Luis Miranda

Luis Miranda

Nacimiento : 1969-12-15, Santo Antônio de Jesus, Bahia, Brazil


Luis Miranda
Luis Miranda


Meu Sangue Ferve por Você
Bem-Vinda a Quixeramobim
Doutor Alexandre
Aimée is a millionaire influencer who has all her family's assets blocked, except for a farm in the countryside of Ceará that she inherited from her grandfather. She leaves for the hinterland in an attempt to sell the property, but ashamed of the new reality, she invents that she will take a "sabbatical period" for a year. Thus, she will have to deal with her new life and sustain the lie on social media.
Lima Barreto ao Terceiro Dia
Lima Barreto
Executive Order
En un distópico y cercano futuro en Brasil, un gobierno autoritario ordena a todos los ciudadanos descendientes de africanos que se vayan a África, generando así caos, protestas, y un movimiento underground de resistencia, que inspirará a toda la nación.
O Auto da Boa Mentira
Carlinhos & Carlão
Carlão es un hombre prejuicioso que trabaja en un concesionario de automóviles con Cadinho, Zeca y Antunes. En las conversaciones entre ellos, Carlão siempre se jacta de ser el mayor conocedor del fútbol y la mecánica, todo en medio de bromas machistas y homofóbicas. Cuando Evaristo es el objetivo de tales agresiones verbales, lo persigue y lo encierra en un casillero mágico. De ahí viene Carlinhos, un alter ego homosexual que se apodera del cuerpo de Carlão cuando llega la noche.
Una segunda madre
Antônio Jardineiro
Val es una interna que se toma su trabajo muy en serio. Sirve a un adinerado matrimonio de São Paulo día y noche, y cuida a su hijo adolescente, al que ha criado desde su infancia. El orden de este hogar parece inquebrantable, hasta que un día llega desde su ciudad de origen la inteligente y ambiciosa hija de Val, Jessica, a la que había dejado al cuidado de unos familiares en el norte de Brasil 13 años atrás. La presencia de la joven pone en peligro el balance de poder en la casa. Esta nueva situación pondrá en tela de juicio las lealtades de Val y la obligará a valorar lo que está dispuesta a perder.
Beto is a bus conductor married to Gilda, who longs to have a child. When Beto gets closer to Leia, owner of his favorite bar, he meets Valcir, a newcomer who completes the love triangle that results in pregnancy. Amid the difficulties in dealing with this situation, the characters run through the city and find out more about themselves as they learn to confront their personal conflicts.
Aos ventos que virão
Trampolim do Forte
De Pernas pro Ar 2
Mano Love
Alice owns a network of sex shops and workaholic who, in trying to reconcile the harsh routine of work and family life, suffers nervous breakdown, she is forced by her husband to go to spa. Precisely at this time, appears unique opportunity to expand its business in New York. Using fun gimmicks, risks his health, leaves spa party there with family to ride, but actually in order to facilitate their professional interests. In trying to reconcile the agendas, engage in hilarious situations and mistakes that culminate in the possible separation of the couple.
O Diário de Tati
Seu Neves
Tati is a typical teenager, unable to learn mathematics, but very intelligent when creating plans to escape the punishment of the mother. During the summer, she needs to hide that she has to do math classes to improve her grades, conquer Zeca, the most popular boy in school and also care for the heartache of her mother, who wants to try to find a new love.
Homens de Bem
Ciba (Rodrigo Santoro) is an independent investigator who works together with the police. A typical fallible hero who struggles with strong personal issues, while preventing crime and injustice. His partner, Deputy Ulisses (Luis Miranda), is a well-meaning professional who recognizes the difficulty in securing his function using only common artifacts, and Ciba's unofficial contact is of utmost importance for the progress of his investigations.
Mañana nunca más
Walter es un padre y marido ausente que trabaja en un hospital que lo consume tanto que practicamente no tiene tiempo para la familia. Su redención acontece cuando su esposa lo manda a por el pastel de cumpleaños de su hija, pero lo que no sabe es que en el transcurso del viaje de vuelta a casa, le sucederá lo imposible para que todo salga mal.
In a movie theater, a man wakes up and looks at the screen. "What's that?", he asks his girlfriend. "A movie", she replies. Is it?
Onde Está a Felicidade?
Amigo no Jantar
Pai Amâncio
Exposed by his girlfriend through a video on the Internet, Bruno tries to revive his reputation, but all he can do is get into a series of traps (Cilada, in Portuguese). is a comedy about love and betrayal that shows the power of the Internet to transform small intimacies and slips in fame and constraints globalized.
Pai de Santo
Exposed by his girlfriend through a video on the Internet, Bruno tries to revive his reputation, but all he can do is get into a series of traps (Cilada, in Portuguese). is a comedy about love and betrayal that shows the power of the Internet to transform small intimacies and slips in fame and constraints globalized.
Muita Calma Nessa Hora
Three young friends, Tita, Mari and Aninha decide to change their situations and travel to a beach place for a weekend. On the road, they meet Estrella, a hippie that wants a hide to try to find her unknown father. Together, they will live hilarious, absurd and moving situations. More than a change the air, they change themselves.
Las dos muertes de Quincas
Pé de vento
Rey de los boliches, burdeles y salones de baile en Bahia, el ex burócrata Quincas Berro d’Agua es encontrado muerto en su cama. Inconformados con su muerte, sus mejores amigos “se roban” a su cuerpo y lo llevan para una última noche de parranda, regada a mucha bebida. Entre mil y un líos, Quincas “vive” una segunda y definitiva muerte, una tal cual la que el siempre soñó. Basada en la obra de Jorge Amado. (FILMAFFINITY)
Jean Charles
The tragic true story of Jean Charles de Menezes, the innocent Brazilian shot dead by British police in 2005 at the height of the London terrorist alerts.
My Name Ain't Johnny
The true story of João Guilherme Estrella ("Johnny"), a young middle-class bon vivant who became a big-time cocaine dealer in Rio de Janeiro in the early 1990s.
Faça Sua História
Taxi driver Oswaldir (Stepan Nercessian) entertains his passengers with stories from his daily work. In the special, the taxi driver tells several cases to a passenger (Luiz Gustavo), such as the story of the manicurist Ivonete (Rita Guedes), a woman so stunning that she was called to be Miss Irajá and pose for the cover of a magazine. Despite all the praise she received, she didn't have a boyfriend. Until Haroldão (Ernesto Piccolo) appeared. He won her over with a beautiful line, but soon let her down.
The Sign of the City
Teca, a late-night radio show host, uses her astrological skills to help listeners who call in for advice. But her own life feels empty and lonely. One day she makes the acquaintance of her handsome new neighbour, Gil, only to find out he is married.
O Amor do Palhaço
The end. Grete, beach personality from Canoa Quebrada, is dead. His story goes back in time, moments in his life reveal his trajectory until the moment he makes the fateful decision to leave Circo Maximo and venture out alone. The beginning of the end.
Insane Tuesday
Dona Edith / Vovó Arminda / MC Dollar
Insane Tuesday debuted in São Paulo in 2001. The project was dedicated to the study of Brazilian comedy, to the transformation of actors into authors of their own characters and texts, and to the promotion of original productions of contemporary adult humor.
Paulo Boca
La película está basada en las experiencias del doctor Drauzio Varella en la prisión estatal Carandiru, en São Paulo, Brasil, durante sus trabajos de prevención del SIDA. En la prisión se encontró con cientos de convictos bajo condiciones infrahumanas hasta el punto culminante de 1992 cuando una revuelta provocó el asesinato de 111 hombres.
Enfermeiro Marcelo
A trip to the mental institution hell. This odyssey is lived by Neto, a middle class teenager, who lives a normal life until his father sends him to a mental institution after finding drugs on his pocket. The maconha cigarrete is just the final drop that exposes the family tragedy. Send to a mental institution, Neto gets to know a completely absurd, inhumane reality in which the people are devoured by a corrupt and cruel institution system. The documentary type language used by the director give this movie a sensation of realty that increases even more the impact of the emotions Neto goes through. In the mental institution, Neto is forced to mature. The transformations that he goes through change this relations with his father.
Comedia sobre cinco empleadas domésticas brasileñas que expresan sus desventuras y azares.
O Clube das Mulheres de Negócios
Set in an imaginary world where gender stereotypes are inverted, that is, women occupy positions of power while men are raised to be socially submissive. Emerging issues are addressed, not just machismo, but racism, classism and corruption, rooted in the patriarchal culture of Brazil and the world.