out of jail, the Communist party has embarrassingly swung in a new direction, namely Hoederer's line. Now Hugo must die.
A group of kids grow up on the short, wrong (east) side of the Sonnenallee in Berlin, right next to one of the few border crossings between East and West reserved for German citizens. The antics of these kids, their families, of the "West German" friends and relatives who come to visit, and of the East German border guards, all serve to illustrate the absurdity of everyday life on the Sonnenallee, and therefore throughout the former East Germany.
Henry Brandis
A policewoman is put on a man with organized crime connections to gain access to a trafficking ring. However, she does not know that he is a hit man for this ring and so they start an affair that can mean many problems for both of them.
Max Boyd
The actors Martin and Maria have not been a couple for a long time, but they didn't get very far without each other. While he spends his time with alcohol, numerous affairs and reveries about his own film, she is bored with her young lover. When Maria surprisingly finds the loot of a bank robbery in the trash, she takes the opportunity to get rid of her lover, only to run into her ex-husband shortly afterwards. The old passion flares up again and Martin suddenly sees the chance to finally realize his long-held script.
Jochen Gauditz
J. Carpenter
Whenever a criminal is killed in London, a black Jaguar is nearby, with a white cat always sitting in the passenger seat. Inspector Higgins and Inspector Lane find a joker card on all the victims. Their investigation leads them to a diamond smuggling ring.
Albert Belmont
Jürgen Kirchhoff
Georg Lalinde
Television film based on a short story by Christa Wolf.
Winnetou (voice)
Night watchman
A gloomy small town at peace with itself on the edge of a bizarre industrial landscape. The former night watchman of the industrial complex is discovered murdered. The police inspector in charge of the case soon sees a link between the murder and an ominous poison gas depot established at the end of World War II by a Nazi partisan group called The Werewolfs.
A teenager is found murdered, and the examining doctor recognizes her son's knife. The film works its way back to reveal how this situation came about; a rare treatment of the taboo subject of youth criminality in Socialist society.
Günter Meyer
Heinz Kanzia
Rando Beggerow
Film by Bernhard Stephan.
Ralf Klotz
Benno (Torsten Rennert), a bright boy from Berlin, is not really a problem case, although his parents have enough trouble with him. But that's not just because of Benno, but because no one really has time for him. During a train ride, he meets a pensioner Oskar Schrader (Erwin Geschonneck), who likes to cook, collect watches, master magic tricks and who lives in the middle of nature. Between them they develop a real friendship. Benno is allowed to spend his school holidays with his friend. The grumpy Oskar lives alone in a garden colony - with friendly and unfriendly neighbors. Benno enjoys playing tricks with his buddy Mutz (Thomas Hoffer) on this neighborhood including the cranky animal lover Irma Kalweit (Agnes Krause) and the rude daredevil Ralf Klotz (Henry Hübchen).
Thomas Obermann
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
Shortly after Chile's 1973 military coup, three men are fleeing across the Andes to Argentina. They witness the murder of a farmer by Chilean police and end up at the home of the farmer's heavily pregnant wife.
Thomas Niedler
En vísperas de la guerra de los campesinos, el pintor Jörg Ratgeb está en busca de una figura de Cristo, y Jörg no puede encontrar a nadie que pueda cumplir este deseo. Rodeado de dudas, deja a su esposa e hijos en la búsqueda del camino de su modelo a seguir, Alberto Durero.
St. Just
Thomas Flemming
The fully loaded Trabi rolled towards the Baltic Sea and father Detlef is for once in excellent mood. Did he not agreed with his friend Alfred, located immediately each issue back with an urgent telegram from the resort. But as the two then adventurous go stalking in the jungle of the big city, they experience a failure after another. Sullen Detlef longs for marriage Trott and campground. There would be matched and over the years rather bland become married woman Eveline is undergoing a remarkable transformation.
Lehrer Lindner
La acción transcurre en 1944, en Polonia, con los judíos atrapados en un ghetto. Jakob es una de tantas personas desesperadas en ese lugar. Una tarde, cuando pasa cerca del cuartel de la Gestapo, escucha una radio, que anuncia la victoria rusa en su avance sobre Berlín. Corre a contarlo y su interlocutor cree que tiene una radio escondida con la que escucha las esperanzadoras victorias soviéticas. Al mismo tiempo, Jakob adopta a Lina, una huérfana, para esconderla de los nazis. Mientras, el médico anima a Jakob a que siga contando historias, pues estas les dan a los judíos una razón para vivir. En 1999, Peter Kassovitz dirigió un remake protagonizado por Robin Williams.
As American settlers encroach on the lands of the Lakota people, Tokei-ihto witnesses the murder of his father at the hands of Red Fox, who wanted information on where the tribe finds its gold. Two years later, at the height of the Great Sioux War, Tokei-ihto and Red Fox meet again.
König Gustav